- 348
- Italy
- Il_Conte_Sky
Hello guys, I'm Stefano
Long time GT player since ~2008
Gran Turismo has been part of my life since then, in various extents troughout the years but it's been always a constant in my life.
First as a more casual gamer, falling in love discovering Motorsports culture thanks to GT4, than as a dedicated player on GT5 and 6, where I managed to reach results I'm still today proud of. Then as an ESports Player/Manager on GTSport and 7, reaching the apex of my potential as a GT player and then "retiring" and becoming manager of a well established team on the Italian GT scene. We are now partnered with a big Italian Multigaming and I mainly help to create races and championships for them. I'm happy with what I'm personally doing with my "GT Life" to be honest, considering it's still a side-hustle to my IRL job and career.
What I'm not happy of...well...it's the game and the direction it's going.
The very reason why I went full ESports mode in the first place is because of GTSport, basically. Especially in 2018-2019, the potential for growth was huge and it seemed like only the start of something historical. We felt like real pioneers of an ESport, and I know I'm not the only one who has these feelings
Long story short: now in 2024 I feel forsaken by GT7, Kaz and Poliphony Digital
Watching Gran Turismo 7 unfold, month after month, patch by patch, while nothing was being accomplished to made an upgrade to the Online experience over GTSport, nothing was made to improve the Quality of life of Sport Mode and Lobbies (except literal breadcrumbs like Start Timer and Weather preview), while having to watch the singleplayer side of the community getting all the few content almost every single patch, has been one of the most coping, tiring, psychologically abusive experiences I had to endure in my gaming life.
I find myself today here, basically venting, because My First GT (while being a product I don't really mind existing) has been ultimate proof to me of what Modern GT really boils down for Kaz and PD: an Encyclopedic, Museum-like, mostly singleplayer experience, aimed at catching as many casual players as possible whilst not aiming to retain them in the long run. Which is indeed underlined by Kaz confirming that PD is going to dedicate a slice of the development time to update this Free To Play title, made specifically to reinforce this concept and teach it to new players... well if this is not a sign of the future direction GT is gonna take, I don't know what is. And this final piece, completing the U-Turn GT7 started after GTSport, feels like a slap in the face for me.
I hope I'm wrong... but the "Onlinecommunity" era of GT (from GT5P to GTSport) could be over with GT7.
It's been an era that created a generation of dedicated players, who learnt to have fun in both creation and competition, of players who still had to compensate for the game's shortcomings, but had the tools and the right additions to do so (like GT6 Clubs), and thanks to this, the possibility of cultivating healthy and non-stagnant communities. And finally a generation that, for those who wanted to believe in it, was promised a bright future through the Sport mode.
Instead, in my view, Sport mode was managed with laziness and made stagnant.
GTWS turned out to be a mere showcase for GT and its partners, and nothing else.
GT6 Clubs have been a collective dream, apparently.
Lobbies have almost regressed compared to 14 (fourteen) years ago.
Almost all communities I knew from back then have closed. Only the last bastions remain, consisting of groups of friends, like my original team from which I started all the way back.
The most popular GT-themed content is on how to farm as quickly as possible. Or the best Gr.3 cars and such.
Almost all the passionate and dedicated players I know have long since run out of things to do on GT7.
Those who have not already changed their main game and want to continue playing GT daily, unavoidably flock online to discuss with other bored players what they want to see in the future, ultimately disagreeing and arguing (and I admit I'm a major offender on this, expecially on Twitter) in an infinite loop where the only common denominator is one: none of this will ever be taken into consideration by Poliphony.
Many of the things that would at least alleviate this tiring and abusive relationship between this OG playerbase and GT are already available to the devs, or implementable in a relatively short time, but the focus seems no longer on any of this. I feel like the dedicated player is no longer welcome, the important thing is that he bought the game, not if he continues to play it.
I feel like the brand's direction has been always poorly balanced in the last 7 to 8 years: GTSport has been a drastic U-Turn from traditional GT, and now GT7 is yet another U-Turn from the direction GTSport was taking. And instead on working hard on trying their best to give an enjoyable experience to everyone, Kaz&PD are just enjoying their "2022 new lifestyle" while neglecting all their core playerbases, both the OG Online Community born on GT5-6, and the ESports community born in GTSport. And in my opinion this has gravely fed into the huge divide that there is nowadays between singleplayer and online/sport players of this game.
Finally, if the game's not for me anymore, why I don't just call quits and, like kind people suggested me online, "fornicate" myself away on IRacing/ACC/Insert your PC simulator here"?
Well, that's complicated.
At this moment I have a moral commitment to my ESports Team project. That I want to carry forward until it is sustainable to do so. Probably, if everything goes ahead, I will be forced to buy the next GT title to do it, even if on a personal level I would not be very inclined... because unfortunately I see very little sustainability for ESports in the direction that Gran Turismo has now taken. At least for online players.
This is my conundrum, the Depression Arc I'm now in. A guy admittedly still in love with a game while being neglected by its devs, committed to a project involving said game, not able to distance himself from the source of his frustrations.
For anyone of you who disagrees with my view of GT7, I accept it, but I would like to ask you: what did you do today on Gran Turismo? How many hours a week can you play GT7 without getting bored?
If the answer is positive, congratulations: you have Found Your Line.
