Mr. Thompson and Video Games.

  • Thread starter McLaren


United States
Read that.

This man makes some good points, however, his response to people sucks. He's extremely rude.

The man wants many games gone and blames a high school shooting on Halo. Reports the student trained on Halo using a sniper.

Now, what do you all think?
Doom spyders ate his brain and left larva that developed into the pod person called Mr. Thompson , If you were a pod person you would blame games too ! so have some sympathy for the twit .
"The incredibly violent Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, made by Take-Two Interactive of New York City, has caused multiple copycat killings across the country. A recent Gallup Poll found that any American teen who has played this one game is twice as likely to be engaged in an act of violence than those who have not played this one game. In this game you have sex with a prostitute and then kill her grotesquely to get your money back and win the game faster. Police officers are set on fire, shotgunned in the face, and innocent pedestrians are run over with cars."

1) Which American teen has not played this game?

2)There are no prostitutes in Vice City, there are however in III and SA.

3)In both III and SA prostitution does NOT help you win the game faster!!!

4)"Innocent protesters run over with cars" makes it sound like you have to do it. Running over people is purly optional!

This is obviously a man who has never played Vice City so is therfore not qualified to pass judgement on it.
This site's purpose is to give you the means to contact Miami attorney Jack Thompson if you know of someone harmed as a result of violent entertainment, including violent video games.......
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....
Mr. whoever he is doesnt make any sense to me.
Urgghh...I hate people like him.
1) Which American teen has not played this game?

2)There are no prostitutes in Vice City, there are however in III and SA.

3)In both III and SA prostitution does NOT help you win the game faster!!!

4)"Innocent protesters run over with cars" makes it sound like you have to do it. Running over people is purly optional!

This is obviously a man who has never played Vice City so is therfore not qualified to pass judgement on it.
2) There are porstitutes in VC.

3)In SA I'm sure prostitution does help complete game.

4) True, but there's not exactly any incentive not to.

It's just another person putting blame on Video Games because something has to be blamed for all that's bad.

And how the hell does Halo help you practise sniping? I'm sure everyone of the trained snipers in the world, be it SAS, US Seals basic army sniper is furious at that. It takes years to train to be a sniper, no videogame can teach you it.
Yet another single minded ignoramus who people prefer to listen to instead of gamers themselves.

The thing with people like this guy is that they obviously have never played these games, let alone touched a games console of any kind.
The fact that repeatedly come up is how the offenders "trained" on Halo, GTA3 and the seemingly ubiquitous DOOM. Having played all of these games I fail to see even slightly how these games can train people to kill and to go into "sniper mode".
I think that movies regularly show more material which people could interpret as "training" e.g the number of movies where a character is taught on the spot how to use a gun of some sort and when they fail to shoot someone, the sidekick comes up and while in super close up, shows the protagonist how to switch off the safety. Surely this would be more helpful in the event of attempting to use a weapon than playing a video game set hundreds of years in the future where the gun fires at the push of a button. FFS, even looking past the alien-ridden post apocalyptic future that DOOM provides, you cannot even look upwards. This teaches students how to kill people how?
I haven't actually been to the chaps site and had a good look yet (I'm at work and I have to ration my 'non-productive' keyboard time :().

However, if he's saying that constant exposure to violent and immoral entertainment has a negative effect on the development of young adults then I think that arguing against him is a bit of a moot point.

Most research that has been done in this area is, I admit, inherently biased as the researchers had their minds made up before they started.

Nontheless, a significant body of evidence is building up to support the common-sense conclusion that the de-sensitising effect of such media does have an impact on subsequent anti-social/criminal behaviour. Particularly when the 'audience' consists of individuals who have not yet been fully socialised.

As such, I'm not surprised in the huge upsurge in violent incidents in this country as the generations that grew up in the video-game-age (with the parental right to discipline them curtailed by law) reach serious-drinking-and-clubbing 'maturity'.

Games aren't the whole story of course but this forum is hardly the place for adequately addressing such a complex issue (particularly on a tight time-table :D).
2) There are porstitutes in VC.

3)In SA I'm sure prostitution does help complete game.

4) True, but there's not exactly any incentive not to.

It's just another person putting blame on Video Games because something has to be blamed for all that's bad.

And how the hell does Halo help you practise sniping? I'm sure everyone of the trained snipers in the world, be it SAS, US Seals basic army sniper is furious at that. It takes years to train to be a sniper, no videogame can teach you it.
2) to my knowledge a prostitute will not simply get into your car in VC, although Misty , a GT3 prostitute is one of the charecters.

3)No you complete the game by doing missions and buying property.

4)Its purely optional.
2) to my knowledge a prostitute will not simply get into your car in VC, although Misty , a GT3 prostitute is one of the charecters.

3)No you complete the game by doing missions and buying property.

4)Its purely optional.
If you go into town near the radio station and troll the whores will get in . Watch out for the car jackers though . :) Also near the beach house with the copter pad and along the boat house . This is a night time activity of course .
This guy needs to focus more on parents actually PARENTING their children instead of going after video game companies. I mean, most of the people he's trying to "defend" don't have the money to just go buy these games. So, let's focus on educating the parents instead of prosecuting the producers.
So if video games cause kids and teens to become violent then shouldn't there be millions of violent acts in America alone? It is obvious that it is an impressionable minority that become violent after playing a video game.

