My day at gamescom (stalking the GT booth and taking requests)

  • Thread starter alba
Great job alba!

I'm glad you had fun!

If you go back tomorrow [if there is a tomorrow for GamesCom], please ask about rain and night races if you didn't already. :D

By the way, I like your avatar - a Chibi Captain Harlock!

I bet you are surprised anyone would know that. :sly:

I had lots of fun!

There's today and tomorrow's the last day I think, I was only there for one day and I'm sure if i went back, i'd spent countless hours at the gt booth again lol (and really steal a pspgo!!!) xD

It's chibi i'll give you that but it's actually aimed to use Scribblenauts art style (awesome awesome ds game if you're wondering).

And yes I'm surprised, for the bit of trivia "Captain Harlock" in french is translated "Capitaine Albator" ... now you get it :P
Thanks for info, did you manage to find out why the GC demo only had 10 cars on the track, compared to GT5P having 16? That's been really bugging me.
Thanks for info, did you manage to find out why the GC demo only had 10 cars on the track, compared to GT5P having 16? That's been really bugging me.

As i've said a few times, I was in the entertainement area, I dunno what would be different in the press one but the sony people hanging out at the booth had no clue at all, didn't have anyone else in the "official" crew who seemed to know anything at all, bummer.
If you do go back then it would be nice to hear what other Lambos are in the PSP version, and other interesting new cars that we don't know about yet. Same with Ferraris. Is it just the Enzo or are there the Prologue ones or new ones too?
Hi Alba,

Gratz on becoming an overnight celebrity :P

Can you let us know if the anti-aliasing is any better? It seems to be better from the pics but its very hard to tell.
The aliasing was I'd say a little better over gt5p but there is still some! (Not that it ever bothered me to start with)
I keep updating my little ftp, added some blurry pics even though they suck lol
It'll stay at the same address so you can just F5 it from time to time :P
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did you get a chance to play with the tire barriers?

Do all the tires seperate and react to collisons?

Also, does the metal guard rail react to collisions at all?
I saw a video posted in another thread in which the driver seemed to be torturing the Subaru to see the damage it could sustain, along with what the track barriers would do. In one, the back cranked turn before the mostly straight section of Tokyo looked to have a tire barrier. He hit it hard but nothing happened. But then he struck the rectangular "Polyphony" buffers and moved them around. So it seems that the tires at the edges of the barriers can be bounced as well as the rectangular barriers, but that's all I've seen so far. And that makes sense, because I can imagine that even the Cell would struggle with 200 bouncing tires, and smoke effects, and AA with those amazing graphics, and bot AI, and modeled building interiors, AND physics on all those cars, AND damage modeling! Whew...
did you get a chance to play with the tire barriers?

Do all the tires seperate and react to collisons?

Also, does the metal guard rail react to collisions at all?

Tires react (just like the big polyphony white blocks), metal guard doesn't as far as i've tested :P
Only the car you're driving so the impreza, demo was pretty limited in context. But it didn't hold me back to keep coming back and playing and playing and playing and just enjoying it, by the end I was just doing time trial and overtaking, not taking any damage :P

That was the first thing I did when I got there, 180° turn and then driving backwards hitting the ford rally car and boom getting hit by everyone afterwards with some nice smoke trails going but... no damage to others cars, just your own sadly :embarrassed:

i guess that only player cars get damaged and not AI ones(no chance for burnout here)
Don't wanting to bother you too much alba, but, uhm , did you uploaded the GT PSP intro video already ? :D
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As someone who will be getting a PSP soon, I'd like to have someone give me kind of a idea on how this game plays on both versions.
Okay i'm trying to fix the encoding and all that of the psp intro movie (even though it has no sound and has a lot of reflections, can't believe nobody from the press recorded the intro movie, it's so beautiful :(

Also did one replay with the ruf on tokyo r246 so to compared with gt5 but it came out blurry too but i'll put it anyway just in case :P (don't mind the quality)
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in one of alba's posts, he mentions the main menu featuring a "profiles" button. i wonder if this could mean we're allowed to create our own driver ?
AND awesomeness.

That's official by the way.
The PS3 seems to be able to scale and amplify awesomeness with absolutely no performance hit. :lol:

If ALL the tire barrier reacts to collision... oh my, awesomeness just went up 50%!

in one of alba's posts, he mentions the main menu featuring a "profiles" button. i wonder if this could mean we're allowed to create our own driver ?
I'd imagine this is the same thing in GT4, where you could have an entirely different game for different players, so I'd say yes indeed.
hey alba can you post all of your thoughts and pictures on the first post? That way everyone can read it as a little preview rather then all over the place ideas. thanks
hey alba can you post all of your thoughts and pictures on the first post? That way everyone can read it as a little preview rather then all over the place ideas. thanks

Yeah, I should probably do that!

I'm reinstalling my video editings programs at the moment to fix all the video stuff I got :)
I don't know if this has already been asked, but I don't wanna dig through 9 pages... And it's a pretty simple question...

Is there reverse lights? :dunce: (Or whatever it's called)
I was thinking that the way you choose the car in the PSP version as described may be the best option of choosing a custom livery... you would need to see the car, as a small square of colour would give no indication as to what the car looks like???

Alba, can you tell us what the steering wheel is in the Audi Race Car?

Did you see any options for custom soundtracks?

Were there any clues to weather or day / night cycles?

Thanks heaps for all the info, you've made my day... also you did a far better job than any games reporter I've seen talk about GT so far...
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Ok i'll write down and edit the OP tomorrow with all I can remember, I'm uploading the intro movie to youtube, should be up by tomorrow I guess XD

Oh and I was working on my gt psp theme but since they rolled out new icons, I'll need to wait for a proper screenshot of the menu to come out, maybe someone could find it? I made like 20+ pictures of the psp screen at gamescom but they'll all blurry and unuseable. I asked a guy i know from gamersyde but he wasn't at gamescom anymore so he couldn't help me out. Worst case scenario is I'll have to wait october 1st for the game to come out. So I'm still looking around to find it, in the meantime since the psp theme creator progress is quite long, I'll upload the background I did for it for now and it works decent with the default white theme I'd say!

(sorry for the little derail in the thread there)


Right click to save it

Catch you guys later then! :-)
Hi alba, Great coverage of Gamescon. What was the Veyron like to drive on GT PSP? Just wondering if they have done it accurately i.e 0-60 in 2.5, good handling but some understeer, etc. Thanks.
Tires react (just like the big polyphony white blocks), metal guard doesn't as far as i've tested :P

Question regarding this:
Did you manage to continue driving a full lap after you hit the tires?
I wonder whether the tires are spread all over the road during the whole race or they kind of "reset" themselves after all cars have pass them so in the next lap (within the same race) they are back in place ? (maybe the marshals re-arrange them during the race...:sly:)
I assume they will be like cones in previous GT's, they don't reset.