Modified Track Path Editor + Tracks/Discussion

Just whatever @gr12 said to do
@gr12 I got the track but same problems as @eran0004 found. The spiral makes walls all the way to the bottom.

I eventually found a hole by following the AI. It was like salmons swimming upstream. But after the spiral is a huge vertical wall. The track is impossible to complete. Why did you share it? Waste of time for everyone who tries.
not impossible, coz i actually completed a full test drive lap.

Here you go Mr G.

Nice 1 P mate :) much appreciated, it works aswell.
lets see what can be created.

EDIT : Andalusia map dont work, even with a normal 3km oval shape track.
the whole map just wont load up, crashes ps3 every time.
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Can someone take pictures or videos of these courses with loops and invisible walls.
I want to see that, but as i stated, my PS3 is now a simple dust
Can someone take pictures or videos of these courses with loops and invisible walls.
I want to see that, but as i stated, my PS3 is now a simple dust
well i tried making a perfect loop, my game froze 3 times, then i had a black screen... and finally got it to work... this randomly spawned.... sorry about the potato quality on the pic.


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Nice 1 P mate :) much appreciated, it works aswell.
lets see what can be created.

EDIT : Andalusia map dont work, even with a normal 3km oval shape track.
the whole map just wont load up, crashes ps3 every time.
try on death valley, if that doesnt work, i`ll try something J24681357 told me (using an apk extractor, so i can get exactly the apk im using, and i`ll fix the download link for yall)
I want to try to do this. I don't know where to start in all this.

If I could learn this and how to remove parts of the track to make jumps and gaps I will learn to do so and make the figure 8 proposed here.

I wish my coding were useful here. Sadly nothing I can do can help here. I don't understand anything these wonderful people are discussing. Only some things.
i did the figure 8 lol, one that was requested a long time ago (wide, big, etc) its 235m wide and 21.68 miles
Nice 1 P mate :) much appreciated, it works aswell.
lets see what can be created.

EDIT : Andalusia map dont work, even with a normal 3km oval shape track.
the whole map just wont load up, crashes ps3 every time.

I helped @gr12 with his elevation apk. He had a more stable heightmap with Andalucia, and I resigned the apk with it, i'll upload it in a moment..

Edit: Here you go

I also added elevation with Eifel Flat and it actually has elevations with this same heightmap!
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I actually ran in that track. I was thinking of making it smaller.

I wanna use the mod tools to make practical tracks you know?
i made a track, full of spirals like the one in cape ring. everything went fine, track is not `impossible`. i almost completed the test drive lap with my M4, but then the game froze when i crossed the s/f line =(
I helped @gr12 with his elevation apk. He had a more stable heightmap with andalucia, and I resigned the apk with it, i'll upload it in a moment..

Edit: Here you go

I also added elevation with Eifel Flat and it actually has elevations with this same heightmap!

Thank you! Hey can we somehow make it so the course maker can set the track as small or big in width as we want? @gr12 told me that Jokers tool to do so isn't available anymore.

i made a track, full of spirals like the one in cape ring. everything went fine, track is not `impossible`. i almost completed the test drive lap with my M4, but then the game froze when i crossed the s/f line =(
did you make it way too wide?
Thank you! Hey can we somehow make it so the course maker can set the track as small or big in width as we want? @gr12 told me that Jokers tool to do so isn't available anymore.

did you make it way too wide?
no the width on it is normal =/
if the track is too wide it will become invisible
Thank you! Hey can we somehow make it so the course maker can set the track as small or big in width as we want? @gr12 told me that Jokers tool to do so isn't available anymore.

did you make it way too wide?
I remember backing up some of my tracks in 2015 that already have modded wide track width in my Dropbox. I only have wide tracks for Andalucia and Eifel Flat, I let @gr12 borrow one of my tracks to help make his crazy tracks.
Can someone take pictures or videos of these courses with loops and invisible walls.
I want to see that, but as i stated, my PS3 is now a simple dust
the loop just happened once on a track i made and its not a "loop" its just a wtfsmashed corner that makes the ground twist itself, making the banking go upside down, and if you keep ramming that thing u'll be throwed away at 999mph, @J24681357 can confirm that lol (he's the one who discovered it)
link to it!/mypage/course/2318680/
and also link to something funny that happened with the straights in one of my tracks, its like the texture of the road fell under the track and the cars drive in middle air!/mypage/course/2305762/
the loop just happened once on a track i made and its not a "loop" its just a wtfsmashed corner that makes the ground twist itself, making the banking go upside down, and if you keep ramming that thing u'll be throwed away at 999mph, @J24681357 can confirm that lol (he's the one who discovered it)
link to it!/mypage/course/2318680/
and also link to something funny that happened with the straights in one of my tracks, its like the texture of the road fell under the track and the cars drive in middle air!/mypage/course/2305762/
You need to replace the mypage part with friend/yourpsnid.

Eg: from this -!/mypage/course/2047994/

To this -!/friend/Mr-6rumpy1/course/2047994/
Nice 1 P mate :) much appreciated, it works aswell.
lets see what can be created.

