Thanks for the report about online. Hope to hear about more successful reports from various users before I decide to pull the trigger on 2 more PS3's. Already have Forza and PC triple screen.
So are you using a GT6 disc on your host PS3 and the PSN GT6 version on your clients?
I put my middle screen in front of the side screens to reduce the double bezel effect.
I will get some shots with the game running an a few hours.
In GT5 I never had any issues online, haven't used GT6 enough to say the same but I can't imagine there will be any issues.
Because I can only have 2 PS3's authorized for purchases on my account I actually had to use the digital copy on my host/server PS3 and put the disk version in one of the clients.
So on the client that has the disk, did it behave any differently than the other client? Does it take longer to sync with the host than the other client?
You seem to be very lucky or have awesome internet or something as I had no luck with GT5 multi-monitor in multiplayer (clients disconnect) and I asked as many GTP GT5 multi-monitor users as I could find what their experiences were and about half had client disconnect issues in multiplayer.
I think I remember talking to you about that. I'd have the occasional client disconnect, like once every three or four months maybe but I'd just re-initiate and everything would be fine. For me a momentary hiccup every few months isn't an issue but I could see how it would be troublesome if it happened more often. I do have good internet but I'm not sure how much that has to do with this issue since neither of the clients are connected to the internet. GT6 seems to be incredibly unstable online so if there are any issues I'd expect them to arise sooner than later, I'll keep you posted.
I haven't used it enough to say for sure that the client with the disk doesn't behave any differently but I didn't notice any issues in my testing last night. They actually seem to load up quite a bit faster than they did in GT5 and I seem to have gotten the angles to line up a lot better too (probably just had them wrong in GT5). So far I'd say it's as smooth or a bit smoother all around than in GT5. I plan to do more hooning with them tonight, I'll report back if there are any issues.
Your setup is really niceWhat is your "Adjust Screen Angle" value ?
Thanks. Just needs bigger screens.Is that the setting at the bottom of the options? It's at 100 of 100. I forget the names of the settings but starting with bezel thickness I'm at 3/40/100. I'll post screenshots of my settings this evening.
That's really strange because your field of view seems narrower than the original (you can see the roof of the car, the warning sticker...). Do you use the "narrow" or "narrower" option in the "quick menu" (push start go to option etc...) ?
Your field of view seems perfect to me, this is why I ask
I can see that you use a parameter of "Angle of Screen Curvature" of 40°, but when I see your screens I though that you've set this parameter with a value near 90° like it is explained here.
Brackets delivered and have them installed. Great brackets, probably over kill for my 32" lcd's they can take up to 50kg or around 110 lbs for you guys over the pond. I learnt from my first set with GT5, buy good one's, once. These are monsters ! Will get pictures up soon
Discounted digital code on Amazon. But not 39.99 today
So would buying the code be the same as buying it on PSN and you get to put it on two machines?
So would buying the code be the same as buying it on PSN and you get to put it on two machines?
Hey guys, have you noticed that if you shutdown the client PS3s, that when you next boot up, you get the message that the PS3 was not properly shut down? I keep getting that message and am wondering whether I am shutting down the client PS3s correctly.
I haven't had that problem with any of them so far. When I'm done racing I just hold the PS button and go to "shut down system", don't even bother to exit out of multi-monitor mode.
Start up the center screen to GT6..
Set up Bezel Width, Screen Angle and View %
Two new second hand PS3s in the boot/trunk with cables and controllers, the rest of the kit is waiting at home! Just need to get work and family commitments done, and it'll be assembly time! Yay!!
So, you set the bezel/angle/view on the center/server PS3? I set each of my side/client PS3's individually, not for any reason other than I didn't know you could do it just on the center console. All those settings on my server console are at default.
Also, what size screens are you using? They look quite nice sized. 👍
👍 👍 Prepare for a whole new world of GT! Feel free to PM me with any questions (though I'm no expert), but I think WyldAniaml's instructions above should lay it all out quite nicely for you.
Screens are 32".
Yes, make the Settings on the Server ( Center Screen ) then set the Clients to Use Server Settings..
Makes it Easy to adjust the settings.. leave the Clients running, Change the server..
Hey guys, have you noticed that if you shutdown the client PS3s, that when you next boot up, you get the message that the PS3 was not properly shut down? I keep getting that message and am wondering whether I am shutting down the client PS3s correctly.