So if he sues the gaming companies while representing the parent of a violent teen can I sue the parents if a violent teen hurts me or is that too politically incorrect?
yeah maddox does rule, "God bless Hillary Clinton for allocating tax money to have federal regulators investigate "the source of this content," because if she hadn't, consumers might have to go through the trouble of reading the label on the cover of the box. "
pretty much sums it up. that guy really deserves a kick in the gonads <8- P i don't see how a controller can give you any help with a actual gun, its like playing baseball on PS2 or something, just because you can hit a home run in a game does not mean your going to go do it every time in reality (i am not saying violence is acceptable at all, just using baseball as a example).
on another note, i played postal 2 once, does that mean im going to pee on people and use cats as silencers? <8- D
Here's the issue:

Boxes have age ratings on them. I believe they are not legally-enforced ratings in the US. Make them legally-enforced ratings. Send in mystery-shoppers and screw over any shop selling 17+ games to 10 year olds. Give parents the information when they're buying the game. If the parent deems it suitable to buy a 17+ game for their 10 year old - fine. That's their decision. However, if their child shoots up a jewellery store after seeing it in Vice City it's the parent's fault, not the game manufacturer's.

Give the parents the decisions - the ones they're supposed to have anyway - and with that comes the responsibility for making the wrong one.
Here's the issue:

Boxes have age ratings on them. I believe they are not legally-enforced ratings in the US. Make them legally-enforced ratings. Send in mystery-shoppers and screw over any shop selling 17+ games to 10 year olds. Give parents the information when they're buying the game. If the parent deems it suitable to buy a 17+ game for their 10 year old - fine. That's their decision. However, if their child shoots up a jewellery store after seeing it in Vice City it's the parent's fault, not the game manufacturer's.

Give the parents the decisions - the ones they're supposed to have anyway - and with that comes the responsibility for making the wrong one.

I think most major stores check your ID now.
I am trying to protect our freedoms. How so? When the next Columbine happens and the perpetrators are proven to be copycatters of adult-rated violent entertainment, then the government, driven by parental concern, really will contract freedom for all Americans. Safety will trump freedom.

So let me try and work this equation out. He is trying to protect freedom by removing freedom? Safety will trump freedom? Really? I'd rather be in an interesting world where people are allowed to express themselves and let out some tension by playing a violent game, then one where we are all safe in our nice little foam protective cubbies.
^^ That type of freedom. :-/

The guy sort of dies end on a semi sensible note....
May God bless you in the meantime. If you have kids, have them start shooting hoops instead of humans.

He's not all about legislation but it is most likely that the bigger of a rabble rouser he is the more successful he becomes (In a monetary sense).
I'm more offended that he has a banner add for at the top of the page. He couldn't even get a decent web hosting package to use to fight against people who like computers.

Here's the issue:

Boxes have age ratings on them. I believe they are not legally-enforced ratings in the US. Make them legally-enforced ratings. Send in mystery-shoppers and screw over any shop selling 17+ games to 10 year olds. Give parents the information when they're buying the game. If the parent deems it suitable to buy a 17+ game for their 10 year old - fine. That's their decision. However, if their child shoots up a jewellery store after seeing it in Vice City it's the parent's fault, not the game manufacturer's.

Give the parents the decisions - the ones they're supposed to have anyway - and with that comes the responsibility for making the wrong one.

The music and movie industries enforce their own ratings systems by not supplying any retailer that does not follow it. I believe this is what the ESRB needs to do. However, I feel that it won't stop anything since I have watched parents buy their kids movies, games, and music after the cashier warned them of the content.

I even saw a kid at Disc Jockey attempt to buy a CD with a parental advisory on it and they told him he had to get his parents to come in with him. Five minutes later he was back with his mom. When the cashier explained to her it had foul language and lyrics about violence she looked at her son and made some comment about how she didn't know if he should have it but he just gave her a "puhllleeeeaaaassseee!!!" and she caved in. That's where the problem is.

If the gaming industry would smarten up a bit they would use this same type of self regulation and then in the future point the finger back at the parent.

Until then I will have to deal with groups like MAVAV (Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence.
Until then I will have to deal with groups like MAVAV (Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence.

LOL, groups like that make me laugh. HOw about Mother's that care enough to see what they're buying for their children(MTCETSWBFTC) :lol:
LOL, groups like that make me laugh. HOw about Mother's that care enough to see what they're buying for their children(MTCETSWBFTC) :lol:

Actually after seeing that I started joking with a couple of friends about starting Gamers Against Poor Parenting (GAPP) and what started as a joke is quickly turning into something real. The past couple of days we have been looking at domain names and webhosting services.

Of course, in a month it could quickly become something tossed aside as a silly idea. Who knows?
Actually after seeing that I started joking with a couple of friends about starting Gamers Against Poor Parenting (GAPP) and what started as a joke is quickly turing into something real. The past couple of days we have been looking at domain names and webhosting services.

