- 938
- Somewhere in the Northeast
- AllFizzledOut
- TakeALLTheNames

Starting to think PD might have slipped something in regarding the length of tracks being possible, I can't create a track nowhere near the length of my IoM track without it freezing anymore.
Just deleted & reinstalled the custom TPE, created a quick track at 35km & it didn't freezelook's like it's sorted again.
Targa Florio here I come(half the size, obviously) got no chance at 70km lol.
EDIT: frozen again at 32.5kmwtf this is so random.
I just don't get the PD people at all ?!? A while ago, they patched the glitch that allowed you to play "user created tracks" in the Championship series. It was the ONLY way to play "B" spec "user created tracks". It was easily patched. Why didn't the PD make a patch to "B" spec "user created tracks" in arcade mode? I'm not a computer wiz, but if there was a glitch already programmed into the game that allowed it, it must be that easy to also make a patch to allow for "B" spec "user created tracks" in arcade mode.
I had to pull the plug on carcomplete.eu
It was costing $20 a month and making $2 in advert revenue
Any possibility all the other functionalities can be made available for offline use? The ability to stretch, shrink and move objects into restricted areas was awesome (I used these all the time), as was the change track width and theme functions.
Just curious, as im a noob and ive searched everywhere. How are you guys elevating certain parts of the track?
And also, who do I have to thank for creating the Ebisu circuit? Just because of that track ive been playing GT6 nonstop. And also because of that track I want to try making my own tracks lol.
That ability exists already as shown with the tracks Short Track and Dover Speedway that @Razerman made.Id love the ability to make the front straight shorter. Aswell as better banking.
Im aware. But I mean something easily available to everyone.That ability exists already as shown with the tracks Short Track and Dover Speedway that @Razerman made.
Found a neat little thing regarding the custom apk's. If you create a track using the start/finish line apk you can install the elevated apk over the top without losing your saved trackit works vice versa aswell
EDIT: do not delete any data when installing different apk's, otherwise you will lose all your saved track's.
The normal version just follows the Andalusia terrain but the elevated version is 4000m high accurate lol. TBH it's pretty F'd up.How accurate is the elevation?
That was how I made 'Extreme' versions of some of my tracks, discovered it by accident one evening when I forgot to uninstall the custom start/finish version first.Found a neat little thing regarding the custom apk's. If you create a track using the start/finish line apk you can install the elevated apk over the top without losing your saved trackit works vice versa aswell
Then when you send it to your ps3 again it adjusts everything accordingly
Try it if you're bored with an old flat ish track.
EDIT: do not delete any data when installing different apk's, otherwise you will lose all your saved track's.
Also it only work's with the modded apk's of the same version ie all 1.0.2, & not the official TPE either
Shame I haven't got my Isle of Man TT track saved anymoreimagine that elevated at 10km ha ha mental
If you remember how you did that let us know, that would make me a very happy Mr GrumpyThat was how I made 'Extreme' versions of some of my tracks, discovered it by accident one evening when I forgot to uninstall the custom start/finish version first.
The one thing that is bugging the hell out of me is I could've sworn I changed the theme on my Top Gear v4.56 track without PJ's online tool - if I did though I'm stuffed if I can remember how!
Got fed up of not having a scenic touge that isn't a golf cart path. So I built one with respect to the scenery and topography. I call it Sierra Heights.
Give me your thoughts if you want.