My Contribution for a better driving behaviour!! (How GTS should be played)

  • Thread starter Mirror_man
I've just had a thought. You should've named the thread "how to game the new penalty system" :D

Maybe.... I still can do that!! (and I did it.. more or less! :) )

In a Zippy!!!

:) If you guys think that it may help to be seen more often! :)

Too bad I can't add the OP to my greeting message in sport mode :)

Instead of the clock countdown it should display racing rules of conduct while you wait.

I like this article, nice clear pictures

Filled with images... and real case studies, inclusive!
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But i like the portuguese.


Let me inform you that ALL Portuguese guys that read and participate in this Forum, read, speak and write much better in English... then any other participant from any other language, would do so in.. Portuguese (of course..)!!!!

So no portuguese needed here... We Portuguese that take part in the forum, We all , are very capable of reading the main post without any problem...
these rules a great and all but it doesn't justify penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver. And to be clear, we're not running open wheel here and though this has the FIA blessings... it's not real racing.
GTS Rules in practice: flat-out, bumping players instead of braking for corners, brake checking, weaving down the straights, somehow doesn't get a penalty...
these rules a great and all but it doesn't justify penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver. And to be clear, we're not running open wheel here and though this has the FIA blessings... it's not real racing.

"penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver" ???? the line ??? both will claim it as their´s in almost every situation... there´s a racing line for each one on the track... I´m very sure of that.. and sometimes they intersect.. and it happens too that both players are in the intersection point at same time.. That´s the definition for Disaster... (lol) most of times... or probably simply accident...

Orange... I think you´ve not understood clearly the point of some of the text...

Either aggressive or not (and that is a bit subjective...), I guess.. (it´s like in soccer ... being an aggressive player does´nt mean he makes a foul every time he tackles or disputes a ball with other adversary.. it means basically that he is more intense and committed to the game... ), aggressive can be used to qualify different behaviors... not only the one that means that the dude intends to brake all rules and win at any cost... and so., just because one is more committed than the other he looses his reason??

In almost every accident situation there will be some one that did "brake" some of this pretended "rules"... or then.. both committed that "crime"...

Just because one´s a very nice a giving guy.. does´nt mean that he is the Saint and the other one.. the Devil.. no one will go to GTS´s Heaven just because he is a nice guy here... there´s no halo around anyone here to save him from the "raging" agressive driver...

And no.. no open wheeler s rules here but... what is important is that situation like those described happen all the time, and the "rules of engagement" have more or less been established, tested... and implemented for some years (with minor changes here and there...) on racing sports which are not so different from those you virtually perform on GTS (main difference is that you won´t die or stay crippled or in comma ,for the rest of your life... in consequence of an accident...) :) So they must be considered a very good example of good behaviors to follow.. I think!
"penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver" ???? the line ??? both will claim it as their´s in almost every situation... there´s a racing line for each one on the track... I´m very sure of that.. and sometimes they intersect.. and it happens too that both players are in the intersection point at same time.. That´s the definition for Disaster... (lol) most of times... or probably simply accident...

Orange... I think you´ve not understood clearly the point of some of the text...

Either aggressive or not (and that is a bit subjective...), I guess.. (it´s like in soccer ... being an aggressive player does´nt mean he makes a foul every time he tackles or disputes a ball with other adversary.. it means basically that he is more intense and committed to the game... ), aggressive can be used to qualify different behaviors... not only the one that means that the dude intends to brake all rules and win at any cost... and so., just because one is more committed than the other he looses his reason??

In almost every accident situation there will be some one that did "brake" some of this pretended "rules"... or then.. both committed that "crime"...

Just because one´s a very nice a giving guy.. does´nt mean that he is the Saint and the other one.. the Devil.. no one will go to GTS´s Heaven just because he is a nice guy here... there´s no halo around anyone here to save him from the "raging" agressive driver...

And no.. no open wheeler s rules here but... what is important is that situation like those described happen all the time, and the "rules of engagement" have more or less been established, tested... and implemented for some years (with minor changes here and there...) on racing sports which are not so different from those you virtually perform on GTS (main difference is that you won´t die or stay crippled or in comma ,for the rest of your life... in consequence of an accident...) :) So they must be considered a very good example of good behaviors to follow.. I think!

