Just tried a race on Mugello in the rain, i really like the look, looks great, stormy and immersive.
Edit: I've been using mostly historic bikes until now, just tried the ducati full motogp bike, no aids, it's a handfull lol. I like it

,even if i suck haha, it's pretty much hardcore sim style, great.
One silly question, the hud is pretty simple but i have no idea what the 2 vertical gray red bars mean lol? Can't be tire wear, it goes down to minimum in the 1st lap or so and i don't notice any changes. Isn't tire wear the circles opening up as tires wear? Idk, maybe i have a blank, and it will come back to me.
Must be the damage

. Im liking the ragdoll physics, which i have many occasions to witness

I'm pleasantly surprised really how hardcore sim it is,just trying out in career testing with this Ducati bike.
Even just downshifting, you gotta match your revs. Good stuff.
Cheers guys.
Edit2: big difference with soft tires, much easier, was using medium until now.
The little notes when loading say that the best times are near the end of sessions when the track is more grippy. Does motogp19 really simulate this?
I wonder also if the test times/ lap objectives change with the ai difficulty you choose? Seems it should. Haven't tried it out.
Have to say the controls are super smooth and nice which is so great so you don't fight the joystick, only the bike itself. I can't complain at all and don't see how much better it can be.
The commentator makes me laugh, says i think we can look forward to changes in their setup. Yeah cause my times suck haha.
I guess it's the tire wear those vertical lines, seems to match the info in the menu.
Taking me many laps to register memorize turns 9 and 11 in Qatar, my god I'm slow hehe.
I'm loving the next race, argentina, fast sweepers.
Really loving the helmet view in this game.
Even though 3rd person is well made too and fun.
This game is brilliant, in helmet and 3rd person view. The sound on that Ducati is really good in both views, the feel is amazing with no aids. Really glad i gave this a shot. This and mxgppro are so good. Ride3 is good too but i hope they improve the feel like in this, and the career.
Also the bikes and rider look great in replay.
Good times to be a bike sim fan. Glad it's getting this good now. Ok enough bla bla from me.

until my next edit or post.

too bad no replay in all modes, just passed an historical challenge and you can't even watch a replay of it aww idk. Seems it could use just the same replay as in races, i don't get it.
Was for Biaggi Yam yzr-m1 2002, was easier than most this one to unlock.
Another bike with nice sound, also love all the cockpits, looks almost like you can reach and touch, good textures and detail.
One small detail that's silly is the setup always defaults back to aids full, like in challenges you have to off them once it's started on track and restart it. You can't even off them while the autopilot is on at the start.
Also it be nice to have your tire choices on the hud next to the tire temp and wear.
Another thing is you get as many tires to use in your weekend of racing even if you choose to do only let's say one qualif and the race. It's too easy compared to doing all sessions.
You have plenty of tires, that's in quick mode single race, i don't know if it's different in a championship season or career and if you have a limited number of tires for your season or if it scales to the number of sessions you do. I'm sure not many players bother doing each practice lol too.
Here goes EDIT4: have to say it's a really silly oversight to not have fixed this reversed rider forward lean. Each time you push forward to lean forward to control the wheelies it works but your rider sits up instead of leaning forward and slows your acceleration since you sit up into the wind.
Its not so bad for performance cause you need do this mostly at lower speeds and doesn't affect so much your acceleration but its annoying especially in helmet/cockpit view as your view goes back alot. It's same when just accelerating at higher speeds, and need avoid pushing forward on your joystick which is counterintuitive as you control your direction you need pull back on it to avoid this sitting up into the wind and then the view is shifting back and forward.
Worse is it does this only when going straight. When you lean a little the rider doesn't situp like this even when you him push forward.
I don't get how they let this pass, it's like no one is checking that basic controls work as intended lol. Oh well..
Also when you set the engine braking higher it works pretty well but then if you use the rear brake it slides the rear alot more even if you are in a higher gear at low speed.
I get of course that it should do this just like in PC2 for example, but not at so low in the power band, in low revs at higher gear going slow. Unless the engine is a torque monster and gears are so short.
Anyway hehe, i do love this and the challenging feel. Really like the bad weather look of the tracks. Assen is pretty cool, and Sashenring too, nice flow but takes some time to memorize the curves.
Oh one little detail i like in this is how in helmet view when you look back, your view swivels to the back to check back. Feels more natural and immersive than how in ride3 it just snaps to the back view.
And it even swivels to the side you are leaning, pretty cool.
EDIT5: hehe yh, the animations of the ai bikes is really good in this i find, so cool feeling to be in a race and see many ai in front moving so smoothly and naturally, and also a little differently from each other.
And in replays, your own bike, pretty cool looking to see it lean smoothly from one curve to another leaning the other side.
Oookkk hehe another small EDIT6:
this game is nuts, i mean as in good. The 2000 and up full gpbikes with no aids especially with less than soft tires are nuts hehe. The rear can spin on full power even in 4th gear and almost straight ahead. You need sit back to try make it not slip, it's amazing.
It fits with what real racers say too, they cant use full throttle except a few percent of each lap, cause the rear just spins. Pretty cool. You need pull back to help the tire grip then sit forward a little when the bikes front wants to go up. Its a constant juggling act.
Plus when you shift especially if using the clutch, you need shift your weight too to handle the acceleration just after each shift.
Then it's the engine braking and trying rev up when downshifting to avoid rear slip too.
Lots going on, you're focused and don't see laps go by. Feels pretty damn real like i would imagine, with the bike dancing around non stop, plus you have to manage your tires lol, and when they start getting worn a little bit much, it gets even more slippery lol.
Phenomenal feel to me, but it's like playing piano on the controller lol, not easy hehe.
And a phenomenal challenge to race these in a way the pros do, with helmet view and all handling at max difficulty, as it should be i feel.
Oh and the sound is amazing especially when blipping the throttle to match revs on downshift. I know the more modern gp bikes don't need this but i love it hehe.