I'm having problems with the ted-editor and the way it saves files. I spent several hours tracing a track from a Google Earth image. I saved it a few times during the process of design (using 'Export TED) to protect against crashes (of which I haven't had any). When I reloaded the track later, it had reverted to one of my earliest edits. I figured I messed up somehow so I did it all again (this time using both 'Save Track' and 'Export TED') and a similar thing happened. All my work was lost again.
So, in trying to track down the problem, I'm doing the same thing again, but I plan on saving as a new file each time I save (using 'Save File'), and plan on quitting the editor and reloading the save before I keep going in the hopes of narrowing down the issue. After reloading my very first save, when I reloaded it, the track is no longer aligned with the image. It is about 400m south of the image now, and slightly west. My edits weren't saved either. Either the track moved, or the image imported to a different location. I'm still not sure if this is a bug, or if I am doing something wrong (maybe breaking a limit in the program somehow?). The image I've imported is large (7118 x 3644), and since the image doesn't load to the center (but to the lower right quadrant), my track is being built partially off the edge of the Eifel map. Everything seems to be working perfectly, however, except for the saves. I will keep working on this one...
EDIT: After saving 7 different save files, the 8th one saved incorrectly. I had just finished the track and hit 'o' to close the circuit, then saved it. I exported it as a TED file too because I was done with it. I didn't see any sort of problem, and was careful saving to a new file, but when I loaded it, it was missing the last 800 m (approximately). Importing the saved TED file was missing the same 800 m.
EDIT #2: I cannot seem to save my file successfully now. The image on the left is what my track looks like, the image on the right is what it looks like after saving it and reloading it.
EDIT #3: Trying to get this to save properly, I went into the elevation editor and set the contrast to zero. Closing the elevation editor, the track reverted to the right hand image shown above. Maybe some sort of elevation data discrepancy?
EDIT #4: I finally thought I completed the track. But looking it over, I see that one of my earliest control points disappeared between my 7th and 8th save files. And I wasn't editing anything nearby at all at that time. I don't understand what is going on. Maybe if I continue from the 7th save file, before any errors appeared, I'll be able to save successfully?
Double-clicking to append a new control point doesn't work very well. Sometimes I have to do it a bunch of times before it works. Then, sometimes I end up with more than one point there. Also, a few times I've ended up with branching roads, where two different sections branch from a single control point. Double-clicking to delete a control point always works the first time.
When using the TED EDITOR, what does it do with ROAD and DECORATION data from ted files that already has them? Does it delete them, scale them, or leave them untouched?
That is actually an intended feature, because the first and the last height points should be the same on a circuit, so when you edit the first one you will also edit the last one.
Unfortunately this doesn't apply to all the editing tools, so you can end up with the two height points having different values. I have to think of a good way to fix this.
I think a simple fix would be to put a button on the editor that lets you "equalize" the first and last points. I'd say have it move the last point to be equal to the first point.
The vertical scale on the graph does not indicate the actual elevation for me, but some sort of 'relative' elevation instead. If I raise my track from 0m to 300m, save it, then reload it, it shows the elevation as 0m again, even though looking at the hex code, the elevations actually are at 300m. Maybe this is an intended feature I'm not aware of?
I wanted to import a height map onto a closed circuit track, using the stretch method to compensate for differences in scale between my designed track and my height map data (VERY awesome feature by the way). When I loaded it in, it also needed to be offset by a certain x value, let's say 50m. When doing this, I expected the end of the height data to wrap around to the beginning to fill in the 50m, but that didn't happen. I had a 50m flat spot. When using stretch or scale, I really think the height data needs to wrap around when using an x offset.