Of course, in a month it could quickly become something tossed aside as a silly idea. Who knows?

Honestly, I think something like that is a good idea. I'm not sure about all the details that you have for it. But it really is on the parents to make sure children don't get a hold of things that they deem to violent or obsene. I mean, if you're child is getting fat of Fast/Junk food, you can't blame the food companies, it's about the parents LETTING the child eat that type of food.
Honestly, I think something like that is a good idea. I'm not sure about all the details that you have for it. But it really is on the parents to make sure children don't get a hold of things that they deem to violent or obsene. I mean, if you're child is getting fat of Fast/Junk food, you can't blame the food companies, it's about the parents LETTING the child eat that type of food.

That's partially why I think it may stay a joke. There are so many issues of parenting that could be brought up that it would be insane to deal with. But that would be my goal is to point my finger at any parent who blames someone else for their kids problems that they should be dealing with, whether it be gaming related or not.

I'd also want to try to disprove some of the "facts" listed by MAVAV. Did you know that hardcore gaming can lead to felony crime through piracy and if you don't pirate software you will be kicked out of the gaming communities?

I have a confession to make: I play GT4 on a PS2 without a mod chip installed. My PS1 never had one either. I will now cancel my account with GTP and go cry in the corner.

Another thing they mentioned was the symptoms of kids in their rooms for 6-8 hours a day. What are those parents doing for those 6-8 hours? Obviously not worrying about their kid. You walk in and tell them to turn it off at the next save point. If they don't then you turn it off.

Essential my deal would be that I would be brutally honest no matter what the circumstances are. I am not running for office and public opinion doesn't affect me. No one in the public spotlight stands up and points a finger at the parents. If a person or group with no public opinion issues and nothing to lose from bad PR did it then maybe someone would listen.
That's partially why I think it may stay a joke. There are so many issues of parenting that could be brought up that it would be insane to deal with. But that would be my goal is to point my finger at any parent who blames someone else for their kids problems that they should be dealing with, whether it be gaming related or not.

I'd also want to try to disprove some of the "facts" listed by MAVAV. Did you know that hardcore gaming can lead to felony crime through piracy and if you don't pirate software you will be kicked out of the gaming communities?

I have a confession to make: I play GT4 on a PS2 without a mod chip installed. My PS1 never had one either. I will now cancel my account with GTP and go cry in the corner.

Another thing they mentioned was the symptoms of kids in their rooms for 6-8 hours a day. What are those parents doing for those 6-8 hours? Obviously not worrying about their kid. You walk in and tell them to turn it off at the next save point. If they don't then you turn it off.

Essential my deal would be that I would be brutally honest no matter what the circumstances are. I am not running for office and public opinion doesn't affect me. No one in the public spotlight stands up and points a finger at the parents. If a person or group with no public opinion issues and nothing to lose from bad PR did it then maybe someone would listen.

That's a good point. But just keep it focused completly on video games. This way it can be taken seriously without having to be an all encompassing parental control destination.

Children having video game systems in there room is ridiculous and WON'T happen in my house. Now, when they get to be teenagers or college students that different. But my 6 year old son/daughter is not going to have a TV with a video game system in their room. I doubt they'd have a TV at all.

But getting back to your site, I really think that is something that could do a lot of good. You should push for it. 👍


I just looked at that site. Man, those people are extreme. They don't even mention anything else but the video games. Hardcore gamers only get pirated software? Please, that's the biggest generalization I've heard in a long time. MAn, these people are scarry and what's worse, they're serious! :scared:
I just looked at that site. Man, those people are extreme. They don't even mention anything else but the video games. Hardcore gamers only get pirated software? Please, that's the biggest generalization I've heard in a long time. MAn, these people are scarry and what's worse, they're serious! :scared:

Here's a good quote for you:
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life.
I don't even play MMORPGs and I was offended.

And here are a list of articles that they claim to link to, but are currently down for EDITING?
Video Game Addiction
Massive Multiplayer Role Playing... Game or Fatal Attraction?
EverQuest: A Threat to Society?
No Work and All Play: A Story of a NYU Drop Out

Video Game Culture
E3: The Evil Entertainment Expo
Lan Parties
Video Game Networks or Online Training Camps?
Professional Gaming
Online Gaming to Hit the Mainstream Market

Video Game Violence
Video Game and Tobacco Companies: Frightening Similarities. Secret Industry Report Revealed
Grand Theft Auto and the Irresponsible Rockstar
Americas Army: A New Low
A Mortal Combat: Video Game Violence
Splinter Cell: How-To Kill
Here's a good quote for you:
I don't even play MMORPGs and I was offended.

And here are a list of articles that they claim to link to, but are currently down for EDITING?

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life.

That could be movies, music or any other form of entertainment. Sheesh, that's the WHOLE point. I know lots of people that are deep into MMORPG's and they are far from social outkasts or emotionally unstable.

I also noticed that that articles, all of them, are down at the same time. That's rather shady.

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