[Mod] Gran Turismo 2 plus (bug fixes, restored content and new content) - beta 7 released

  • Thread starter pez2k
Saw this on Instagram.

That's a post for "Modding and restoration discussion" rather than here but yeah, it's one of the few quick ports that were done as the tooling is being worked on
Ahh right i’m sorry for posting it here. If a mod wants to move my post into that thread then feel free. Yeah I just saw it on Instagram n thought it was pretty cool.
Will you guys fix this?

2021-03-21 15_28_06-Greenshot.jpg

I entered the Normal event with a stock classic 500 and they kicked my behind. Was expecting to at least compete with the classic Fiats.

EDIT: The fast paced metal cover of Wily's Castle from Mega Man 2 I was listening to didn't help alleviate the humiliation.
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?Have You tried installing turbo, racing chip e.t.c.?

I raced it stock because usually in the Normal Races cars are stock or close to stock. Didn't want to spend a lot of money on it right from the start, as I am just starting the game and don't have much money. Not my first car though.
Here's a bit more restored content - this one was just a logo and a name, but with enough research and the existing C43 AMG model I could bring it back:


The C55 was basically a C43 that was taken back to AMG's factory and refitted with a CLK55 engine and drivetrain. Because the CLK had a bigger, tougher diff in the back, the C55s would have their floorpans cut out and modified, meaning that it was a hugely expensive conversion for only 50hp more, so there were as few as 35 of them built.

In GT2 terms, it's using a tweaked E55 drivetrain, which is the same spec as the CLK55, however the engine is custom due to the CLK making slightly less power than the E-Class.
@pez2k what about restoring the 323ci Coupe?

That needs some work on the model, which needs tooling to edit models, so a fair bit of prerequisite work.

What about restoring the cut JGTC Toyotas?

There are no models or textures for them, so I'd have to create them entirely from scratch. I'm trying to avoid that wherever possible, as it would be hard to find an artist who can precisely match PD's style to make the car fit in properly. There's also enough stuff that does have models to reach the body limit already.

maybe a direct replacement for the C43 on a future mod update?
there's a limit in number of cars in game right?

It won't be replacing the C43 as I'm not removing any of PD's content (barring the Exxon / Esso duplicates, because having two entirely identical Peugeot 406 roadcars is a waste of space). There is a limit on the number of models, but I've planned out what there's space for and left room for things that may be possible to restore, the C55 being one of them.
When you update the patch with more stuff, will we need to start from scratch? Or are the saves compatible with updates?

And, if adding more cars messes it up, could you add all cars now, but dummies, and then replace them? Would replacing them, instead of adding, NOT cause a requirement of a new save?
When you update the patch with more stuff, will we need to start from scratch? Or are the saves compatible with updates?

And, if adding more cars messes it up, could you add all cars now, but dummies, and then replace them? Would replacing them, instead of adding, NOT cause a requirement of a new save?
Saves are not compatible with each update so yes you need to start again or you will experience odd bugs like the Bhp of your cars changing. Releases tend to come with a number of changes, not one release per change so you if you download a new rleease when it's released you would get quite a bit of time with that release before the next one.

I don't think it would be viable for all cars to be added as dummies, it would be adding to the work involved and I suspect it still wouldn't prevent the saves being incompatible with future updates either.
When you update the patch with more stuff, will we need to start from scratch? Or are the saves compatible with updates?

And, if adding more cars messes it up, could you add all cars now, but dummies, and then replace them? Would replacing them, instead of adding, NOT cause a requirement of a new save?

As above, any time I add or remove any car parts it will break savegames unfortunately. The later games don't seem to be as fragile, but that doesn't help much here.

Being able to add all of the future parts now would require basically making all of those parts. For example, how many LSD upgrades will the E36 323i have, if it becomes possible to add it? No idea until I research whether the car had a stock LSD, how many upgrades I can use from the E46, and so on. If someone spots a new bug in the stock content that is caused by missing or extra parts (like the driveshaft upgrade on the Venturi 300 or the tuning menu considering the Vector W8 to be N/A) then that'll break things anyway. It's also hard to predict what will be possible - six months ago I'd have said the NSX GT1 Turbo wouldn't be feasible to do, and now it's in the mod.

I'd love to write a savegame converter that could 'upgrade' saves to work with the mod, or newer versions of it, as it's theoretically doable, but the free time I do get ends up going into making the mod itself, and writing tools to let me do so like the GT1 to GT2 model converter. So yeah, I know it's a pain, and it's one of the few friction points with the mod now that it runs on a proper PS1, but unfortunately it's a consequence of modding a game never designed for additional content, whether that be mods or DLC / expansion packs.
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Will you guys fix this?
I entered the Normal event with a stock classic 500 and they kicked my behind. Was expecting to at least compete with the classic Fiats.

Looked into this - the Wiki is wrong. The 500R opponent makes approximately 78hp in the Racing event.

I presume they've based their information on the data mined by adeyblue a few years ago, however his dump treated the power multiplier as a single byte (limited to 2.55 times the power) rather than two bytes. Therefore, since the opponent has a 3.7 multiplier on its power, that data only 'sees' the overflow above 2.55 times the power. I'll go and correct the Wiki.
No, that value is correct.

A part from Silvia LM and Honda LM (don't know which model to be precise) which other cars, colours and RM's are you gonna restore for the next update? If you can give me some info about?

Thanks in advance
can you tell us if you have an idea of when you will release the new update with silvia LM and Honda LM Japanese version

I don't know yet - it depends on how much time I get to work on it, and how much content I decide to include. Neither the Silvia nor NSX have a full set of physics made for them yet, so a release is not imminent.

A part from Silvia LM and Honda LM (don't know which model to be precise) which other cars, colours and RM's are you gonna restore for the next update? If you can give me some info about?

The answer to this one is also that I don't know - the C55 AMG will most likely be in as that's 95% done, I have bits and pieces of other things done but nothing complete enough for release at this moment in time, other than the removal of the BMW wheel shop ban. I'd probably like to have one or two other cars or RMs included, but there are also a few bugfixes that will definitely be in, such as fixing some invalid text characters in the French localisation.
What about this?

'85 Toyota Corolla Levin in Gran turismo.jpg

It's from the Gran Turismo 1 page on IGCD. I never saw it before. Was it found on the used car dealerships or was it a "special color" prize car? Could it be added?

Oh, also, is it possible to do anything to tracks? Change textures, or properties of surfaces? I always disliked the fact that Tahiti Road's grass/dirt doesn't act like it. Cars don't lose grip and don't raise dust going over it.