Modding and restoration discussion

  • Thread starter pez2k
I find it's the bes way to create "perfect" new designs with accurate to GT lighting. I've made the Chaser LM and the CLK DTM's wheels that way as well
I didn't know you could make 3D wheels. I thought they were just flat.

They are flat 2D ingame - Submaniac models the wheels in 3D to get the lighting right, then takes a 2D render (screenshot) of them that he scales down to use ingame.
Even better than this, i render the wheel to a 47x47 texture already, then i make color adjustments in photoshop and Paint Shop Pro 7 if necessary. The advantage of directly rendering a 47x47px image is that there's no scaling artifacts, plus it's already at the right dimensions to be put in the 48x48 zone for it on the texture ~
Here's what the wheel looked like before I recolored it (the game makes white way too bright, so I had to dull it a lot and make some adjustments to the graphics)

and here's the final used texture,

I wouldn't say i'm 100% sure, but i'm fairly sure that's how PD made the car's wheels. It doesn't take super long, and it makes a good texture easily without having issues calculating how you're gonna make the spokes and how to make them not look weird once the wheel rotates x)
A mod I left out of my showcase video, my Honda Civic Type R RM color mod. It brings over a scrapped color option from GT1 Trial Edition. Since recording this video, I have updated the mod with fixed textures and the 2 other scrapped colors from GT1 Trial Edition.

GT2 Mod - Purple Honda Civic Type R.png
GT2 Mod - Teal Honda Civic Type R.png
New mod! This is a first for me, and it allowed some progress in the understanding of the format.

This time, I edited the Castrol Tom's Supra GT '99, the first of 3 cars (the Denso SARD and cdma One Cerumo Supra are next in line) that i'll edit down the line with new polygons, removed some, some vertex and UV edits... yeah.

I've never liked the huge black lumps at the back. I'm glad I can now fix them.

Thanks to me making this mod, we found out 2 things:
1: where the shadow model (yes it's 3D) is, way a the end of the CDO/CNO files, and it's made like so (from what I've understood). This seem to apply to any car.

Shadow: 196bytes / C4 long
Header starts with 18 00 02 00 10
Header 28 bytes long
byte 25 : Scale (11 hex base)
Vertex Coordinates: 60bytes, 20x4 bytes - 2byte X, 2 byte Z (no Y/vertical/height)
Face Data : 48bytes, 4bytes per face, bytes 1-2-3 vertex ID(? acts weird, might skip values like color palettes), byte 4 is flag: 00 is gradient, 80 is opaque

and 2: CDO/CNO file content must be AT MOST 20480bytes, or 5000hex long. This is exactly how much the console allows you to use, because at the 20481st byte, the next loaded car model file starts.

Now, the funny thing is that... well obviously, I hit that limit haha.... (it took me 2 days to troubleshoot it until it worked) This car is exactly 20480 bytes (which also means I could'nt fix some stuff I would've liked to, like LOD1's lack of front splitter) x)
So yeah. Good progress. I think only the normal data (for reflections) is left to be known about the format? At least i'm pretty sure.

Anyways, here's the file~ (UPDATE: see my next post on this thread for a download link)

And here's a GIF to show the changes (NOTE: things in the car viewer, as portrayed here in the GIF, are different than how they are in the game. I obviously calibrated stuff to work in the game specifically)

Things I changed:
-Changed a few priorities for some polygons, such as the LOD0's front canards having a priority that put it on top of the little set, and even the body, making them visible all the time, and completely hiding the little ones. Now they work relatively as expected.
-Removed an (invisible) triangle on the hood
-Made less rounded the inner bottom part of the headlights
-Removed unnecessary faces that were completely invisible on the LOD1
-Added spoiler mounts on LOD1
-A whole diffuser mesh, made of 4 triangles and 8 quads, based on the real car (obviously)
-Altered LOD0's taillight UV, because the bottom inner part of them was misaligned.
-More stuff i'm sure i forget as i'm writing this.
-Flattened the ducktail at the bottom of the rear window, as it was making a noticeable bump (kind of subjective, that one, but it's my mod, I do what i want :P)

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Looking great. Old GT games did not handle their diffusers well. Most of them are just either black blobs or textures. I wonder if it would be possible to fix the Calibra's diffuser, since it's one of the blobby ones as well. After seeing this fix, I have faith that it could be possible.
The Calibra is sadly at the maximum limit of 255 vertices already, so there's nothing much I can do for it. For now i'm focusing on the 3 Supra GT to make them match he new design. Once that's done i'm gonna make a pack with all 3 cars in one, because it makes sense. The CSGT might have an update for that pack. I'll remove the link above when i post it. The Denso is already done, and i'm working on the Cdma Cerumo
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New post~
I completed the trio! I therefore removed the preceding download link because I made an archive including all 3 Supra GT, since I doubt anyone would like to update only one car of the 3.

