Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
^ By your saying "come at me bro:, did you realize what I meant, and what you were getting into? IE I may report your post if you get any more abusive with your comments. Also, why is it of concern to you what sort of computer I have? Would you like it if I picked on your computer? By all means, list what type it is and it's specs. I'm sure I can find something I can comment on...

Wow! you don't have to get so pissy about everything Tlowr! Just get over it, it's not like he is actually going to treat you worse than the rest of the world just because you have a mac! He just doesn't wan't to get one because they are terrible for lots of games.

@Ryou I wouldn't run a server because of porting forward internet, it get's pretty expensive when you end up paying for all your friends internet.
@Ryou I wouldn't run a server because of porting forward internet, it get's pretty expensive when you end up paying for all your friends internet.

Plus you also have to make sure your ISP gives you a static IP for your modem. For my ISP I have to pay for a business account to get a static address!
This thread should not be closed. It's a Minecraft thread, so it applies to everything Minecraft. Not just DQCraft.
Should arrange for this thread to be closed to 'encourage' people to go to the enjin site.

No way, I really don't wish to use the new website at all. I am comfortable using this site as I have for the last 5 years and I am happy to use this thread for anything minecraft. DQCraft just happens to primary topic of this thread.

Really no big deal.
Parkour Veyron, you seem to have a couple of buildings lying around the town centre which don't appear to get used. There is what looks like an incomplete shop near the god panel and what is apparently your house beside my shop.

The house was supposedly burnt down and repaired with cobblestone by someone? It appears as though you don't use it and that's why i'm posting here now. I'd like the land if you aren't using it. So if that's fine by you and you aren't using the land, I kindly ask if you could remove your building so that my shop can be extended onto its land.

Thanks :).
Yes, I usually use the app for my Android tablet to browse this site, and the other website wont update my profile picture. Whenever I upload a new one, it just stays the same. And it's confusing.

EDIT: I just voted, we're now on 456, one less than yesterday. Come on, comrades, vote for the greater good!

EDIT: Nice, comrades, now at 445th!
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Parkour Veyron, you seem to have a couple of buildings lying around the town centre which don't appear to get used. There is what looks like an incomplete shop near the god panel and what is apparently your house beside my shop.
Oh they're used, you're just never on when I use them. The shop's a WIP.
The house was supposedly burnt down and repaired with cobblestone by someone? It appears as though you don't use it and that's why i'm posting here now. I'd like the land if you aren't using it. So if that's fine by you and you aren't using the land, I kindly ask if you could remove your building so that my shop can be extended onto its land.
Yes, it was burnt down by somebody who framed somebody else.

And I use it a lot, whenever I'm on actually, and it contains 90% of my belongings, so no, I'm not moving it. Sorry.
Oh they're used, you're just never on when I use them. The shop's a WIP.

Yes, it was burnt down by somebody who framed somebody else.

And I use it a lot, whenever I'm on actually, and it contains 90% of my belongings, so no, I'm not moving it. Sorry.

In that case, Dunc, is it possible that the bank be moved as pretty much noone uses it (what's the point) and it takes up so much room for shops.
I've seen the bank being used. It just best that you find some new land that is not used.

Honestly, I think if you took a petition you would find that most of the active users find no use for it. Often I hear people complain about it as there simply is nowhere else people want to build shops. The other side of the god panel did have space once Jai's memorial was moved but has sinced been replace with a pool and small farm. On top of that noone wants to build a shop behind stuff like the god panel or other shops as few people go around and look for shops that aren't near the middle/ can even see there is a shop there.
What Legendary said. I don't even know the purpose of the bank. It's an indestructible safehouse for your most valuable items, but the [PRIVATE] plugin for chests and doors makes it completely pointless.
What Legendary said. I don't even know the purpose of the bank. It's an indestructible safehouse for your most valuable items, but the [PRIVATE] plugin for chests and doors makes it completely pointless.
Exactly that.
What Legendary said. I don't even know the purpose of the bank. It's an indestructible safehouse for your most valuable items, but the [PRIVATE] plugin for chests and doors makes it completely pointless.

True, but having a bank adds realism to the town and some people might like to store their stuff there.
In that case, Dunc, is it possible that the bank be moved as pretty much noone uses it (what's the point) and it takes up so much room for shops.

Why don't you, 'ya know, build else where? There's plenty of space in the spawn village.

Dunc, the coords for the station are 138, 65, 553.
Me and Daniel found a really nice island we're planning to make into a town. I can give you coords for it. And we already decided to name it Svalbard.
Why don't you, 'ya know, build else where? There's plenty of space in the spawn village.

