My GT Website is Online!

Woah...that article helped quite a lot....I guess I'll get around to converting everything right about now. It won't take long anyway and will be worth the wait.

But one has suggested a good web host or somebody that might host me. I really need to know these so any help would be appreciated.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
But one has suggested a good web host or somebody that might host me. I really need to know these so any help would be appreciated.
Take a look at HostSearch and HostIndex for a large databases of hosting companies which you can search based on price, features, or whatever. There's also an excellent community dedicated to webhosting - it's called WebHostingTalk, and if you post what you need and how much you're willing to pay, you'll get lots of offers from different companies. You can also ask about any webhost's reputation for speed, support, features, etc. It's a very useful resource!
Well, I converted all my pictures and everything and made a better logo. (But I still made it in Paint :)) The only reason for that is because I don't have PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro. But people were right! My file space is now a bit bigger thanks to the conversion. But you can't see any of it because I just took don't my site from GeoCities because it lags like a half-dead dog in the desert.

And when I say hosts...I mean either really good free hosts or a video game website that would be interested in hosting my site.
Okay...I need a host fast! I found a few good offers on those websites you told me about Jordan but I need a really good free web host because...well, I'm broke as of now. And if you know of ANY place that mght host me...then tell me. I'm talking about places like the MGON Network or Gamespy-major networkd that would be interested in such a site.
Hmmm, I'm not that familiar with free webhosts so I can't personally recommend any. But, I've been looking around, and I found this Google category, which looks like it could really help you in your search! :)