Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Just so you know, having a friend over is absolutely no excuse for their actions. It's the same here on gtp, if someone gets onto you're account and posts pornography, kiss yourself goodbye.

So if his friends do something really bad it can't be helped, we don't even know ourselves that he is trustworthy, we just trust you with that. Just a heads up, in case stuff from his mates keeps happening.
Unfortunatly, he has lied to you Chukov. I can post a screenshot if really nessecary, but it says "Daniel_zip_com: Open Container (-12 DIAMOND)". It also says (-64 GRAVEL) but he can take that no worries, it's just gravel :P. There is a few missing slots that I assume are signs, but I'd already told him it was OK for him to take those if he needed them.

Ordinarily I wouldn't bother asking for them back, I've got plenty, but since he's new to this whole scene he needs to learn that it's not right to take stuff that isn't yours (well, anything of value at very least). If he dosn't, he'll take something off someone that gets real pissed about it and chucks a hissy fit, and he'll end up earning himself a strike.
I actually bought minecraft, wooo.

I will try and join you guys, eventually.

My username is Crashbroke23. (Psst, that means un-guest me?)
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For the first time ever in my Minecraft career, a skeleton dropped a bow when I killed it. (On the server, too!)

*Goes to scream it to the world*

Dunc, can you please put the server up for download ASAP? I'd really love to occupy my computer with something to do over the weekend, (rendering) as I'm probably not going to use it much.

So I TP'd to help Rex get out of the nether not realizing at first that he was actually in the nether, and as a result lost my godmode.

We've got serious lag issues, but we don't like to jump up and down about it much. I however have had the luxury of godmode when it gets very laggy. Dunc, can you PLEASE fix the moderator permissions...

And could I request you add another one, whereby I can god other people? When other people lag it's unfair that they die and loose their stuff just because the host has a bad connection. I would have been doing it all this time but I havn't had permissions, I could only god myself.

Also, can you get deathchests and deathtp working again? And in addition, even though creepers don't do damage to players now, they've really been taking a toll on my sheep farm. Is it possible to make the plugin work so that they don't damage passive mobs?

Dunc didn't like having deathchests scattered everywhere, it's not that the plugin didn't work. However, I +1 for having it returned.
^ Yeah, only because no one could learn to clean up after themselves. On many occasions I'd fly around just destoyring signs. If the plugin is returned (which I hope it is), please clean up after yourself, or it'll be into the jail for a half hour with you.

Oh and who took the resources for Jai's monument? I just went to rebuild it and they're gone. I would find out myself but, as useral, my commands aren't working... Whoever took them, please return them....
Tlowr, me and Jai collected them because we disapproved of the terrible job Enki did. I'll rebuild it the next time he gets banned.
Tlowr, me and Jai collected them because we disapproved of the terrible job Enki did. I'll rebuild it the next time he gets banned.

Why do we need to build a monument everytime someone gets banned?
Ok I've added the /back command instead of deathchests.

If you die, just do /back to go back to where you died.

It also works with any tp so if you tp home, then do /back, it will take you back to where you tp'ed from.
Ok I've added the /back command instead of deathchests.

If you die, just do /back to go back to where you died.

It also works with any tp so if you tp home, then do /back, it will take you back to where you tp'ed from.

That's great news! And its a good compromise. Thanks Dunc. :cheers:
Tlowr, me and Jai collected them because we disapproved of the terrible job Enki did. I'll rebuild it the next time he gets banned.

For the 10'847'274th, and final time, Enki just put the items there so I could rebuild it when I had time. It wasnt meant to be a special job, because he forgot how it was put together. Anyway, I'm not complaining, if Jai comes to some feat and you wish to pay your respects, it's fine to do so... just not in the middle of town right near spawn like last time, please...
Why should I not? Monuments are usually placed somewhere people can see it. And you did moan about that the space could've been used better, but now there's a farm never being used and a hole with water in it.
I've noticed that as well, was most of us shot or something? I know Lewis will be back soon, but there has been very little activity.
^ I believe he meant they were disappointed by the way Enki built it, and the next time Jai gets banned, he'll rebuild it. So, Enki is not banned. :)
I've noticed that as well, was most of us shot or something? I know Lewis will be back soon, but there has been very little activity.

I just got bored of minecraft in general and I think quite a few others did too.

Edit: Yay got to page 500!
Page 250 on my 40ppp premo.

Dunc, we've got a lot of guest coming online wanting to join in, and its hard to tell them to 'wait till the admin is online', which at this point seems to only be you, since Nick has apparently left minecraft again. People are at differant timezones and it can take weeks to work out the time when it suits you and the person. By then they'd have given up and left, I know there's been a few guests have gone 'well if I can't be made player now, shove it', in a nicer way.

Could you please maybe give Mods permission, since they're online more, or at least employ another admin that's online at reasonable times?

And maybe fix mod permissions as well? *puppy eyes*.
Page 250 on my 40ppp premo.

Dunc, we've got a lot of guest coming online wanting to join in, and its hard to tell them to 'wait till the admin is online', which at this point seems to only be you, since Nick has apparently left minecraft again. People are at differant timezones and it can take weeks to work out the time when it suits you and the person. By then they'd have given up and left, I know there's been a few guests have gone 'well if I can't be made player now, shove it', in a nicer way.

Could you please maybe give Mods permission, since they're online more, or at least employ another admin that's online at reasonable times?

And maybe fix mod permissions as well? *puppy eyes*.

I've noticed a large influx of guests too actually.
Hmm. It's good :) More activity on the server is always a good thing.

I've noticed one of two talking about Chukov, I'm assuming they're friends of his. They're welcome as long as they behave, as is every member.

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