Morse code on Nike One 2022

  • Thread starter Freq
Just me doing a little drifting in the One. I think its a really fun car to drive and I also think its really cool that Phil took the time to talk to us and tell us more about it, thanks alot.


Hey, i never noticed what weird headgear that driver has! :lol:
WOW - Seriously cool thread 👍

Thanks a million Dr. Phil - Always great to see someone "in the know" share a little of their wisdom !...
Thanks for the insight Phil!! ......I hope you stop by more often with behind the scene details :)
Many sincere thanks to Phil for his efforts and indeed sharing some exclusive info with all of us. Higly appreciated.

Cheers. 👍
Phil, we're honored to have you here. Thanks for stopping by and giving us your side of the story! It's so incredibly fascinating to learn about what goes on behind the scenes of such an incredible project. :)
Well, that's one way to demonstrate a total lack of skill and finesse in Photoshop. There's more to adjusting an image than maximizing the brightness control, you know.. those look even worse than the originals.

Should I try?
WELL!!!!!......... ok then........... my bad........... first time posting on this forum, and all I did was try to clear up something that was so dark I couldn't see it.. so go ahead hotshot..... have at it !!

I had my first time with photo mode with the nike car at nurburgring around tuesday....I saw in one of my views that there appeared to be writing on the car where that code is. When i zoomed in hoping to find a neat little technical detail about a power source(for a service warning, or other kind of posted info decal), I was disappointed to see i couldn't read it. I do not know morse code, so I didn't even recognize it.
I am glad to know it was information, and neat to know what it said.

Thanks for the translation!
WELL!!!!!......... ok then........... my bad........... first time posting on this forum, and all I did was try to clear up something that was so dark I couldn't see it.. so go ahead hotshot..... have at it !!

Well... okay.

That took all of ten seconds, by the way...
Well... okay.

That took all of ten seconds, by the way...

Ty. that looks much nicer. I was the first one to post the picture with the morse code on it. (i known I shouldn't be bragging but..)

Thanks for all the kind comments. It was all for you to have fun with. Keep the renderings coming they are looking good.

As I mentioned before there was an attempt to have a Nike ONE-R in the game that could be used in competition. The original car has almost three cars worth of polygons so the game can't manage it and five other cars on a track as well as it should.

So I took this pass at it by reducing the details and adding a fairing to hide the driver and some of the bits. Unfortunately it was to late in the development process for the game and they had other pressing issues to address, so it was omitted. Maybe you can lobby them to make an add on.

I'm out. Phil


  • NIKEONE-R.jpg
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Thanks for all the kind comments. It was all for you to have fun with. Keep the renderings coming they are looking good.

As I mentioned before there was an attempt to have a Nike ONE-R in the game that could be used in competition. The original car has almost three cars worth of polygons so the game can't manage it and five other cars on a track as well as it should.

So I took this pass at it by reducing the details and adding a fairing to hide the driver and some of the bits. Unfortunately it was to late in the development process for the game and they had other pressing issues to address, so it was omitted. Maybe you can lobby them to make an add on.

I'm out. Phil

That looks wicked Phil. good job.
Really sweet man, tho I have to wait a few more days before I can get my hands on GT4.

Those wheels look pretty poly intense. The radical and I guess aerodynamic shape makes flat surfaces, and thus low polies, almost impossible. It's too bad, but maybe the new concept can be added in the Multiplayer release of GT4 :)

Thanks for all the kind comments. It was all for you to have fun with. Keep the renderings coming they are looking good.

As I mentioned before there was an attempt to have a Nike ONE-R in the game that could be used in competition. The original car has almost three cars worth of polygons so the game can't manage it and five other cars on a track as well as it should.

So I took this pass at it by reducing the details and adding a fairing to hide the driver and some of the bits. Unfortunately it was to late in the development process for the game and they had other pressing issues to address, so it was omitted. Maybe you can lobby them to make an add on.

I'm out. Phil

That's pretty neat... still the same car, just lower-poly. Pity it came too late, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

Still a neat car, especially knowing more about it. I know a lot of people are miffed about not being able to race it, but I like it. :) It can be raced in Arcade Mode, anyway. :)
Well... okay.

That took all of ten seconds, by the way...

hmmmmm.. I dunno, perhaps it's just me but it's still dark as hell.. ten seconds ?? yeah, I believe it..really... regardless, still one bad-ass ride.. if they have anything remotely close to the NIKE1 in the year 2022 it'd be a serious advancement for automotive technology.. funny thing is I could see these kind of vehicles being uses for singular means of transportation (like to go to work).. cool cool stuff.....................Ez!

hmmmmm.. I dunno, perhaps it's just me but it's still dark as hell.. ten seconds ?? yeah, I believe it..really... regardless, still one bad-ass ride.. if they have anything remotely close to the NIKE1 in the year 2022 it'd be a serious advancement for automotive technology.. funny thing is I could see these kind of vehicles being uses for singular means of transportation (like to go to work).. cool cool stuff.....................Ez!


Your monitor is problematic my friend.
That last post was my first and I hadn't read all of pfd's insight. Thanks again for all the info. That is one thing i really miss from the GT series, it how all the cars used to have the story behind the cars.

Now, I know the story behind the Nike ONE. Thank you.

Also, thanks for being so personable. You seem like a very nice guy, when as someone else put it, you may not have been.

Sincerely, Chris
Originally Posted by NWSaint

WELL!!!!!......... ok then........... my bad........... first time posting on this forum, and all I did was try to clear up something that was so dark I couldn't see it.. so go ahead hotshot..... have at it !!

Well... okay.

Looking at that picture, NW should consider himself owned. Thoroughly. Awesome thread, and whoever said about the car speed incereasing the more you 'train' with it, thats brilliant, if they've doen that, that iwll be fantastic. As he did say 230mph, and 160mph aint 230mph, and its meant to be related to the driver. Maybe thats where A-Spec points finally have a use? Hmmm, the plot thickens.....
The Nike One becomes twice as interesting when you know what's behind it. Now I understand why the driver is making all those noises ... :)

Thanks a lot for sharing all that, Phil! And it is incredible that Polyphony Digital did not publish that information somewhere with the game. Millions of GT4 owners will never understand the car.

Also 👍 to Freq for decoding the morse-message.
Thanks for those concept sketches, Phil! Great stuff. A friend of mine saw you do a demo for a quick sketch class at the Art Institute of Portland. Said you were amazing to watch. I just graduated from there also, I'm bummed I didn't get to take that class.

Here's my 2020 Mazda RX-7 concept that was featured in Motor Trend (but not GT4 :guilty: ). Maybe we can race sometime ;)
