I'm hoping the daily reward system in the beta was tailored to it's shorter play period, and it'll have more diverse rewards and higher unlock requirements in the full game. If not, it won't take long at all to have your garage filled with every car in the game, and have your credits just start accumulating in a useless pile. It would make much more sense if vehicle damage and maintenance and garage management come into play, but that's yet to be confirmed (or even hinted at).
What I'd like to see out of a the daily rewards is a variety of challenges, rather than just a simple "drive two races worth of miles and here's a car" - stuff that encourages use of various features and modes in the game, and maybe even specific cars. Something like "win an arcade race at X track in class X", or something really interchangeable like "drive X amount of miles/accumulate X amount of drift points/consume X amount of fuel in an X class/make/model/country car". And I'd like to see prizes other than just cars, like credit/XP bonuses, perhaps some unique special paint colors and even some special brand-specific scapes for completing brand-specific challenges (if that's something that comes to be).
I just really don't want the entire collection of cars to be handed to me shortly after day one, especially when PD seem to be putting a lot of effort into making brand loyalty and personalization highlighted this time around. In the past games the larger car list and abundant late-game credits allowed me to just sorta pick up anything that piqued my interest left and right and jump into races with a random car, but that isn't going to be possible with a GTS-sized car list and no further padding - you'll run out fast and get bored. In the beta, very early on I disliked my starter N300 and Gr. 3 car, but loved the GT-R I was blessed with for Gr. 4, and with the online focus I became a lot more focused on refining my lap times, set up, and race craft, rather than just trying every car I got like I had in the past games. I only tried about 10 of the of the ~40 (I think?) cars in the beta, and even then only really extensively used five or so of those. I got to dig onto those cars, and I really enjoyed that experience, and I really hope the full game will be able to expand upon it, but if that is to happen I think that this time around the credits system needs to be balanced in such a way that if I want and/or need a new car, I need to get a good amount of racing in.
The Photo Mode and customization features have had me locked in on a purchase for a while now, but I'm really, really concerned about the replay value that major parts of this game will have.