New mod! This is a first for me, and it allowed some progress in the understanding of the format.
This time, I edited the Castrol Tom's Supra GT '99, the first of 3 cars (the Denso SARD and cdma One Cerumo Supra are next in line) that i'll edit down the line with new polygons, removed some, some vertex and UV edits... yeah.
I've never liked the huge black lumps at the back. I'm glad I can now fix them.
Thanks to me making this mod, we found out 2 things:
1: where the shadow model (yes it's 3D) is, way a the end of the CDO/CNO files, and it's made like so (from what I've understood). This seem to apply to any car.
Shadow: 196bytes / C4 long
Header starts with 18 00 02 00 10
Header 28 bytes long
byte 25 : Scale (11 hex base)
Vertex Coordinates: 60bytes, 20x4 bytes - 2byte X, 2 byte Z (no Y/vertical/height)
Face Data : 48bytes, 4bytes per face, bytes 1-2-3 vertex ID(? acts weird, might skip values like color palettes), byte 4 is flag: 00 is gradient, 80 is opaque
and 2: CDO/CNO file content must be
AT MOST 20480bytes, or 5000hex long. This is exactly how much the console allows you to use, because at the 20481st byte, the next loaded car model file starts.
Now, the funny thing is that... well obviously, I hit that limit haha.... (it took me 2 days to troubleshoot it until it worked) This car is exactly 20480 bytes (which also means I could'nt fix some stuff I would've liked to, like LOD1's lack of front splitter) x)
So yeah. Good progress. I think only the normal data (for reflections) is left to be known about the format? At least i'm pretty sure.
Anyways, here's the file~
(UPDATE: see my next post on this thread for a download link)
And here's a GIF to show the changes (NOTE: things in the car viewer, as portrayed here in the GIF, are different than how they are in the game. I obviously calibrated stuff to work in the game specifically)
Things I changed:
-Changed a few priorities for some polygons, such as the LOD0's front canards having a priority that put it on top of the little set, and even the body, making them visible all the time, and completely hiding the little ones. Now they work relatively as expected.
-Removed an (invisible) triangle on the hood
-Made less rounded the inner bottom part of the headlights
-Removed unnecessary faces that were completely invisible on the LOD1
-Added spoiler mounts on LOD1
-A whole diffuser mesh, made of 4 triangles and 8 quads, based on the real car (obviously)
-Altered LOD0's taillight UV, because the bottom inner part of them was misaligned.
-More stuff i'm sure i forget as i'm writing this.
-Flattened the ducktail at the bottom of the rear window, as it was making a noticeable bump (kind of subjective, that one, but it's my mod, I do what i want
