Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Now my PC is being retarded again, I can play single but not multiplayer. It just freezes at the loading screen when entering a server, and in borwser it doesn't work at all. You know computer stuff, Tlowr, could you know what's wrong?
Hmmm. Probably just a glitched file or something. Back up your minecraft folder, delete, and redownload. Do you have any mods installed?
Duncan, I request to be unbanned, please, as it was such an absurd reason.. I also request that you remove that crap mod that the chat now uses.

Can't lag test with it..
You can blame the new plugin for that. :lol: Normally I type "." every time I use a /home command to lag test, did it too many times and got banned..

If I was banned for some other reason, though, something would be terribly wrong.
Sad Ryou is sad. I was planning to build something, too. :(

What really bugs me is the fact Duncan never seems to notice requests in such situations as this.
Yeah, he's rather slow. I mean, I'm not trying to complain, but, it just bothers me.. the fact that he is rarely on the forums he actually made for his server. What happened to, "Everything DQCraft will be discussed there"?

Also, I noticed I said 2 days, I meant almost one day. What I was really trying to say was I posted it around the hours of daylight in the UK.
He's only human. Also, I'd like to resign my position of administrator. This is not because I hate the server or it's players but rather I'm bored by the game and busy with work and college. I know some people will miss the houses I create but I'm just not in a situation to waste time and massively bored with minecraft.

I've had lots of fun on the server since day one and enjoyed most of the time that I've logged on the server. This does not mean I quit the server but it means it will be a long time before I'm back on again, at least when I find some fun in playing minecraft again.
The server has gone so stale. We need a massive group project to keep everyone busy, and perhaps stop the rivalry and hate around the lands of Pandora.
The server has gone so stale. We need a massive group project to keep everyone busy, and perhaps stop the rivalry and hate around the lands of Pandora.

Which is why I created the Naylag Project.
In my opinion Minecraft as a whole got stale. It was fun in the beginning and all, but now it's just boring to collect random crap and build something with it. I'd rather be racing in GT5, photoshopping, browsing the forums, watch YouTube or some other game than play Minecraft again. It's that stale to me now, the "wow!" factor I had in the beginning is gone, it just feels repetitive and I've lose my full interest.
The server has gone so stale. We need a massive group project to keep everyone busy, and perhaps stop the rivalry and hate around the lands of Pandora.

Let build a huge city. Not a towny one, something real metropolisish. And there is hate and rivalry?
After trying me ever-so-hardest to think of something to make in Minecraft, I'm going to create an army of snow golems, my own snow-maker, and expanding my farm. Although if the server is empty...
Sorry guys. I was at a wedding on saturday and bedridden with a god awful hangover yesterday. I'll be on shortly.
In my opinion Minecraft as a whole got stale. It was fun in the beginning and all, but now it's just boring to collect random crap and build something with it. I'd rather be racing in GT5, photoshopping, browsing the forums, watch YouTube or some other game than play Minecraft again. It's that stale to me now, the "wow!" factor I had in the beginning is gone, it just feels repetitive and I've lose my full interest.

Yeah this is the same for me.
Sorry guys. I was at a wedding on saturday and bedridden with a god awful hangover yesterday. I'll be on shortly.

Were you forced to wear some ridiculous clothes for the wedding? I'm still having nightmares of what I was made to wear when I had to go to one at the age of 5. :yuck:
I am also bored of Minecraft, but it's still nice to go on every once in awhile. It's just lost that grasp on me that it used to have back during my first few months of buying it. It's gotten to the point where I find it rather repetitive and can't bear to stay on any longer than 2-3 hours. Lately, I have also been addicted with other games such as TF2 and some few selections on the PS3, but I will return back on the server every once in awhile. See you all on there.. sometime. :lol: