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Best grab a seat before they're all gone,i'm in mate. 👍👍

Your in, 👍 Thats 11.

Just a quick note to the new racers, The mini should be fully tuned, put everything you can on it, add some sport medium tyres and run it in. After tuning it should be about 177/178 bhp, but after a few miles and oil changes, this will go up to about 183 bhp. It may be worth putting it in some bspec events to get some miles on it.👍
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Just a quick note to the new racers, The mini should be fully tuned, put everything you can on it, add some sport medium tyres and run it in. After tuning it should be about 177/178 bhp, but after a few miles and oil changes, this will go up to about 183 bhp. It may be worth putting it in some bspec events to get some miles on it.👍

182 max for me, but thats fine 👍 Im looking forward to this, looking driving this insane car :D

BTW the my PSN has 2 _
Its Strawman__Andy
182 max for me, but thats fine 👍 Im looking forward to this, looking driving this insane car :D

It will be MAD..Get some practice and post some times. Jamesybograt has set the benchmark. Can anyone improve on this.

Jamesybograts times..
london ... 1:02.1xx
reverse.... 1:01.4xx

BTW the my PSN has 2 _
Its Strawman__Andy

Sorted, PSN sent.👍
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Im looking forward to this but Im not very confident :lol: London is one of my slowest tracks, much practice needed although I havn't even started.
Im looking forward to this but Im not very confident :lol: London is one of my slowest tracks, much practice needed although I havn't even started.

I am going to have a Mini practice tomorrow, see if I can get anywhere near the Bograt's times. Looks like I have my work cut out:eek:
My time at London (not reverse) is 1:03.6, I'm afraid. :nervous:

Thats not too far off Jamesys pace, and faster than mine at the moment. I think I will have a few laps tonight and try and get my times down a bit more. It will be hard to overtake on the narrow streets, so a good qualifying lap will be needed here.
would love 2 join in , sounds good, i am a clean racer, my psn id is rohnny_jotten

You are in, PSN FR sent.👍👍👍 Now we have 12 starters so far. This is going to be MADNESS!!!


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My time at London (not reverse) is 1:03.6, I'm afraid. :nervous:
Thats not too far off Jamesys pace, and faster than mine at the moment. I think I will have a few laps tonight and try and get my times down a bit more. It will be hard to overtake on the narrow streets, so a good qualifying lap will be needed here.

I should've specified that's my HOT LAP. Like as in RED HOT LAP, as good as it got. :lol:
I only pulled that just once. All my other laps were 1:04.8+ range.
If anyone wants a practice for this, I am opening a room. Feel free to join.👍👍👍

Room now closed, Thanks all for joining. Got my best time so far...1:02.5xx
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If anyone wants a practice for this, I am opening a room. Feel free to join.👍👍👍

Room now closed, Thanks all for joining. Got my best time so far...1:02.5xx

Damn I see this 4 hours too late :lol: would have been a bit of fun.
I don't know where I'm going to find another second... 2 seconds on an average lap. :nervous:
No new red hot laps for me yet... :eek:
I don't know where I'm going to find another second... 2 seconds on an average lap. :nervous:
No new red hot laps for me yet... :eek:

I was suprised I managed to knock off 2 seconds,(thanks to Jamesy) but once I got the right lines into the turns, and my braking points, I was managing 1:02's consistently. Dont know how many laps I will be able to keep that sort of pace up for though. I done 12 laps and was slipping into the 1:03's because of tyre wear, and as there are no pits, one set of tyres will have to go 20 laps:eek:

Having had this practice with others, and just so everyone knows before the race on Saturday.

Using the kurbed corners at London is permitted.👍 Added to the OP.
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Practice results so far for London...
The right way round.


The wrong way round.


Looks like I need to practice reverse a bit more. Anyone else got times to post?
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Phew! Thank goodness for that! It's a tight track as it is... even including the curbing. LOL :lol:

With 12 on the grid so far, its going even tighter!!!

Here is the video from the Monaco race again just to wet your appetite's for Saturday. Hopefully Saturdays 2 races will be even better.
Again, sorry for the shabby quality of video.

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looks like fun. i will start running some practice laps and see if i can get near the 1:03 mark and then let you know if i am interested in joining
looks like fun. i will start running some practice laps and see if i can get near the 1:03 mark and then let you know if i am interested in joining

Good, the more the madder :D and dont worry about being up to speed to much, we will be going round London slower than the hotlaps set so far.
Hey is there any place left in the final london race for a new guy? :nervous: I promise to play nice (good racecraft and all)! my PSN is Senor_Bolsa
I'm consistently in the low 1:04s no matter what I do... Seems the more I work on it, the slower I get. :lol:

So please, don't let those hot lap times scare you off! At the very least, most should have a chance at battling me. LOL LOL :lol: :sly:
I'd love to know how you do it! :sly:

All these new faces and only 2 new in my series :eek:

It's always a challenge to engage new people. The fully tuned miny likes to bycicle like a madman at london :crazy: which tends to discourage people. looking forward to an interesting race!
It's always a challenge to engage new people.

Yes, I agree.

There's often a lot of suspicion people have before signing up with races.
I think most of us ask (quietly to ourselves)...

Will these people play fair? Is anyone in this race following rules... or are there any rules at all?
Is there some way to cheat this set-up they've got going... and I'm going to be the only one who doesn't know the magic formula?
Is there some secret these people know that I don't?

I wish people would be more up front in asking those questions, and to heck what anyone thinks of it! LOL
That's what I generally do!
I'm consistently in the low 1:04s no matter what I do... Seems the more I work on it, the slower I get. :lol:

So please, don't let those hot lap times scare you off! At the very least, most should have a chance at battling me. LOL LOL :lol: :sly:

I'm going to boot up my ps3 and see what i can do, unfortunately i can't use my wheel since my monitor broke :grumpy: so I have to play on my TV with a dualshock. Experience is the best practice!
1:06.1 darn... looks like i have a long night ahead of me! You guys wouldn't happen to have a few tips on tuning/driving London in these beasts would you?

Watermelon, I never really thought like that I was always more worried you guys would think I was playing dirty/breaking rules since I get confused easily.
Finally managed to get some practice in today, I thought I was brilliant at one stage because I managed a lap of 59:xxx but then I noticed I was using Racing Medium tyres :lol: after I changed tyres I managed a 1:03:580 the right way around and a 1:03:675 reverse with a DS3. I was getting frustrated so I didn't bother setting up my wheel but I will update once I do.