Great post, and the thread's over 1000 views now!
these rules a great and all but it doesn't justify penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver. And to be clear, we're not running open wheel here and though this has the FIA blessings... it's not real racing.

The rules actually justify why some drivers should be penalized, because they broke the rules. And while this is open wheel racing the rules still apply, (repeating myself now) the game lets us have an easy time with most contact, dive bombs hurt, but everyone can race on. Dive bombs in an actual race are bombs..

(93 seconds in)
Additional good readings with guides and rules for other Racing Games!!

This one comes form an older one... from the makers of GTR and GTR2 (great old times) and before these.. GPLEgends!! Who still remembers??

Old School! :) From UK GPL league events, the text is close to brilliant, and probably will only apply to GPL... but gives you a good idea of what is an EXTREMELY correct behavior (probably to much correct... or not!!) you judge it...

This next text came from: "EXILED VIRTUAL MOTORSPORTS" you may find them on Facebook!

Driving Standards
a. Respect always those you share a track with.

b. Track surface is between white lines. More than 2 wheels over the white line is classed as exploiting track limits. Crossing yellow lines to gain an advantage is also considered Violation of track Limits. If there are any questions, please message an admin at least 48 hours before the event. So we can then announce details as a clarification. Track limits are NOT routinely monitored, and occasionally running wide as a result of pushing is to be expected in sim racing. Deliberate shortening or narrowing the angle of a corner is not accepted – EVEN if the anti-cutting tool doesn’t consider it as a cut. Common-sense, imagine real life. Would they do it? If the answer is no, then neither would you.

c. Additional caution and care must be taken when starting a race. As a wise racer once said, “nothing is won in the first corner or even the first lap, but everything can be lost.” Harsher penalties will be imposed for first lap incidents. Remember things do happen, but people have been practicing, and looking forward to these events. To be taken out after 30 seconds is very frustrating.

d. Be Patient. Begin the race at a normal pace that will not cause you to run into cars in front of you. Don’t begin by steering to one side and attempting to barge through the pack. Conversely, don’t begin at a slow pace that will make you an obstruction or barrier to cars behind you. Essentially drive within your limits. Sometimes starting at the back is not always the worst option.

e. Your goal on turn 1 should not be to get to the front, but rather to convert a double wide start field to a single file running order. Look ahead more than one car. Due to field compression, a compact field will run slower through the first few turns than a spread out one. Leave some extra space, and be prepared to brake earlier.
When approaching the first corner, keep in mind there will be times that you are punted off, especially when racing in a crowded server. In a crowded field, pinball is quite possible. A racer who runs into you may have been punted. Don’t automatically assume malicious intent.

f. Any incidents occurring on the first lap will carry a harsher penalty when blame can be apportioned.

g. The responsibility for the decision to pass another car, and to do it safely, rests with the overtaking driver. The overtaken driver should be aware that he/she is being passed and must not impede that pass by blocking. A driver who does not watch his/her mirrors or who appears to be blocking another car seeking to pass may be penalized.

h. Once the trailing car has its front wheels half way down the side next to the driver of the other vehicle, it is considered that the trailing car has the right to be there and that the leading driver must leave the trailing driver enough “racing room”. If adequate racing room is left for the trailing car, and there is incidental contact made between cars, the contact will be considered “side-to-side”. Incidental side-to-side contact maybe considered “a racing incident.”

Consider the car you are in. A single seater car is not made for contact of any sorts, whereas a tin top is more forgiving.

i. Blocking/defending. A driver may choose to protect his or her line so long as it is not considered blocking. Blocking is defined as two (2) consecutive line changes to “protect his/her line”, and in doing so, impedes the vehicle that is trying to pass with each of the two (2) consecutive movements.

