No matter what the car, going in neutral coasting downhill is dangerous

and you can save fuel by staying in gear coasting instead. When you are in neutral, your engine actually have to inject fuel to stay in idle, while in gear
as the revs dropping slowly ( while you coast/no throttle ), the fuel injector actually do not inject any fuel ( zero pulse ) even as engine still running, this applies to manual and auto cars. As the rev drops near idle, the fuel injector will start adding fuel to prevent engine stall. This happens around 1000rpm ( near idle rpm ), and you can feel it as the engine rev a bit. The saving is the difference when you are off throttle in gear ( dropping rpm slowly downhill ) against staying/holding on certain rpm.
In neutral, the driveline is not connected to the engine, in certain situation, this can be very dangerous ( emergency maneuver, slippery road, rough surface when downhill could cause an accident ) and you won't save fuel.
Damage to / bent shift fork is more likely from rough treatment/ excessive abuse ( banging on the shifter/gorilla arms

or forced it into a gear ), I won't let anyone drive my car that way
As a trucker, you would know this already