EDIT : Andalusia map dont work, even with a normal 3km oval shape track.
the whole map just wont load up, crashes ps3 every time.

OK, try these ones. All are modified values from PJ's original "...Huge_Elevations_384" version - the lower the number in the filename the more extreme the elevation. I have installed to Bluestacks and created tracks with all these.
OK, try these ones. All are modified values from PJ's original "...Huge_Elevations_384" version - the lower the number in the filename the more extreme the elevation. I have installed to Bluestacks and created tracks with all these.

amazing, guess its time for a Route X On Drugs v3 or a Rollercoaster v2 :D

EDIT: WTF???!!!!!!/friend/GreenyPhantom_12/course/2322894/
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So how do I exactly edit the heightmaps? I made a figure 8 but I wanna make some ramps that the edge dips to 90°so its a legitimate ramp. I saw a map called "bank elevation mod" and it had one of those. I'm trying to do @Mr Grumpy 's idea.
Good news: The height editor I'm working on just had a major breakthrough! It successfully extracted the heights list from the GT6TED file and ran it through a height randomizer which changed the elevation of each height point by up to 0.1 meters, and then inserted the modified heights list back to the file and patched everything together again.

I then uploaded the modified file to GT6 and the track works! The track has mostly the same elevation as before, but there are now some random bumps here and there, kind of like the Mulsanne Straight at La Sarthe.

Here is a link to the track if you want to try it out:!/friend/GT_85_Andersson/course/2323757/

The editor itself is not ready to be shared yet though, but hopefully I can have something ready to be shared before the end of June.

Edit: Refined the noise script and applied it to another track, together with a couple of random elevation changes:!/friend/eran0004/course/2324400/

Also, here's how far I've come on the user interface :lol:
It's a graph plotting the elevation, slope and delta slope of the track. The idea is that you'll be able to zoom in and edit the elevation directly in the graph. Should be doable. Somehow...

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Good news: The height editor I'm working on just had a major breakthrough! It successfully extracted the heights list from the GT6TED file and ran it through a height randomizer which changed the elevation of each height point by up to 0.1 meters, and then inserted the modified heights list back to the file and patched everything together again.

I then uploaded the modified file to GT6 and the track works! The track has mostly the same elevation as before, but there are now some random bumps here and there, kind of like the Mulsanne Straight at La Sarthe.

Here is a link to the track if you want to try it out:!/friend/GT_85_Andersson/course/2323757/

The editor itself is not ready to be shared yet though, but hopefully I can have something ready to be shared before the end of June.

Edit: Refined the noise script and applied it to another track, together with a couple of random elevation changes:!/friend/eran0004/course/2324400/

Also, here's how far I've come on the user interface :lol:
It's a graph plotting the elevation, slope and delta slope of the track. The idea is that you'll be able to zoom in and edit the elevation directly in the graph. Should be doable. Somehow...

View attachment 556957
Awesome job
Here's an updated Huge_Elevation apk that includes the straightmod - less extreme versions available on request ;)

One that only goes up to 10km?
I just saved a 6.67 mile track that connects Seoul Central, New York, and Seattle Circuit into one track. It's a fun challenge, and I may upload it sometime.
Good news: The height editor I'm working on just had a major breakthrough! It successfully extracted the heights list from the GT6TED file and ran it through a height randomizer which changed the elevation of each height point by up to 0.1 meters, and then inserted the modified heights list back to the file and patched everything together again.

I then uploaded the modified file to GT6 and the track works! The track has mostly the same elevation as before, but there are now some random bumps here and there, kind of like the Mulsanne Straight at La Sarthe.

Here is a link to the track if you want to try it out:!/friend/GT_85_Andersson/course/2323757/

The editor itself is not ready to be shared yet though, but hopefully I can have something ready to be shared before the end of June.

Edit: Refined the noise script and applied it to another track, together with a couple of random elevation changes:!/friend/eran0004/course/2324400/

Also, here's how far I've come on the user interface :lol:
It's a graph plotting the elevation, slope and delta slope of the track. The idea is that you'll be able to zoom in and edit the elevation directly in the graph. Should be doable. Somehow...

View attachment 556957

Great job on this and please continue on it. Though I cannot find the GT Track Path files on my PC so I hardly know what to look for on a .apk format program.

Hopefully we can make some sweet tracks with these.

Well i'm no programmer, but if i understood you correctly,
what you need to do is make the program change the elevation
by the amount of movement from the mouse. Click and hold, then move.
For example, if you click and hold the line, and move it upwards, you make
a code that will copy that mouse movement into the line being raised.

At least that's how i see it, the coding part is probably not that simple.
No, just s/f wherever you like in any theme - still haven't found a way to do that yet :(

Hope you and who ever on this thread nail it one day :cheers: 👍.

I believe I've said this before buuut, you need to modify the rail_def -xml files in order to shorten the start/finish line. You can aswell expand the other parts like resting areas in Andalusia.

I've made this tool a while back but haven't shared it because it's not that easy to use :(. But maybe it helps you guys out. There is a little tutorial inside the Readme.txt. Also I haven't tested it thoroughly so it might have bugs.