The driver in front has the right to choose any line, so long as not to be considered blocking. The driver attempting to make a pass shall have the right to the line when their front wheel is beside the driver of the other vehicle.
Leading cars have the right to take their line of choice through corners. I.e. they may drive a defensive line around the inside of a corner to protect their position, thereby forcing an attacking driver to try to pass around the outside. This is not blocking and is part of normal racing etiquette.

j. When you get ‘locked up’ in a group battle on the straights, you are not allowed to bump the driver in front of you to free yourself out of that situation. Stay behind that driver or move sideways as soon as there’s sufficient room to do so.

k. The term “punting” is defined as nose-to-tail (or side-of-the-nose to side-of-the-tail) contact, where the leading car is significantly knocked from the racing line. The “nose” of the car is defined as the area from one front wheel, around the front of the car, to the other front wheel including the wheels themselves. (see 2f).

l. If you make a significant driving error and another driver or driver’s attempts to capitalize on it, they have the right to do so. Do not try to collide or retaliate because of your error. Retaliation will carry a harsh penalty.

m. It is the responsibility of the driver recovering from any incident to take all necessary care to not interfere with any cars still on the track and not part of the incident, whether it be their own fault or caused by others.

n. It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers are caused to manoeuvre or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there’s a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

o. Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.

p. Whenever possible you should always re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what’s coming up the track behind you, and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate and react to your situation.

q. Although the flag systems in sim are a bit unreliable, it is not the full responsibility of the driver who has gone off to avoid a collision. An approaching driver still has due diligence to slow down and react to avoid the accident; comparing to real life again. You wouldn’t just barrel past and hope for the best.

r. Drivers that are about to get lapped must make sure not to interfere with the lapping cars. Slow down on the straights on either side of the track or maintain the outside line during cornering. If for whatever reason you happen to be on the inside line when being overtaken, stay on the inside line until all drivers that were about to lap you have passed. You are not allowed to deliberately block the lapping cars. Whenever possible talk via the voice channels to state which side they should pass you, or use the relative box to know when cars are approaching. If you are off the pace, expect leaders to approach.

s. Drivers will not cut the queue in qualifying in the pits.

t. If you wish to abandon your lap, you must do this safely, and off the racing line, preferably off the circuit to not impede anyone else’s lap. Causing someone to abandon their lap

u. No contact in races that have a formation lap, or in qualifying. There is simply no need.

v. All drivers must be in a fit state to drive. Excessive alcohol or drug use, causing irrational behaviour and driving is not acceptable.

Some are trully interesting.. like the last paragraph... (v) :) Don´t do drugs! :) "causing irrational behaviour and driving is not acceptable." :crazy::dunce::cheers:

Good reading, mates! :)

Great Post. I'll be privileged to find myself on the grid with you. (I suspect I'll have to get a lot faster...)
?? I´m the worse. dude.. . my best so far is DR B and SR A... but right after last Patch... I dropped radically and imediatly to... CE!!!!! Recovered my E to C (almost B) just yesterday... in 3 races (CC currently)and I´m again very close to DR B too...

I´ve :( :( Been in shock for some days... right after the 1st day after Patch... only yesterday I began recovery! :)
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?? I´m the worse. dude.. . my best so far is DR B and SR A... but right after last Patch... I dropped radically and imediatly to... CE!!!!! Recovered my E to C (almost B) just yesterday... in 3 races (CC currently)and I´m again very close to DR B too...

I´ve :( :( Been in shock for some days... right after the 1st day after Patch... only yesterday I began recovery! :)

The time you've taken, and the selections made here are fantastic. Really really fantastic.

This needs spamming in every thread and a sticky on the forum.

This thread should be the GTS Bible :D
'Penalization' - you should work in the government with words like that!
looooooollllllll Only if I could find enough information to put the government down for fall playing! :)

The time you've taken, and the selections made here are fantastic. Really really fantastic.

This needs spamming in every thread and a sticky on the forum.

