SRC-Spec Racing Club Presents "The Roadster Cup" - Season 3 Finished * Summer Break* Back soon for Season 4.Open 

  • Thread starter coxbox

Best day to race on?

  • Total voters
United Kingdom
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SRC Sim League Pro

Car Details
Car -Roadster NT-A (ND) '22
Power - 130 bhp
Weight - 1,010/2513.27 kg/lbs

Upgrade Parts Required

Sports Hard Tire.
Sports Exhaust.
Sports Break Pads.
Height Adustable Sports Suspension.
Two-Way LSD.
Power Limiter.
16' Racing Wheels.

Livery Rules
No Chrome Paint, Please choose from the hidden options in the base livery and add your driver number and other sponsors, All decals apart from the Door Number, Rear 3D Logo and Window Banner can have their colour changed.


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Race & Qualifying Format

Qualifying - 15m/Reverse Grid
Race Duration - 15m
Pitstop Requirements - 0
Ballance Of Performance - Yes
Start Type -Grid false check
Grid Order -Fastest First
Slipstream Strength - Real
Visible Damage - On
Mechanical Damage -Light
Tyre Wear - x10
Fuel Depletion - x5
Variable Time - x1
Initial Fuel - Default
Grip Reduction -Real Grip
Finish Delay - 180s
3 Points Fastest Lap
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General Conduct:

Respectful Communication:

  1. Treat all drivers, stewards, and league officials with respect and courtesy. Avoid offensive language, personal attacks, or any form of discrimination. Maintain a positive and friendly atmosphere in all league communications.
Clean Racing:
  1. Maintain clean and fair racing at all times. Avoid aggressive driving tactics that may cause incidents or collisions. Show consideration for other drivers and their racing lines.
  1. Display good sportsmanship and accept race outcomes gracefully. Avoid excessive celebrations or derogatory comments towards other drivers. Congratulate and acknowledge the achievements of fellow drivers.
Awareness and Concentration:
  1. Stay focused and maintain situational awareness during races. Avoid distractions that may lead to erratic driving or collisions. Pay attention to flags, signals, and communications from race officials.
Adherence to Schedule:
  1. Arrive on time for scheduled race sessions to ensure smooth operation. Notify league officials in advance if unable to participate in a race. Respect the designated start times and adhere to the race schedule.
Fair Gameplay:
  1. Do not exploit game glitches or cheats to gain an unfair advantage. Follow the designated rules and settings of the league. Report any suspected rule violations or incidents promptly to the stewards.
Driver Etiquette:
  1. Allow faster drivers to overtake safely and without impeding their progress. When being lapped, make it easy for the leading cars to pass without causing unnecessary disruptions.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential incidents to prevent avoidable collisions.
Reporting Incidents:
  1. Promptly report incidents or rule violations to the stewards. Provide accurate and detailed information to aid in the investigation process.
    Avoid false or malicious accusations against other drivers.
Adherence to League-Specific Rules:
  1. Familiarize yourself with all the specific rules and regulations of the league. Follow any additional guidelines or restrictions provided by the league organizers.
    Keep up-to-date with any rule changes or updates communicated by league officials.
Fair Gameplay:
  1. Do not exploit game glitches or cheats to gain an unfair advantage. Follow the designated rules and settings of the league.
  2. Report any suspected rule violations or incidents promptly to the stewards​
Driver Etiquette:
  1. Allow faster drivers to overtake safely and without impeding their progress.
  2. When being lapped, make it easy for the leading cars to pass without causing unnecessary disruptions.
  3. Be aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential incidents to prevent avoidable collisions.
Reporting Incidents:
  1. Promptly report incidents or rule violations to the stewards.
  2. Provide accurate and detailed information to aid in the investigation process.
  3. Avoid false or malicious accusations against other drivers.
Adherence to League-Specific Rules:
  1. Familiarize yourself with all the specific rules and regulations of the league.
  2. Follow any additional guidelines or restrictions provided by the league organizers.
  3. Keep up-to-date with any rule changes or updates communicated by league officials.
Race Conduct:

