Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
To those who attempt to dent the server before leaving it. Please try not to take it out on my properties. Moobaa and Atomic destroyed my shop, then Turtle and Nader destroyed my bar. There are plenty of other buildings around guys.

To those who attempt to dent the server before leaving it. Please try not to take it out on my properties. Moobaa and Atomic destroyed my shop, then Turtle and Nader destroyed my bar. There are plenty of other buildings around guys.


Yeah, Tlowr has a really nice house just outside town...
To those who attempt to dent the server before leaving it. Please try not to take it out on my properties. Moobaa and Atomic destroyed my shop, then Turtle and Nader destroyed my bar. There are plenty of other buildings around guys.


Joking or not Jai, that's a ridiculous thing to say.

There are plenty of other servers around too guys, you want to destroy crap, go do it somewhere that has griefing permitted. Jai, you don't want your stuff destroyed, why would anyone else?
Joking or not Jai, that's a ridiculous thing to say.

There are plenty of other servers around too guys, you want to destroy crap, go do it somewhere that has griefing permitted. Jai, you don't want your stuff destroyed, why would anyone else?

I have a solution to this problem. Ban Jai. Problem solved.
You guys don't stop.

I thought I would be left alone once those who damaged my property were kicked out.

You'd be left alone if you stopped griefing and were to act like a mature player instead of acting like a brat.
You guys don't stop.

I thought I would be left alone once those who damaged my property were kicked out.

I don't know what I've done. I've just been building recently.


To those who attempt to dent the server before leaving it. Please try not to take it out on my properties. Moobaa and Atomic destroyed my shop, then Turtle and Nader destroyed my bar. There are plenty of other buildings around guys.


I got pissed off reading that, it's just a stupid attitude to have towards anything. It's like saying everything that's yours is all that matters and rest can just go get 🤬. No Jai, just shut up. The best part is that you don't even understand what you've done/ said. Nice.

I got pissed off reading that, it's just a stupid attitude to have towards anything. It's like saying everything that's yours is all that matters and rest can just go get 🤬. No Jai, just shut up. The best part is that you don't even understand what you've done/ said. Nice.


More often than not, when ever we have problems regarding griefing, Jai is involved, directly or indirectly. Most of us on the server have never griefed, never been banned or jailed or reprimanded yet its us who has to deal with the repercussions. 👎
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How utterly deplorable.

Legendary. Please, relax. One can not just state that my work is all of my concern only. I was putting forward the fact I'm an obvious target for griefing, blaming and general hatred. I was expressing the obvious to these people, yes, there are buildings to grief other than my own, though I'm not suggesting those are burned instead.

I've slowed down as of recently, my goal is to build, ignore the steam, and generally get on with what I think is a brilliant game.
How utterly deplorable.

Legendary. Please, relax. One can not just state that my work is all of my concern only. I was putting forward the fact I'm an obvious target for griefing, blaming and general hatred. I was expressing the obvious to these people, yes, there are buildings to grief other than my own, though I'm not suggesting those are burned instead.

I've slowed down as of recently, my goal is to build, ignore the steam, and generally get on with what I think is a brilliant game.

What ever happened to leaving the server? You have said on multiple occasions (ironically, its just after you get banned) that you were leaving the server...
Why does everyone act like Jai is evil and goes around griefing and causing trouble? He's a good Jai now, dont be so mean.
What ever happened to leaving the server? You have said on multiple occasions (ironically, its just after you get banned) that you were leaving the server...

The quest to remove me isn't going well.

Why does everyone act like Jai is evil and goes around griefing and causing trouble? He's a good Jai now, dont be so mean.

This is true.
Why does no one come to me when they have an issue? Taking the law in to your own hands will only come back to bite you.

For instance, Evalauation tried to grief Jai's property and he has been jailed for it. When I asked him why he did it, he told me it was because Jai destroyed his chests and took his stuff.

I went to investigate this alleged act, found the spot where the chests used to be, and checked them with hawkeye. Oh look, they were destroyed by.... DragonThing.

So Evalauation is still sitting in jail because he didn't come to me first.
^ Here here. I don't wear a red badge for nothing. I've told you all repeatedly, if you have a problem or someone :censored:s up, come to Dunc or I, or any other Mod. Let the grief happen, don't try to stop it in the process of it. That's why we have rollbacks. Trying to stop the person only makes them more angry, because they can't do what they want. It's the childish point in every human being coming out.