Dunc, the coords for the station are 138, 65, 553.

Because as I said above (don't think I can multi quote on phone), I know myself and others don't bother looking for shops that are hidden behind large objects/ that are not near the other shops. It's bad for business to be anywhere but the CBD as such.

Edit: However, if one of us grows a pair of nuts and builds behind the floating house I think slowly people will build there too. That will then go along the side of the castle and along the side of the bank. I might do that when I get home, build another shop over there. Hopefully others will too otherwise it's pointless :P.
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Well, Tyne, mine is an ancient Acer Travelmate 6592G.
... (cut for shortness)

Wow! you don't have to get so pissy about everything Tlowr! Just get over it, it's not like he is actually going to treat you worse than the rest of the world just because you have a mac! He just doesn't wan't to get one because they are terrible for lots of games.

:lol: Adam, if you knew the way Chukov degrades me as a person just because I use a Mac machine for the majority of my work, you wouldn't have made that comment. I know you're trying to back up your friend, but please :lol:

EDIT: 438 on Minestatus! Joyous day.

EDIT2: I'm currently flying around looking for a place for the Underground City project. Would anyone object if I were to use spawned TNT to create it? I'm sure there'll be someone, but as long as the majority don't mind, I'd spawn it in. Only reason is that it's damn near impossible to retrieve gunpowder to make it since creepers dissapear now.
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:lol: Adam, if you knew the way Chukov degrades me as a person just because I use a Mac machine for the majority of my work, you wouldn't have made that comment. I know you're trying to back up your friend, but please :lol:

EDIT: 438 on Minestatus! Joyous day.

EDIT2: I'm currently flying around looking for a place for the Underground City project. Would anyone object if I were to use spawned TNT to create it? I'm sure there'll be someone, but as long as the majority don't mind, I'd spawn it in. Only reason is that it's damn near impossible to retrieve gunpowder to make it since creepers dissapear now.

Honestly, I object to all things illegitimate unless it's strictly a creative server. That's just my view on it though, it's hardly my server.

The way you and chukov talk and act to each other is so immature, not kidding either.
Honestly, I object to all things illegitimate unless it's strictly a creative server. That's just my view on it though, it's hardly my server.

Yeah, I see what you mean. However we already have several worldedited buildings, spawn, launchpad, and the bank (which should be moved *wink wink dunc cough wink*)

The way you and chukov talk and act to each other is so immature, not kidding either.

I'm sorry?... Just curious how I'm in any significant way, the immature one to Chukov. When people degrade me as a person for something utterly stupid, it dosn't impress me. If I stand and tell him so, that then gives others to say I'm an immature person, simply because I told Chukov I don't appreciate his comments. It seems no matter what I do, I, and many others on the server, get called immature for things they just plainly aren't immature about. If you all want me to be a hard old sod that has no fun and ruins everyone fun on the server, by all means, I will ablige.

Oh, and watch now, people will say I'm immature because I said what I said. They'll also say I'm ignorant and can't see my own faults because I'm too self centered ;)👍
Yeah, I see what you mean. However we already have several worldedited buildings, spawn, launchpad, and the bank (which should be moved *wink wink dunc cough wink*)

I'm sorry?... Just curious how I'm in any significant way, the immature one to Chukov. When people degrade me as a person for something utterly stupid, it dosn't impress me. If I stand and tell him so, that then gives others to say I'm an immature person, simply because I told Chukov I don't appreciate his comments. It seems no matter what I do, I, and many others on the server, get called immature for things they just plainly aren't immature about. If you all want me to be a hard old sod that has no fun and ruins everyone fun on the server, by all means, I will ablige.

Oh, and watch now, people will say I'm immature because I said what I said. They'll also say I'm ignorant and can't see my own faults because I'm too self centered ;)👍
Yes, and I support none of those really. Meh.

Well just for instance, when I joined yesterday and Chukov was talking about the prices. I had no problem with it, you just didn't want to hear it. I was more than happy to hear it. You tell him not to say a word and he says, 'No u Flowr'. You then say, 'if I hear another word from you Chukov..'. There is no rule against him saying stuff like that really, I had already told you I was interested in what he had to say.

It's just that everything he says, directed at you or not seems to be taken personally or overboard by you. Just let him be man, not everyone has the exact same etiquettes/ social ways as you or me. You have to allow room for people to be different, it's just who he is and you getting stirred up makes him be 'annoying' to you more often.