This thread should be the GTS Bible :D

Lol.. I don´t think that the God Almighty of GTS (...we all know Who He is!!!...) would like that... :)
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I was pretty surprised that you posted some articles from Winding Road Racing (you can see their contingency sticker on my fender in my profile shot). I spend a lot of time there and they have worked on my race car in their shop a few times. I really wish that this was all spelled out at the beginning of the game. I don't know how many times I've been punted from a top 3 to a bottom 10 finish by people not understanding or knowing proper driving or competing standards. Hopefully with the more strict regulations people will begin to educate themselves on track etiquette.
It´s a pity that this thread is simply ignored by 99,99% of readers and GTS players... as I think that these principles should be divulged... (a lot...) :(

This whole assumption that "bad drivers" are getting the penalties has to stop. Good drivers are doing all the right things and then getting hit by lower ranked drivers and incurring penalties. This needs to be accepted as a fact.

I just lost a race because I was penalized for being hit from behind mid corner when the following driver misjudged his move to try and retake the position. I watched the replay, I was ahead by more than a car length when he tried to duck underneath. Honest mistake on his part. Still, I got the penalty.

If you can instruct us on how to stop other people from running into a driver after a clean pass, I'm sure you'd have plenty of people reading your post. However, creating a condescending post that assumes penalty=bad driver isn't going to win over anyone.
I was pretty surprised that you posted some articles from Winding Road Racing (you can see their contingency sticker on my fender in my profile shot). I spend a lot of time there and they have worked on my race car in their shop a few times. I really wish that this was all spelled out at the beginning of the game. I don't know how many times I've been punted from a top 3 to a bottom 10 finish by people not understanding or knowing proper driving or competing standards. Hopefully with the more strict regulations people will begin to educate themselves on track etiquette.

Honestly I still can´t see (nor say) that... by the contrary...

Yesterday a did 3 races 1 in Blue Moon and the other 2 on Monza.. and it was one of those days where you get guys which their motto is.. "everything goes"... Believe me!!! . and in total , I went from SR B to... E!!!!! Total of 43 SR points drop down on those 3 races by getting all that was coming on track my way...

This whole assumption that "bad drivers" are getting the penalties has to stop. Good drivers are doing all the right things and then getting hit by lower ranked drivers and incurring penalties. This needs to be accepted as a fact.

I just lost a race because I was penalized for being hit from behind mid corner when the following driver misjudged his move to try and retake the position. I watched the replay, I was ahead by more than a car length when he tried to duck underneath. Honest mistake on his part. Still, I got the penalty.

If you can instruct us on how to stop other people from running into a driver after a clean pass, I'm sure you'd have plenty of people reading your post. However, creating a condescending post that assumes penalty=bad driver isn't going to win over anyone.

???? You are a bit mistaken on your assumptions.. and I believe you have a strange way (distorted one??) of understanding some things...

What is written here would apply in a perfect GTS (World??) (And I think we all know that!!! ) Where only the "bad drivers should" be penalized by not doing what should be correct to be done... I think that anyone that plays GTS will easily understand that!!!

This is only a guideline for what should be the correct behavior on track!

And of course that "Good drivers are doing all the right things and then getting hit by lower ranked drivers and incurring penalties" is a fact!!!

Nobody is in any way denying this through all the thread!!! (that makes me ask myself.. are you truly reading the Thread or just thinking you´ve read it?? It must be this or then... probably you are reading somewhere else and a different thread or assuming stuff that only is in you ... raving imagination)...

"Condescending post that assumes penalty=bad driver" ???? Do you know the meaning of the word Condescending??? Tully?? I believe you should look through the dictionary and then point us where in this thread is any "condescending" position toward bad drivers!!! (unless you consider condescending not to send those bad drivers all to jail.. and smash their´PS4s to pieces... )

Or then . Hum... I´m led to thinking that your definition of bad drivers is a bit different from the rest of the guys.. probably... that must be it!!!!

And let me add that being a Bad driver does´nt mean one is a dirty driver... We all see bad drivers on a daily base on the road... and that does´nt mean they are braking rules... it´s like in soccer.. even bad players have the right to play... just because you aint Ronaldo or Messi , that does.nt mean you can´t kick a ball no more!! :P

If you want to learn tricks about avoiding the marauding horde of players that don´t care not even a bit about correct driving... (and some are very good drivers!!!! simply also dirty ones...) then I think that you must become an "Allien" those guys that are capable of doing a lap at least one second (more or less) faster then the remaining players in the Whole world .. as only being far away form the Horde, you´ll be safe and clear...

