Here's a success story to share with you about today's experiences of GT with three screens. It's GT5, not 6, but the principle holds.
For many weeks, I've been "rejoicing" a particular PP650 car around the Nordschleife in a seasonal, because some generous PD soul decided to pay me a million credits each time I win. (BTW some may call it "grinding", I prefer "rejoicing"!)
On the single screen, way back, I started off at a lap time of about 6:30 to 6:35. After many, many,
many laps (over 30 in this event in this car), I was able to get it down to 6:24 or 6:25 consistently, despite the presence of the AI cars. But
never below 6:24. That was my new plateau, and it wasn't going to budge.
Today, I quickly hit 6:22. The fourth attempt on the triple screen setup saw 6:18. That's a 1.5% reduction in lap time! Color me happy! Another five grin day!

I can't Say that having the Multi-Screen setup has made me a better or faster Driver in any way.
But It HAS increased the Simulation Aspect..
Anyone who has experienced Multi-Screen, knows what i mean..
When GT6 was first released, I was so disappointing that I had to go back to just a Single screen..
I'd load up GT5 whenever I could, just to have Multi-Screen..
But that was Messing me up, since the Driving physics were so Different..
I ended up, not going back to GT5..
So I was SO HAPPY when 1.05 and Multi-Screen was released. WOO HOO...
Has it made me a Better Driver? I don't know..
Has it made the Game more FUN? YES! without a doubt!
My List of GT5 / GT6 game Changers..
Things that Increase the Simulation aspect of the Game.
1) Wheel, Pedals and Shifter. Without question, this is Number one.
2) driving rig.. Seat, Wheel, and Screen - A comfortable driving position Makes a huge Difference.
3) Surround Sound and Sub Woofer ( set In game sounds down to about 80 ) turn up the level of the Sound system.
GT has an Audio cut off built in. If a Sound Exceeds some set Limit, it Cuts out..
So if you have the In Game Sound Cranked up to 100 or 120. I found that they would CUT out Often..
Setting them Down Lower, I don't get any Cut outs.
I just Boost the Sound system volume to compensate. With the LFE going to the Sub, all of the Sounds are MUCH better. GT actually Sounds pretty Good...
Sound for Me Is more Important the Screen Size or even Multi-Monitor when it comes to Increasing the Simulation of the GAME. play a replay.. Close your Eyes... Can you hear where the Cars are? I can tell without seeing them just from the sounds..
4&5) Tactile Transducer and Amp. Mounted under the Seat so you can Feel the Game.. Every Rumble, Bump and Curb.
I now have two, one for the Left Channel, and One for the Right Channel.
Why 4&5?
I added these two elements at the same time.. So I weight them in around the same..
I wouldn't give up either one of them though. Equally just as important.
4&5) Multi-Screen - This Completed the Simulation Experience
6) 3D - I have a 27" 3D monitor (LG with Passive Glasses) Very nice Depth, but the Smaller Screen Size, and Loss of the Two Side screens made the Choice for Me.. Multi-Screen over 3D.