EDIT: And what you said just puts out another point. Jumping to conclusions. We have plugins to find whoever did whatever they did. Assuming it was someone and doing something to get revenge, only to find out it was someone else, is just asking for it to come and bite you in the arse. Wait untill you can confirm who did it. You all have a permission to find who destroyed a block, using a wooden pickaxe. If that for some reason glitches, or won't work for you, ask a mod, and they can hawkeye it. Anyone that's Deputy, Sherriff, mod, or admin have hawkeye permissions to search an area.
Yes me and Nader did a bad thing but we would never do it without reason. The reason we had greifed Jai wsa because he has done nothing but annoyed and thrown verbal abuse at us.He always act innocent and say "why me and not anyone else?" . He is also known for lying a LOT as me and nader had suspected him for using x-ray AFTER dunc had removed all the old diamonds. It happned when he told me that he had lost 2 stacks of diamonds after he died from my lava "flood" which was only by the sea . He then turned up after the next day with another set of diamond armour and tools which led me and nader suspecting him using x-ray AFTER 2 days when he had gone unbanned!!!

Thank you for reading
Jai never deploys verbal abuse. He's a reasonable llama.

Apart from being extremely racist, I particularly remember him putting up a sign that said 'Negro's for sale! Farming made easy!' I think I have a screenie if you want me to post it.
^ No need for that. Would probably just get you into trouble with GTP.

Turtle, if it wasn't 3AM and I didn't have a headache, and my eyes weren't hanging out my head, I'd have a lot to say about what you posted.
"We didn't do it without reason"

THERE'S NO BLOODY REASON TO BURN ANYONE'S BUILDING. There's no reason to do ANYTHING to ANYONE'S creation, except that you think it's funny because you're an immature brat. If Jai pisses you off so uncontrollably much, ignore him, and tell a mod what he did. Don't cause havoc for the whole bloody server.

In addition to that, a lot of what you typed is complete bull. Jai has his issues, as do us all, but he's not as bad as you make out. Now you've had your bloody retarded fun, you've had your revenge, why not bug off and let the rest of us enjoy ourselves, aye?

Replace each 'bloody' with the expletive of your choice, I wasn't up for typing "🤬" each time and ending up messing up the code like useral... Always buggs out a lot on FireFox.

*sigh* Took a lot to type that ach, I'm not userally that blatant with talking to peeps...
Apart from being extremely racist, I particularly remember him putting up a sign that said 'Negro's for sale! Farming made easy!' I think I have a screenie if you want me to post it.

Ok... he's racist. Are you offended by that, maybe? Besides, I dont belive there is any negros on the server (maybe John, not sure) and I personally didn't care, and Findus just laughed at it.
Why not Just shut up and do your own thing, Build somewhere remotely dig a hole get your resources and stay quiet.

Reason why I went un-notice online for the longest time since I just do what I do. until someone else decides to TP to me.
Ok... he's racist. Are you offended by that, maybe? Besides, I dont belive there is any negros on the server (maybe John, not sure) and I personally didn't care, and Findus just laughed at it.

Oh how considerate you are for all the different people in the world.
Oh how considerate you are for all the different people in the world.


What the 🤬 defines someone as a negro? They are just normal people, no different than anyone else, they do not need a nick name. You having just said that, providing a different type of person than yourself, with a derogatory nickname, is disgusting. You having just said that, puts you above them in society, apparently, as that's the attitude I'm getting from you. You just said that with no shame, and you just personally labelled someone a 'negro' as well. That's worth so much more than an argument in this thread, wow.

I'm shocked at just how much immaturity has been displayed in this thread throughout the last few days, absolutely shocked.
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^ That's DQCraft for you: "The most mature server on GTP!". I recommend anyone annoyed to just pack their bags and leave, as it really could help. You don't have to deal with the arguments, and the name-calling, and the griefing, etc.
^ That's DQCraft for you: "The most mature server on GTP!". I recommend anyone annoyed to just pack their bags and leave, as it really could help. You don't have to deal with the arguments, and the name-calling, and the griefing, etc.

👍 👍 👍
I'm fed up with this. Jai, you are banned(you've already been banned 2-3 times and you don't show any proof that you've improved!). I've already sent a message to tlowr4 to jail finduszip(don't know username). Finduszip, you place yourself in a level lower than criminals for that comment. Is your heart 100% black and rotten? Turtle3412, Do not take revenge in your own hands. You report that to the mods and they take reasonable action; not you. You've been jailed for 20 minutes for doing so.
Nick, you shouldn't bother with it as it seems to only add stress on your mind. You have already left the server, it is not yours to deal with. 👍