The guideline for a correct driving conduit is more or less through the thread, if you´re looking for driving lessons. then you must look somewhere else... surely...
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"penalizing the driver with the line for the actions of an over aggressive driver" ???? the line ??? both will claim it as their´s in almost every situation... there´s a racing line for each one on the track... I´m very sure of that.. and sometimes they intersect.. and it happens too that both players are in the intersection point at same time.. That´s the definition for Disaster... (lol) most of times... or probably simply accident...

each track has a line per say... the driver who breaks that line to make a move, is now out of that line. If that same driver at some point during his move, fails to realize he doesn't have the clean move it is that drivers responsibility to ease up on the throttle and fall back. Or keep his line and risk contact.

Should he risk keeping his line and making contact... then that is his fault... not mine. Don't penalize me, I am the lead car. There isn't a rule in racing that says I HAVE to cede my line. It's racing, and I have every right to make another driver work for his position.

My point... there is one line, and no two drivers can really share that same line running side by side, they can each take a line but not share the line. It's a recipe for disaster because one of the drivers doesn't understand this simple logic and makes an over aggressive move.

I'm okay with incidental contact... it's part of racing. I'm okay with a driver sticking his nose in on a turn and if he bumps me a little, whatev. As long as it's not malicious and doesn't lean on me coming out of the turn. Then roll with it.

As for aggressive, there is a difference between dirty or unskilled or aggressive driving. You need to be aggressive to overtake, but you also need to be skilled and patient.
"Condescending post that assumes penalty=bad driver" ???? Do you know the meaning of the word Condescending??? Tully?? I believe you should look through the dictionary and then point us where in this thread is any "condescending" position toward bad drivers!!! (unless you consider condescending not to send those bad drivers all to jail.. and smash their´PS4s to pieces... )

Or then . Hum... I´m led to thinking that your definition of bad drivers is a bit different from the rest of the guys.. probably... that must be it!!!!

Granted, my post may have seemed disrespectful of your efforts, but it does come from a position of a perfect world and not accepting the reality of the new penalty changes. Your post would be just as valid with or without the penalty changes, correct? It has nothing to do with the new changes.

The post title is "How to drive under the new penalty system". I take exception to that and I find it condescending, and I know the meaning of the word, because it ignores the fact that the game does not follow these rules. So, even if we do drive following these rules, penalties will still be erroneously incurred and races will still be ruined not just through someone's minor error, but because of the game's poor penalty implementation. Penalties are being incurred, far too often, by the driver who follows the rules while the driver in error, the "bad driver", either receives no penalty or less penalty.

Yes, I did read it, and that's why I am upset. See, I don't know what's happening in the Euro region, but over here in the America's things seem REALLY different. There are no written rules that will solve the problem of innocent drivers getting race ending penalties.

One of the most minor points in your post is actually the biggest issue with the "How to drive under the new penalty system"

CT-1: Even if the above rules are adhered to at all times, contact between cars is always a possibility."

Are these great rules to follow in general, sure, I'll get on board, but 90% of players don't come to GTPlanet and don't care to know about any rules. Also, PD apparently doesn't care about them either.

They only read this part

05: Rules Governing Car Contact:

A: Contacts and collisions must be avoided at all costs.

So, let's take my example (and I wish I had saved the replay). All the overtake rules in section 1 were adhered to by me. The outside driver left plenty of room. I took the inside line and was over 1/2 car length ahead. No driver was being squeezed. My line, over course, meant I would exit on the outside of turn 1 at Brands, leaving lots of room on the inside for another pass set up into turn 2. Driver 2 however, now being the car responsible for the proper overtake, became overly aggressive, moved too soon, and collided with my rear bumper. I tried to build a lead of over 1 second by the end to overcome the penalty that I was carrying, but on the last lap, the gap was less than 1 second. So, I lost.

We both, technically, followed the rules with one minor mistake by driver 2, a mistake that would have had ZERO consequence with the old penalties.

