Only certain things go up every year. Others drop.
Typically just goods/services with a decreasing demand and an overwhelming supply really go down (short of some sort of limited-time sale). Others might be those in which competition increases tremendously and suddenly, although that's usually just in a temporary fad situation. Items or commodities in which there's government control (or some other price fix) might compare.
Inflation essentially guarantees that
most items get more expensive, usually at a 2-3% yearly rate of all combined goods/services, according to somewhat-artificial measurements like the
Consumer Price Index. It's fair to say they don't compare specific goods and services that have remained popular for the past twenty years, like cable or internet, but they're also not even secondary needs.
Still, to play devil's advocate here: if it's okay for the wealthy to desire more wealth, corner and dominate their market, and sustain their ways of life, why shouldn't the lowest wage earners try to leverage the eking out other "fellow" employees into obsolescence?
Also, if fast-food workers go on strike, I think our health might improve somewhat. (An unexpected upshot - suddenly we don't need the industry as much?) But I think there would still be many folks willing to work (in a time of 7% unemployment) to take their place after a few days, and that would be that; someone would fill the voids left by working for that previously so-called undesirable wage. If we were in the era of 2-3% unemployment, a strike would have more merit, and ultimately be more successful.
In 1964, the minimum wage was $1.25/hour. Those five silver quarters today are worth about 25 bucks.
Of course, if everyone saved their 90% silver coinage, it wouldn't be worth that much. Or they'd be in Very Good condition from circulation (which is to say, worth $0.25).