I didn't make it though, and under these conditions, I don't know if I will ever make it. Thanks for your attention, and take care ❤️
Long time GT player since ~2008
Gran Turismo has been part of my life since then, in various extents troughout the years but it's been always a constant in my life.
First as a more casual gamer, falling in love discovering Motorsports culture thanks to GT4, than as a dedicated player on GT5 and 6, where I managed to reach results I'm still today proud of. Then as an ESports Player/Manager on GTSport and 7, reaching the apex of my potential as a GT player and then "retiring" and becoming manager of a well established team on the Italian GT scene. We are now partnered with a big Italian Multigaming and I mainly help to create races and championships for them. I'm happy with what I'm personally doing with my "GT Life" to be honest, considering it's still a side-hustle to my IRL job and career.
What I'm not happy of...well...it's the game and the direction it's going.
The very reason why I went full ESports mode in the first place is because of GTSport, basically. Especially in 2018-2019, the potential for growth was huge and it seemed like only the start of something historical. We felt like real pioneers of an ESport, and I know I'm not the only one who has these feelings
Long story short: now in 2024 I feel forsaken by GT7, Kaz and Poliphony Digital
Watching Gran Turismo 7 unfold, month after month, patch by patch, while nothing was being accomplished to made an upgrade to the Online experience over GTSport, nothing was made to improve the Quality of life of Sport Mode and Lobbies (except literal breadcrumbs like Start Timer and Weather preview), while having to watch the singleplayer side of the community getting all the few content almost every single patch, has been one of the most coping, tiring, psychologically abusive experiences I had to endure in my gaming life.
I find myself today here, basically venting, because My First GT (while being a product I don't really mind existing) has been ultimate proof to me of what Modern GT really boils down for Kaz and PD: an Encyclopedic, Museum-like, mostly singleplayer experience, aimed at catching as many casual players as possible whilst not aiming to retain them in the long run. Which is indeed underlined by Kaz confirming that PD is going to dedicate a slice of the development time to update this Free To Play title, made specifically to reinforce this concept and teach it to new players... well if this is not a sign of the future direction GT is gonna take, I don't know what is. And this final piece, completing the U-Turn GT7 started after GTSport, feels like a slap in the face for me.
I hope I'm wrong... but the "Onlinecommunity" era of GT (from GT5P to GTSport) could be over with GT7.
It's been an era that created a generation of dedicated players, who learnt to have fun in both creation and competition, of players who still had to compensate for the game's shortcomings, but had the tools and the right additions to do so (like GT6 Clubs), and thanks to this, the possibility of cultivating healthy and non-stagnant communities. And finally a generation that, for those who wanted to believe in it, was promised a bright future through the Sport mode.
Instead, in my view, Sport mode was managed with laziness and made stagnant.
GTWS turned out to be a mere showcase for GT and its partners, and nothing else.
GT6 Clubs have been a collective dream, apparently.
Lobbies have almost regressed compared to 14 (fourteen) years ago.
Almost all communities I knew from back then have closed. Only the last bastions remain, consisting of groups of friends, like my original team from which I started all the way back.
The most popular GT-themed content is on how to farm as quickly as possible. Or the best Gr.3 cars and such.
Almost all the passionate and dedicated players I know have long since run out of things to do on GT7.
Those who have not already changed their main game and want to continue playing GT daily, unavoidably flock online to discuss with other bored players what they want to see in the future, ultimately disagreeing and arguing (and I admit I'm a major offender on this, expecially on Twitter) in an infinite loop where the only common denominator is one: none of this will ever be taken into consideration by Poliphony.
Many of the things that would at least alleviate this tiring and abusive relationship between this OG playerbase and GT are already available to the devs, or implementable in a relatively short time, but the focus seems no longer on any of this. I feel like the dedicated player is no longer welcome, the important thing is that he bought the game, not if he continues to play it.
I feel like the brand's direction has been always poorly balanced in the last 7 to 8 years: GTSport has been a drastic U-Turn from traditional GT, and now GT7 is yet another U-Turn from the direction GTSport was taking. And instead on working hard on trying their best to give an enjoyable experience to everyone, Kaz&PD are just enjoying their "2022 new lifestyle" while neglecting all their core playerbases, both the OG Online Community born on GT5-6, and the ESports community born in GTSport. And in my opinion this has gravely fed into the huge divide that there is nowadays between singleplayer and online/sport players of this game.
Finally, if the game's not for me anymore, why I don't just call quits and, like kind people suggested me online, "fornicate" myself away on IRacing/ACC/Insert your PC simulator here"?
Well, that's complicated.
At this moment I have a moral commitment to my ESports Team project. That I want to carry forward until it is sustainable to do so. Probably, if everything goes ahead, I will be forced to buy the next GT title to do it, even if on a personal level I would not be very inclined... because unfortunately I see very little sustainability for ESports in the direction that Gran Turismo has now taken. At least for online players.
This is my conundrum, the Depression Arc I'm now in. A guy admittedly still in love with a game while being neglected by its devs, committed to a project involving said game, not able to distance himself from the source of his frustrations.
For anyone of you who disagrees with my view of GT7, I accept it, but I would like to ask you: what did you do today on Gran Turismo? How many hours a week can you play GT7 without getting bored?
If the answer is positive, congratulations: you have Found Your Line.
I didn't make it though, and under these conditions, I don't know if I will ever make it. Thanks for your attention, and take care ❤️