If the post title were "How to properly race online", then I feel that would be more accurate and less upsetting because it does't assume that the new penalties are doing the proper job.

Right now,"How to drive under the new penalty system" has only 1 rule for A and S drivers

Rule #1 - Don't race
GTS presents a very difficult situation for fast drivers and slow drivers with the way that it matches in daily races. This creates confusion for the fast and slow drivers when it comes to racing etiquette.

Fast drivers (but not good racers) tend to approach slower drivers (but not bad racers) as if they are impeding their inevitable procession to the front. This is leading them to attempt to pass in corners where there may only be one line (for someone who isn't as fast and racing at the edge of their skill/talent level). This makes the fast driver think the slower driver is blocking, which leads to massive frustration (watch some GTS streams and you will see it) when the slow person isn't actually blocking.

Now slower drivers are mostly the ones attempting to dive bomb or rub out everywhere and everything even if it creates a penalty. Other slow drivers are most likely learning the game, the car, the track and their entry, exit, and braking points may be greatly off.

Some slower drivers like me are a bitch to pass (on tracks that I know) while racing mostly clean. We can cause the faster driver a lot of fruatration as I usually will not yield a position (I'm practicing racecraft) but I will also only make 1 move to defend my line that will force the faster driver make a poor decision for lap time. If they are truely faster they will out exit speed, out brake, or draft to pass.
Granted, my post may have seemed disrespectful of your efforts, but it does come from a position of a perfect world and not accepting the reality of the new penalty changes. Your post would be just as valid with or without the penalty changes, correct? It has nothing to do with the new changes.

The post title is "How to drive under the new penalty system". I take exception to that and I find it condescending, and I know the meaning of the word, because it ignores the fact that the game does not follow these rules. So, even if we do drive following these rules, penalties will still be erroneously incurred and races will still be ruined not just through someone's minor error, but because of the game's poor penalty implementation. Penalties are being incurred, far too often, by the driver who follows the rules while the driver in error, the "bad driver", either receives no penalty or less penalty.

Yes, I did read it, and that's why I am upset. See, I don't know what's happening in the Euro region, but over here in the America's things seem REALLY different. There are no written rules that will solve the problem of innocent drivers getting race ending penalties.

One of the most minor points in your post is actually the biggest issue with the "How to drive under the new penalty system"

Are these great rules to follow in general, sure, I'll get on board, but 90% of players don't come to GTPlanet and don't care to know about any rules. Also, PD apparently doesn't care about them either.

They only read this part

So, let's take my example (and I wish I had saved the replay). All the overtake rules in section 1 were adhered to by me. The outside driver left plenty of room. I took the inside line and was over 1/2 car length ahead. No driver was being squeezed. My line, over course, meant I would exit on the outside of turn 1 at Brands, leaving lots of room on the inside for another pass set up into turn 2. Driver 2 however, now being the car responsible for the proper overtake, became overly aggressive, moved too soon, and collided with my rear bumper. I tried to build a lead of over 1 second by the end to overcome the penalty that I was carrying, but on the last lap, the gap was less than 1 second. So, I lost.

We both, technically, followed the rules with one minor mistake by driver 2, a mistake that would have had ZERO consequence with the old penalties.

If the post title were "How to properly race online", then I feel that would be more accurate and less upsetting because it does't assume that the new penalties are doing the proper job.

Right now,"How to drive under the new penalty system" has only 1 rule for A and S drivers

Rule #1 - Don't race

Hi Vooo! :) 1st I Apologize for my somewhat Aggressive answer to your comment... To be honest I think that I lost a bit my autocontrol... like when we´re punted several times in a row ,by the same dirty player on a GTS race.. you know the feeling??

To be Very Honest tooo: - the part that says ""How to drive under the new penalty system" (more or less) on the title.. It´s an hoax... (It´s just a practical joke... and nothing else)

These are 2 quotes from this Thread... that lead to it...

I've just had a thought. You should've named the thread "how to game the new penalty system" :D

Maybe.... I still can do that!! (and I did it.. more or less! :) )

In a Zippy!!!

:) If you guys think that it may help to be seen more often! :)

Filled with images... and real case studies, inclusive!

