Where have you looked to find out if the G25 is compatible with MotorStrom? Have you tried asking Logitech or check their website? In fact I'd be surprised if they don't have a list of supported games. Also, I'm pretty sure they also have a forum for people to post questions. I'd also check with Evolution Studios, and the official MotorStorm forum on Sony's site. All of these sites can be found easily enough using Google.Before you count me in, I still need to know if the G25 is compatible with MotorStorm. I don't have the game yet and I can't play with a controller.
Thanks! I thought that there maybe was a GTP member who has a G25 and motorstorm and that this person could answer my question. But I'm going to take your advice and look it up.Where have you looked to find out if the G25 is compatible with MotorStrom? Have you tried asking Logitech or check their website? In fact I'd be surprised if they don't have a list of supported games. Also, I'm pretty sure they also have a forum for people to post questions. I'd also check with Evolution Studios, and the official MotorStorm forum on Sony's site. All of these sites can be found easily enough using Google.
Because I never used it. I bought a wheel for the PS1 and for TOCA2 (pc) and I never raced (games) with a controller. The G25 is my 6th wheel.Digital-NitrateI'm curious though, why is it you can't use a controller?
by Tom Bramwell
MotorStorm has been patched to version 3.0, introducing support for the upcoming DualShock 3's rumble (hurrah) and tweaking a number of other variables.
According to Sony's community folk, the patch is set for release today and all you have to do to install it is pop the Blu-ray disc in the drive, select "Online" from the main menu, join a game universe and then agree to be patched when prompted.
As well as vibration support with adjustable sensitivity settings to go with the DualShock 3 when it launches (November in Japan, spring in US/Europe), version 3.0 adds sensitivity settings for Sixaxis motion-sensor controls, and introduces a "Gloating Index" which tracks your successes and failures against other racers.
Check out the official list of changes below:
* Added vibration support for DUALSHOCK 3 controller with adjustable sensitivity settings.
* Grid order has been randomised for first race in any online lobby.
* Finishing positions in your last race now determine your starting grid position in the next race within the same online lobby.
* On-screen indicator has been added to show whether voice comms are issuing from TV or headset. As before, please press and hold L1 (R1 if using control scheme ‘B’to toggle headset output through TV or Headset.
* Sensitivity Settings for SIXAXIS Motion Sensor control have been added.
* ‘Gloating Index’ has been added to the Stats card - The Gloating index gives guidance as to a racer’s online prowess. It takes into account the number of people you’ve beaten in each race and the number of people that have beaten you. Use the gloating index to spot the players to beat in each race! Try and rank your Gloating Index up to the perfect ‘10’!
* Several causes for an occasional snagging issue which would destroy vehicles on suspension impact have been addressed.
* Further fixes to prevent the occasional statistics reset issue have been applied.
* Fixed an occasional issue with inaccuracies in Eliminator finishing results.
* Fixed an issue where winners leaving Eliminator before race completed could cause issues for other players in lobby.
I downloaded the free "Limited Edition Halloween Livery" for the Castro Robusto truck from the latest UK PS Store update, but it isn't showing up as a choice in my game?
I'm suspecting this add-on for some reason doesn't work on the North American version of MotorStorm?
More bone-crunching offroad goodness you say?
That’s right race fans, MotorStorm will be releasing new content….we just keep it coming. The team doesn’t mind working late nights and weekends as long as our consumers our happy.
On November 8th, a new server Update 3.0 patch will become available, as will new Devil’s Weekend downloadable content on the PSN Store.
First things first - what’s in the server Update 3.0 patch? Well we’ve added support for the DUALSHOCK 3 controller with adjustable sensitivity settings, and we’ve added sensitivity settings for SIXAXIS Motion Sensor control. Also, finishing position from the last race now determines your starting grid position in the next race within the same online lobby. Oh, and the grid order is completely randomized for the first race in any online lobby.
Last but definitely not least, don’t forget to check out the PSN Store for our new downloadable content, Devil’s Weekend. With this new pack, you get 4 new tickets containing 10 races (no time for sleeping). Check out the five new vehicles and one special unlockable vehicle - each one available with three new skins.
Don’t worry about the new content being called Devil’s Weekend, you only need to sell your soul to the devil at the crossroads if you want to be an expert at the course. No one said getting good at MotorStorm was easy.
We are also including a little belated Halloween treat by including a vehicle with a Halloween skin available to everyone when you update to the new server patch. It’s always nice to get something free every now and then.
Enjoy your long days and sleepless nights playing MotorStorm.
Just got an answer from Evolution studios and they confirmed that thet are working on MotorStorm2. They also said that they had good relations with logitech in the past and that it is possible to make MotorStorm2 compatible with a wheel.
Thread revival time!
Is anyone up for playing sometime? Personally I'm only available on Friday and/or Saturday nights after 8:30pm US Central time. Limited, I know, but so be it.
I didn't get online this weekend as I was tackling my new remote.
I'll try to get on this weekend. Have you got that headset working?
I've tried two times to create a game called "GTPlanet_Racers"(nobody joined the game after 5 min so I gave it up) to help get the word out. I'm sure there has to be some members of our planet out there racing.
You already know I'll be waiting....er...looking for you to race with. 👍
I tried organising a meet up ages ago...Not enough intrest was expressed so I canned it.
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but really getting desperate here not having anyone online to play. So I wanted to know if Motorstorm ever got 2 player split screen with any of the updates?
No, Motorstorm the original never got the splitscreen addition which Motostorm 2 has. Sorry to dissapoint.
I was kind of expecting that. Thanks for the quick response anyway. 👍
It's a shame, the original always felt as though the races, the online and anything else added on was a afterthought. How they could have realised a awesome game like that without a decent online mode or splitscreen is a complete mystery to me.
Agreed, although as far as being able to enjoy an online race with friends, I never had any issues with it, and still enjoy an online race once in a while.
However, the lack of splitscreen was foolish IMO.
If it helps, the way my family and friends have played "multi-player" games offline is to take turns and simply compare race times. That works for serious competition - especially when using the time trial mode, so that the AI do not effect the results.
We originally came up with another mode of multi-player MotorStorm for when our kids had friends over and they all wanted to play the game. The trouble was that each race can take quite a while, especially if the kid isn't terribly good or just goofing off. So we came up with the rule that when ever your vehicle is "reset" (either due to being destroyed, flipped over, or off course), then the next person in line takes over. This not only assured that everyone got their turn, but encouraged them to play better.
Yes, spit-screen would have been great, but there it is. At least MS2 is supposedly getting 4-player split screen, which should be a lot of fun!