I also randomly found how to tell the game if a face is to be used as a "braking" face. By that I mean, one that switches from palette 15 (not braking) to palette 16 (braking) when you press the brake button. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Here's the trio
(V1.1 Hotfix: Fixed an issue where the spoiler was clipping on itself in certain places due to an error in priorities)

The cdma One Supra has the most visual differences with the vanilla car, because PD used 2 different version of the cdma One as references for the livery.
Like so:
The Left car uses the right green windshield banner and side livery arrangement, but has different wheels, ducktail design (smaller), no diffuser, a rear-pointing exhaust, and a different from bumper (looks like a 98 design). the right model is the shape PD used for GT2, with all but the spoiler's white blade logo, windshield banner, and the livery's side decal placement. I therefore edited PD's exture in order to make it closer to the right one, as it should be.

I also did a few visual fixes, like misaligned brakes on the cdma One, and fixed some polygon priority issues that made things visible through others. Oh and the wheel wells of both the Denso SARD and cdma One were reflective (and therefore showed reflections over parts of the body that don't have anything that should reflect)




So, here's the Denso SARD and cdma One Cerumo Supra GT in gif form.



Final note: since i've updated those, i'll also update my Supra JGTC Test Car to the new body.
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It's-a-me again~
This time with a hotfix to the trio of cars above (specifically, on the Denso and Cdma) where parts of the spoiler was clipping on itself in certain places.
(Updated the download link above to v1.1)

But other tan that, here's the 2.0 update to the Supra 1999 JGTC Test Car mod I made.. er wow that long already?
Anyways, new body design, based on the ones above this post, redone coloring and made it prettier with less aliasing, as well as made it just a bit closer to the real thing by simplifying the ducktail design (removal of he vertical fins on the sides), liek the real car was.

Heres the files

The usual GIF:

Video of it and the trio above are coming ASAP (i have the footage, and am gonna edit and upload in the next few hours)
Here comes the video for the cars above.

While recording this, I found out the mod's not 100% stable. In particular angles when viewing the car during replays (closeups on the side of the car only it seems), the game's rendering engine may break. Sometimes for a single frame (here in the video, if you can spot it), and sometimes very badly, which will require you to reload the race in order to fix it.
No issues while you're driving the car however, it's only during replays as far as I can tell. Probably because you can't have the same angle and zoom required to break it.

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(First post here) I'm surprised after all this time no one has done a texture port of the Dodge Copperhead racing modification from the GT1 betas. I understand it was probably scrapped because of all the Copperhead logos on it, but I always hated how plain the Concept Car RM and LM ended up looking in GT2.
Because it's not just a texture port that needs to be done. The model is different, with a different enough mapping that it would need some work there to fit it correctly.
Huh, I never would've imagined it was a different model. I just assumed it was the exact same model, since they look so similar.
I'll have a stab at it, seems like a good little project for me to get started on modding this game.
P.S: If anyone knows of a tool to extract texture maps from GT1 and could point me in that direction it'd be much appreciated.
Feel free to try!
The most obvious difference is the hardtop extending a lot more towards the rear. The spoiler mounts are also lower, coming out of the license plate area, and the blades are larger. The bottom line of the car is slightly wider, with the front bumper extending forward some more. There are foglights cover that are completely missing from the redesigned model. and the side mirrors are moved up instead of where the stock car has them.
The GT2 model is based on the GT1 car, just with the additional spoiler. They lack the proper space and faces in order to make the decals and all logos on the body.
Would anyone be willing to take the 93-97 Legacy RM and make it into a street car. Looks like it has some cool jdm aftermarket kit.
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Made a thing heh.

1996 FET Power Craft Supra GT500. Thanks to the TRD3000GT still having GT1's RM for the colors, this was relatively easy to make.... until i saw that the mapping of the CSGT had issues, which then added some difficulty. BUT, it's done~.
I had to make my own set of wheels however. There are no 'JGTC' 5-spokes in gold and the existing ones aren't recolorable without massive redrawing needed. They came out alright imo.


And as usual, the video~

BTW, if you're curious to see how I make my custom wheels, it's all like so
3D model into 47x47 texture in 256colors, then touched up to make it the right colors to look good in-game, and 16-colors.

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Need assistance for files recognising... Basically there's 4 files for a car, which 2 can be viewed by the car viewer. Now what's the remaining 2?
Need assistance for files recognising... Basically there's 4 files for a car, which 2 can be viewed by the car viewer. Now what's the remaining 2?

The two O files (CDO / CNO) are the model, the two P files (CDP / CNP) are the texture. The middle letter for each denotes D for Day and N for night.
You need a CDO + CDP or CNO + CNP in order to view a car in the vehicle viewer. Do'nt bother extracting the .GZ that won't work, the viewer reads them as they are for the game. Extract only do modify them
Hi all! I'm working to improve the engine sounds in the game, for example the NSX have a bad 4 cylinder sound and a few other cars too. Anyone is working on the sounds to get more accurate? Can you help me to find files for edit torque curves and other settings like gear changing time? Is possibile? thank you
p.s. for me it's a pleasure to collaborate with you to build a great mod
The two O files (CDO / CNO) are the model, the two P files (CDP / CNP) are the texture. The middle letter for each denotes D for Day and N for night.

You need a CDO + CDP or CNO + CNP in order to view a car in the vehicle viewer. Do'nt bother extracting the .GZ that won't work, the viewer reads them as they are for the game. Extract only do modify them

Ah thanks in advance... Hope I can start my texture modding journey... What are you using to edit the car textures...? Like from car colour to liviries.