The idea was with this "practical joke" to make more people read the Thread.... as Mr.616 suggested... In no way I was considering this to be a manual for "Play GTS with new Penalization System" ...
GTS presents a very difficult situation for fast drivers and slow drivers with the way that it matches in daily races. This creates confusion for the fast and slow drivers when it comes to racing etiquette.

Fast drivers (but not good racers) tend to approach slower drivers (but not bad racers) as if they are impeding their inevitable procession to the front. This is leading them to attempt to pass in corners where there may only be one line (for someone who isn't as fast and racing at the edge of their skill/talent level). This makes the fast driver think the slower driver is blocking, which leads to massive frustration (watch some GTS streams and you will see it) when the slow person isn't actually blocking.

Now slower drivers are mostly the ones attempting to dive bomb or rub out everywhere and everything even if it creates a penalty. Other slow drivers are most likely learning the game, the car, the track and their entry, exit, and braking points may be greatly off.

Some slower drivers like me are a bitch to pass (on tracks that I know) while racing mostly clean. We can cause the faster driver a lot of fruatration as I usually will not yield a position (I'm practicing racecraft) but I will also only make 1 move to defend my line that will force the faster driver make a poor decision for lap time. If they are truely faster they will out exit speed, out brake, or draft to pass.

Slo (but never too Slow. I bet! :) )

Just one correction... almost in every racing situation there never is only one Racing Line!!! There may be only one Best Racing line for a given player/racer/car... (depending on the car and the personal racing style of each player, the Best Racing lines may be very different for each situation: player, car) but Racing Lines there are always a couple except when the track is so thin.. that only one car can pass at same time... without need to leave the track.. of course...

The Racing Line is the line, in each racing situation, where to you have/want/expect to direct your car... and it´s different from the Best Racing line in most situations where you have to overlap another car in front of you!!!

That´s why when overlapping, most of time we have to choose a racing line parallel to the one from the guy we are overlapping... Is´nt it???

And when doing so, both drivers have the right to remain in their racing lines if they are side by side... until they may reach a point that both racing lines will intercept, if the overlapping situation was not concluded before a transition point from straight to curve or vice-versa., (during a straight, entering (braking zone) or exiting a curve (accelerating zone) or even in the curve´s apex (transition between braking and acceleration) and that´s where "racing Etiquette" says who should back-down on the accelerator or use the brakes.. . or let´s say who has priority (mostly)!

It ain´t the same issue that regards the "Golden Rule" (of survival and respect for the other racers and human beings on track.. including spectators) that once side by side you can´t change your line throwing your car against the one by your side, using it as an attack weapon!!!...

Such action in real life would surely be considered as "intention to kill or inflict prejudice to the other"!

I even think that in such situation the racer can even be penalized not only by the racing organization but by Public Justice as a criminal (such move may be even considered like Murder attempt on some kinda degree... I don´t know which... but some... And in case that a real damage will occur - including death or physical damage to the other racer, he will be penalized to the full extent of the damages (car and driver)

didn't know 'penalization" was a word.

But now you know!!! See?? After all you gained something by reading this thread/post!!! :gtpflag:

Related forms
penalizable, adjective
penalization, noun
nonpenalized, adjective
overpenalization, noun
overpenalize, verb (used with object), overpenalized, overpenalizing.
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Great post, I operate under the same rules.

So far at DR C/SR S, going two wide on a turn and getting edged off of the track by the inside driver does not result in a penalty for the outside driver. I wish other drivers would learn the value of going two wide instead of always fighting for the apex. Even if you don't get the apex you can shorten their exit speed by running two wide and holding the outside line as they are unable to run out to the edge of the track.
Great post, I operate under the same rules.

So far at DR C/SR S, going two wide on a turn and getting edged off of the track by the inside driver does not result in a penalty for the outside driver. I wish other drivers would learn the value of going two wide instead of always fighting for the apex. Even if you don't get the apex you can shorten their exit speed by running two wide and holding the outside line as they are unable to run out to the edge of the track.

Racecraft. How under rated, and a misunderstood part of racing this is.