There are quite a number of deaths due to heart attack during races. Lex Davison, 1965 Sandown Tasman series, for example.
Glenn Leasher died during a land speed record attempt at Bonneville salt flats, 1962, when his Infinity jet car exploded.
Jörg Bastuck was killed changing a tire during a WRC rally when struck by another car.
Tom Pryce hit in the head by a fire extinguisher.
Kevin Ward, intentionally standing on track, hit by Tony Stewart.
There are cases of drivers killed by fires and exploding engines and clutches not due to crashes.
Then there are the spectator deaths. From '01 :
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - At least 260 people - 11 percent of them spectators - have died at auto racing events since 1990 that include the gamut of U.S. motorsports from NASCAR to dragsters, The Charlotte Observer reported Sunday.
Twenty-nine spectators, including five children, and have been killed in track mishaps along with 204 drivers - an average of 22 fatalities a year during the period examined by The Observer.
Finally, there is the story of the Corvette racer who left the track at Watkins Glen and was decapitated by a wire. The story goes on that the drunken "bog people" grabbed the head and refused to return it to authorities for a time.