Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Smart idea... although I like my home better. It's basically a medieval wall surrounding my main door with snowmen sentries guarding it.
This server needs more endless cobble towers...anyone got any ladders I can borrow :sly: time for a 3 by 3 by Infinity tower in the middle of nowhere...heh now I'm working from a home built into one of the footbridge supports around the spawn :D

Ive got tons you can have, gimme a shout.
Tlowr the cpanel URL has changed. Took me a while to figure that out too! I'll send you the new one.

Oh I have daniel's diamonds.
Ah okay. Everyone has tons of cobble, but ladders? I think I may need some when I start building again. My cave can have like 2-3 floors considering how tall it is.
This server needs more endless cobble towers...anyone got any ladders I can borrow :sly: time for a 3 by 3 by Infinity tower in the middle of nowhere...heh now I'm working from a home built into one of the footbridge supports around the spawn :D
Were you high when you wrote this? And since when are cobblestone and ladders rare? :lol: We have plenty of jungles, you know.

It appears that about half of the chickens in my farm, (I probably had around one hundred) along with two sheep, have been murdered. I'd like to know who did it.
Were you high when you wrote this? And since when are cobblestone and ladders rare? :lol: We have plenty of jungles, you know.

It appears that about half of the chickens in my farm, (I probably had around one hundred) along with two sheep, have been murdered. I'd like to know who did it.

They probably just disappeared or got killed by the enclosure.
Me. I'd posted this before but the submission window proberbly glitched on me like normal:

Well I've found the cause of the lag that's been bugging everyone. Parkour, it's fine to have a farm, but 150+ chickens and 120+ Sheep lag the server, I thought you'd be able to work that out. Please kill some if that's OK. You can keep the farm just control the numbers, eh? :) Say, 2 or 3 of each sheep and just 5 or 10 chickens.
Well I've found the cause of lag that's been bugging everyone. Parkour, it's fine to have a farm, but 150+ chickens and 120+ Sheep lag the server, I thought you'd be able to work that out.
Yeah, I'm the main cause of lag on the server, and I have the biggest farm. :rolleyes:


That's Riffeh's farm. There's another farm somewhere with probably two to three times the chickens as mine, but I don't know where it is. Don't get rid of my mobs unless you plan to get rid of everybody else's too.

And entities/mobs are probably not the main problem here. The server has 40 player slots, so I'd think that it has enough oomph to handle a few larger farms, unless the 40 player slots are just false advertising. I get lag maybe 1 or two times for every 10 times that I log in. You, on the other hand, live in Australia so that might be a factor for you to take into consideration. And Dunc could make some efforts to reduce lag, but I don't think he has.

Also, let's not forget about the massive amount of spawned land thousands of blocks from spawn. Mobs most likely aren't the main contributing factor here.

Please kill some if that's OK. You can keep the farm just control the numbers, eh? Say, 2 or 3 of each sheep and just 5 or 10 chickens.

I may kill a few of the remaining mobs, when you give me ALL of the drops from the chickens back.

You're missing the point of a farm. 3 sheep per pen and 10 chickens is ridiculous. The point of a farm is to have an abundance of mobs to kill/shear to get food/wool quickly.

And, as I said before, I expect to get ALL of the drops from the chickens back. You went in and slaughtered most of my chickens without even telling me beforehand. That was a very brash thing for you to do, and I'm extremely angry.
Wow, didn't expect this to be made a big deal of.

Every mob causes lag. 150 chickens is rediculous. Take into consideration that several others on the server have similarly sized farms. I'm not happy with their size either. Before you know it, we've got in excess of 600 animals, lagging the crap out of the server.

If my numbers I suggested are so bad, fix them to your own desire. But use your common sense, not hundreds of mobs. Mind you, I said 3 or 4 of each type of sheep. You have like, 10 of every color of sheep. That's over 100 sheep. Not good.

And yeah, sorry I had to run before I could, I'll drop the chicken and feathers in a chest.

EDIT: The server cannot handle 40 players. DaddyCheese's bandwidth that this particular server is running on, limits that. At most we could have 15 users on at a time with the lag being acceptable for those closest to the server (people like myself, however, can't play during a time like that). I'm going to make a post later today on the Enjin forums about restricting numbers. I might even employ one or two trustworthy members to just check up on the farms (not to change their numbers, just to report back if there are extrodinate amounts of mobs), to make sure it's all in hand.

EDIT2: Also, this isn't really something to get quite so cranky over. You know me well enough that when I get to it I'll get the drops back to you, I just was called away for dishwasher repair etc, or I would have done it on the spot. Also, please don't jump to blaming it on other players. I am getting to Riffeh, he must reduce his numbers as well. And I'm not the only Aussie that plays/had played on the server. Enki and Legendary have since not been visiting as much because of the lag that has been progressivly getting worse. Theoretically this is caused to some extent by the masses of mobs that have been created by *everyone's* farms. I have a farm, it's a chicken farm. I get plenty enough food and feathers out of that to keep me well stocked of arrows and tucker.

I have 4 chickens.
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^ I've come to learn to do so, so I'm not mis understood. Many the time I've posted shorter things and ended up people receiving the opposite message to what I'm saying. :P
^ Server lag mate. Overall things like Chat and Block lag. Not FPS. That's to do with the client, not latency. Latency changes make a very miniscule change in framerates, maybe 2 - 5fps drop at most. That's because Minecraft's single and multiplayer api's are two different things. A game like World of Warcraft, for example, will have framerate issues with a larger latency since the API is fully multiplayer.

However, unfortunatly, with 1.3 and the introduction of LAN, Minecraft's Singleplayer is just going to be the multi API with a singleplayer wrapper. That means that mobs will lag into walls and there'll be block glitches like in MP.

:censored:ing Jeb.