Nothing personal, just saying.
EDIT2: I'm currently flying around looking for a place for the Underground City project. Would anyone object if I were to use spawned TNT to create it? I'm sure there'll be someone, but as long as the majority don't mind, I'd spawn it in. Only reason is that it's damn near impossible to retrieve gunpowder to make it since creepers dissapear now.

I don't mind, as long as there is no visible damage above ground. That said, I would prefer if it was mined out by members of the server. It would make the project feel like more of an achievement and lots could benefit from materials we discover.
Tried building a road on the last bit of open land left in Highbridge but I forgot it's just a thin veil of dirt over the sunken bit that was there before, which means I'd have to prop up each bit of gravel road with 2 blocks of dirt and then remove the bottom one each time (2 block gap under the dirt veil.)
Tried. But there is more land around there now for a shop or two anyway. We're getting there...
Yes, and I support none of those really. Meh.

Well just for instance, when I joined yesterday and Chukov was talking about the prices. I had no problem with it, you just didn't want to hear it. I was more than happy to hear it. You tell him not to say a word and he says, 'No u Flowr'. You then say, 'if I hear another word from you Chukov..'. There is no rule against him saying stuff like that really, I had already told you I was interested in what he had to say.

It's just that everything he says, directed at you or not seems to be taken personally or overboard by you. Just let him be man, not everyone has the exact same etiquettes/ social ways as you or me. You have to allow room for people to be different, it's just who he is and you getting stirred up makes him be 'annoying' to you more often.

Nothing personal, just saying.

It's just he goes to an extent of things that isn't reasonable. He seems to want everything and everyone one to change for him. He pulls all kinds of crap, and I'm getting tired of it. For instance, the thing the other day was that he'd already droned on about it for a half hour before you got there, and if I had to hear it again I would have screamed... which I did, inside my head. But I know what you mean, I'll try to be a bit more lenient.

And Chukov, sorry you had to read this, but that's just it. But I'll give you space to be you. I overstepped a boundry. Not to say you can get away with being a jerk though, but I was a bit harsh on you...

I don't mind, as long as there is no visible damage above ground. That said, I would prefer if it was mined out by members of the server. It would make the project feel like more of an achievement and lots could benefit from materials we discover.

Ohhhh, you might be on to something. This is going to be a bloody big build, but we could make it a community thing if everyone was willing. Not to say it would 100% be mined out, blowing bits and peices here and there to help would be OK, but if everyone would be willing to gear up we could have a few big days/weeks of working on it, if everyone was willing to stick with it.

I can't make anything yet since I havn't actually discovered a suitable place to create it, but once I do we might arrange something. However, as a prequote to everyone that's interested in it:

Start stocking up. Armor, and especially, tools and torches. And food. If anyone needs Diamonds picks, when it gets closer to the time of the build, I'll make some and drop the prices on them in my store.

Sweet idea, Ryan. Got my brain ticking. If anyone else has got any other suggestions, post them :D

It's just he goes to an extent of things that isn't reasonable. He seems to want everything and everyone one to change for him. He pulls all kinds of crap, and I'm getting tired of it. For instance, the thing the other day was that he'd already droned on about it for a half hour before you got there, and if I had to hear it again I would have screamed... which I did, inside my head. But I know what you mean, I'll try to be a bit more lenient.

And Chukov, sorry you had to read this, but that's just it. But I'll give you space to be you. I overstepped a boundry. Not to say you can get away with being a jerk though, but I was a bit harsh on you...

Ohhhh, you might be on to something. This is going to be a bloody big build, but we could make it a community thing if everyone was willing. Not to say it would 100% be mined out, blowing bits and peices here and there to help would be OK, but if everyone would be willing to gear up we could have a few big days/weeks of working on it, if everyone was willing to stick with it.

I can't make anything yet since I havn't actually discovered a suitable place to create it, but once I do we might arrange something. However, as a prequote to everyone that's interested in it:

Start stocking up. Armor, and especially, tools and torches. And food. If anyone needs Diamonds picks, when it gets closer to the time of the build, I'll make some and drop the prices on them in my store.

Sweet idea, Ryan. Got my brain ticking. If anyone else has got any other suggestions, post them :D

Thats a fairly good idea, make a plan for it when you're ready, get a bit of it in action and watch it roll.

Plan your detonations too, for that extra satisfaction :P.

*digs into hill*

//set sphere TNT 30

*sees sphere of diameter of 30 fill with TNT*

*sets down redstone torch*

:D Then we can all watch the fireworks.