I've been doing alot of thinking regarding this topic. PD seems to have left out many cars that should have been "Shoe Ins". It seems crazy that PD have not included the Volt, among other cars that are in the spotlight right now. The only reason I can think of that they did this is because they are planning "Car Packs" to be available in the future from the PS Store.
I am not claiming this to be true...but it seems logical.
They could do a Muscle Car Pack, American Pack, European Pack...etc....
Maybe they could have about 5 premium cars per pack and charge $4.99 for each pack? About a dollar per car.
If they do this, it will net them alot of more money from PS owners that decide to download. If a million people download a $4.99 car pack...thats 5 million dollars just off of that one pack.
I know that if I had the option to download my 2000 Pontiac Trans Am in Premium I would faint from happiness. I would pay even $20.00 just to download that one car.
I read somewhere that Kaz said "No DLC"...but I could be wrong. I just remember reading that. Anyway, I would much rather hope for DLC to be in the form of cars rather than Tracks. We have Track Creator...that should be good enough.
If DLC does become available...here are some ideas of what we might see:
- Premium Car Packs
- Standard Car Packs
- Racing Suit Packs
- Rim Packs
- Track Packs
- Racing Seat Packs
- Dynamic Avatar Packs
The last idea is some thing that I have been thinking about for some time. How awesome would it be for your avatar on PSN to be the current car that you are driving in! So if you are in a Nissan GTR....that is your Dynamic Avatar. In the Avatar, wheels would move as well. If you are playing your PS3 at night time, then your Dynamic Car Avatars headlights are on