Just so you know, I'd like to say that Jai has been rather nice lately, but the only thing wrong was his racist remarks. I don't know why Chukov is jailed, he didn't do anything. Turtle3412 is banned. Nick, you just did worse because Jai and Chukov did not do anything (not that I know of, but is it because of bickering?) and don't deserve their punishments.
EDIT - Nevermind about Chukov. Jai on the other hand...
EDIT 2 - Okay, since most of you are still complaining of the immaturity on the server (the sarcastic title on the thread not enough for you?) listen to this: Minecraft's community as a WHOLE is immature. Don't believe me? Some owners of fairly large servers are 10-15. Not enough? Look at Minecon, a bunch of kids were there and asking questions to Mojang even! Does this not surprise any of you? Do you actually expect maturity from people who play Minecraft? It's a game, if you can't handle a bit of immaturity then don't play Minecraft. As much as I love GTPlanet, most of your guys' "high-class posh" attitude attained from being accustomed to this website translates into "zero tolerance of immaturity." What I mean by that is you guys follow the AUP, not being racist (or joking, for that matter), nice grammar, respect to others, and you expect others to be the same. Just because some of the members of the server are "immature" doesn't mean you can ban them. It's their attitude. I can say then that I'm immature, and I'd definitely act immature sometime in the future, not just in this server, but in real life. Jai and Chukov are sort of immature, and I obviously act immature as well in the server. It doesn't mean you can ban/jail me. Joking about genitalia doesn't mean a ban/jail, and same with racism. Unless the racism is meant with hostility. If you don't like it, tell them to stop. Just because they get jailed/banned doesn't mean they'll stop. Tell them to stop if you don't like it, or ignore it, and if they don't stop, report them to a mod/admin and they get muted. In fact, immaturity should be expected, if they get asked to stop, and don't accept, mute them. Mute them for a period of time. You don't see someone being jailed because they call someone "n*****" in real life, right? It's not recommended for you to say it, obviously it'll hurt someone, but in the server it should mean mute. Not jail. Or ban.