Track Limits:
  1. Drivers must respect the track limits as defined by the game.
  2. Cutting corners or gaining an unfair advantage by going off-track is not allowed.
  3. The game will assign penalties based on track limit violations.
Re-joining Track Safely:
  1. After going off-track, drivers must rejoin the track safely and avoid impeding other drivers.
  2. Rejoining must be done in a manner that does not cause a collision or disrupt the flow of the race.
Mandatory Pitstops:
  1. All drivers must make the required number of pitstops during the race as the league specifies.
  2. Failure to comply with mandatory pitstops will result in penalties.
Contact with Cars:
  1. Avoid unnecessary contact with other cars.
  2. Drivers should exercise caution and try to prevent collisions.
  3. Deliberate contact is strictly prohibited and may result in penalties.
Brake Checking:
  1. Drivers should not engage in sudden and deliberate braking to cause a collision or disrupt other drivers.
  2. Maintaining consistent and predictable driving behaviour is expected.
Swerving on Straights:
  1. Excessive and unnecessary weaving or swerving on straights to block or hinder other drivers is not allowed.
  2. Drivers should maintain a predictable racing line.
Forcing Other Drivers Off Track:
  1. It is prohibited to intentionally force another driver off the track or into a compromising position.
  2. Give sufficient room for other drivers to race and avoid unnecessary contact.
Horn Beeping:
  1. Excessive and unnecessary use of the horn is discouraged.
  2. Horns should only be used in situations where it is necessary to communicate with other drivers.
  3. We allow horn spam before the race countdown begins, but only up until the in-game red lights come on.
Corner Rights:
  1. When defending or overtaking, the driver must be at least half a car length ahead to have the right to claim the racing line.
  2. Drivers should exercise caution and avoid making sudden movements that may cause collisions or compromise the racing line of other drivers.
  3. The leading driver has the right to choose their racing line in corners, and the driver attempting to overtake must ensure they have enough space to make a clean pass without making contact.
  1. Retaliating against other drivers for on-track incidents is strictly prohibited.
  2. Seeking revenge or intentionally causing harm to other drivers will result in penalties.
  3. Maintain a composed and sportsmanlike attitude, focusing on fair competition and resolving conflicts through proper channels.
Penalties, Enquiry Process and Contact Concessions:

Minor Penalties (1 Point):
  1. Minor incidents that break general conduct.

Medium Penalties (5 Points):
  1. Contact with other drivers.
  2. Failure to comply with mandatory pitstops.
Major Penalties (10 Points):
  1. Intentionally forcing other drivers off the track.
  2. Brake checking.
  3. Swerving on straights.
Extreme Penalties:
  1. Retaliation.
  2. The first offence will result in a disqualification and a 2-race suspension
  3. A second offence will result in a permanent ban from Spec Racing Club
Enquiry Process:

  1. All enquiries are active for 48 hours.
  2. After the final race of any race night, drivers and stewards can submit enquiries using the /steward-enquiry bot command in the appropriate enquiry channel.
  3. Follow the instructions provided by the bot.
  4. Submit a video clip of the incident, showing all cars' point of view (POV) with Car Info Only on.
  5. Use Chase Cam where possible to provide relative car positions.
  6. Include at least 10 seconds of footage before and after the incident.
  7. Stewards may request resubmission with driver names turned off if an external opinion is needed.
  8. Qualified drivers (including the involved drivers) can discuss the incident within the active enquiry period.
  9. "Qualified drivers" are defined as drivers who have completed at least 1 full race in the relevant league.
  10. After the 48 hours period has elapsed, the Stewards will review the incident and discussion, then issue final judgments.
Contact Concession:
  1. If a driver accidentally forces another driver off track, they are encouraged to give the position back to the driver they hit. Returning the position to the other driver will reduce the contact penalty by 50%.
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Season History
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hello, everything looks great, id like to join the championship.
At what time will this take place?
It looks very cool! Definitely keen to join if it goes ahead.
I already bought the car from the UCD yesterday, just in case.
Keep us posted, please.

also interested in this, have also bought the car just in case.

It's great to see people getting involved, this game sometimes is too much of a GR 3 - 4 simulator. Feel free to start making some liveries and posting them I would love to see them. When I get a moment tonight I will add you all on psn and to a group.

If this series works well then I will run multiple seasons. I just hope the lobbies are stable and work well, on GT sport there were so many bugs with starting races I Gave up on that game.

If anyone needs a Custom Decal let me know I might be able to convert it or make it for you.
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sounds good, id like to race with the number 46
No problem List updated, hopefully, for season two we will use the previous final results for everyone's number. I may have a testing lobby up later if anyone is intrested.
No problem List updated, hopefully, for season two we will use the previous final results for everyone's number. I may have a testing lobby up later if anyone is intrested.
nice, only one question about the livery do i use the novice template or the normal one out of the ones u shared with us?
@coxbox , can i run number 4 please.
as above, which template do we use.

I agree with the game often feeling like a GT simulator, i personally have more fun it the lower powered closer racing, just suits my abilities more! And races around 10pm onwards are perfect for me.

I am currently practicing for another race this Saturday, so may not be able to join the practice lobby.
@coxbox , can i run number 4 please.
as above, which template do we use.

I agree with the game often feeling like a GT simulator, i personally have more fun it the lower powered closer racing, just suits my abilities more! And races around 10pm onwards are perfect for me.

I am currently practicing for another race this Saturday, so may not be able to join the practice lobby.
You can use either one for now The Novice Template has the Yellow and Black Novice cross on the back of the car, this signifies that the driver is new to racing in this series. This only needs to be used in the future for new drivers joining us for their first season. I'm happy for the first season for people to use either.

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Tentatively interested in this, it's going to depend on this getting an actual date.

PSN: Drex125
Number: #3
Tentatively interested in this, it's going to depend on this getting an actual date.

PSN: Drex125
Number: #3
No problem, I Have started a poll to sort out the best day to race on. I have to try and work everything around my work shifts and be mindful of time zones. I would like to get the first race event started within the next 14 days. This will go ahead as I have run successful events in the past. I like to race with more than 5 people so hopefully, we can get a good grid size.
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I started messing around with the livery yesterday; @coxbox are you really picky about the font used for the racing number and the driver name? If so, for the racing number at least, it's relatively easy if you publish the SVGs from 0 to 9. Alternatively, you can tell us the font and we can easily do the SVG ourselves for both number and name.
Very keen for this, love the Classic Stock Hatch Championship and formally the Stock Hatch Championship before it's demise. As long as days and times work, definitely up for it. Just need the Golf MK1 to re-appear in the used car dealership now!!

PSN name is F12_Josh and if I could have number 12, please. :)
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@Wisy Font is open as long as it is readable, I think I used Helvetica on mine. @F12_Josh I will add you to the signup list, its a shame you cant just buy the car and have to wait for it to appear in the UCD.

Edit this will be my car:
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@Wisy Very nice design looks great. So based on the poll, Friday at 10pm BST will be the race day and time, starting the 6th of may if that is ok for everyone.
Sounds good to me, will need to start putting some practice in. I have someone at work that's interested in joining also, I'll get him to sign up.
This all sounds great loolking foward to it. Right to go to work :grumpy:
I was trying to set the car up and just by installing the allowed parts and the 18 kg of ballast to bring it to the minimum weight, the PP sits at around 406 PP. To bring it down to the 391 in the regulations I need to add another 120 kg of ballast. Are we sure we need to restrict the PP having restricted the parts that can be changed?
@Wisy dont worry about pp i need to remove that, I realised that PP is effected by not just power and weight its also effected by the suspension tuning LSD and even gearning.