My Honest Opinion of the RedBull X2011

  • Thread starter jagenigma
United States
Jackson Heights, NY
I finally have my PS3 back in over a year and now have GT5. I got the XL edition so it comes with the Redbull X2011. At first glance to me, it looks like an F1 car from the future, like what F1 may be in the year 2030 or so if it lasts as long as that. It is INSANELY fast and turns on a damn dime. It is the ultimate vehicle at 1500HP+ and 768nm torque, Super light weight at 545kg, and I have gotten it to a top speed of 297MPH on SSR7 on stock settings.

It feels like if I was in the car in real life, and I was taking a very sharp turn, my face would tear in the opposite direction because of the G's it pulls on the corners. Now, all that being said, as much as I like the car, it is very hard for me to take the X2011 seriously. In all of the other GT's you have a car that you can tune up to a great amount of horsepower and give it a tunable suspension, gearbox etc. and you can make it handle as well as possible. You actually have to work at it, learn how the car handles and set it up so you can drive it better.

This car though, it has all of that straight out of the box. Its like an ultimate cheat car that won't let you learn the real aspects of racing or driving and should be a car that you get if you have done everything else in the game.
Now all that being said, I like speed in a race. To me its everything, fast cornering, very fast acceleration, and a high top speed, that is very important to me. It all comes wrapped up in this car. I just feel like this car should be more deserved if you have gotten at least to level 45 or so. But god, is this car fun...:D:D:D
Shame in reality the person would need to be a jet fighter pilot with a specially designed suit just to cope with the g-force.
I hate all the X1's. They're stupidly fast, ruin most online lobby's. I have 6 and haven't used one of them in over 8 months.
I hate all the X1's. They're stupidly fast, ruin most online lobby's. I have 6 and haven't used one of them in over 8 months.

Why? I think it's an amazing car in order to test on Route X! All night I was doing A spec one make and managed to hit 399 mph! Will definitely be 400 mph tomorrow lol!
I only use the X2011 if B-Spec Bob is running an event that allows it. Otherwise, I wished they'd never put it in the game.
I think its a great car (I have 83 of them) and if used responcably they are good fun. You do need to watch out for the idiots in them though.

And dont just enter a lobby and go strait on track unless everyone else is using them.
It's an incredible feat of engineering that Adrian Newey and the red bull guys/gran turismo have achieved. To design a car that could realistically go this fast if it was built is astonishing. People seem to overlook this.

As for some I think they hate the drivers, not the actual car. But as they associate one with the other they decide that they hate the car as well. It's a shame because as I said its a master piece, it shows just what can be designed when there are no regulations or rules to abide by.

As for me I don't drive it, I use a wheel and the last time I drove one it mucked up the ffb. It feels much weaker now 👎
Shame in reality the person would need to be a jet fighter pilot with a specially designed suit just to cope with the g-force.

In reality though, it wouldn't handle like that, even with that HP and weight. The tires are what would really limit the car. No tire is going to handle 5-7 lateral G. The rubber would have to be so soft that the tire wouldn't be useable.

X1 = Racers/Engineers/Areodynamicists wet dream.
It's a "what if" car.

A car that shows, what "we"(humans) could possibly make, if we had no restrictions in motorsport, the absolute extreme, basically a showcase of what would happen if F1 had no rules.

I'm glad that PD have done this, to show us, what a car like that would be, and we can drive it.
I'm glad they made it, and put it in the game.
It's a "what if" car.

A car that shows, what "we"(humans) could possibly make, if we had no restrictions in motorsport, the absolute extreme, basically a showcase of what would happen if F1 had no rules.

I'm glad that PD have done this, to show us, what a car like that would be, and we can drive it.
I'm glad they made it, and put it in the game.

Thank you! I have said this countless times. This^. This is all we need to see,
I hate all the X1's. They're stupidly fast, ruin most online lobby's. I have 6 and haven't used one of them in over 8 months.

What kind of lobbies do you run in? I've had GT5 since release and I've never encountered a single one online.. People say it's terrible and ruins online racing, maybe you all should try a more "restricted" lobby ;). That being said, I like the way it looks and I can appreciate it, but it isn't very fun to drive and it's not my cup of tea, but I don't hate it.
I find that the X2011 has its uses. I recently spent about 6 hours trying to gold one of the A spec series with a McLaren F1 that was about 75pp below the maximum (most of the time was re-running the Nurburgring race and coming in 3rd before I finally won it). At the end, I realised that I had run the races individually, rather than as a championship. I was a bit annoyed with myself and since I was flying back to China the next day and wouldn't be able to play for a couple of months, I decided to grab the Red Bull and run the championship so that I could see what tickets the game was going to give me for finishing the championship and golding all the events at that level (expert or extreme, I don't really remember now). Yeah it is a cheat, but I figure that I had already golded everything once, so why not just get the gratification.
Shame in reality the person would need to be a jet fighter pilot with a specially designed suit just to cope with the g-force.

F1 drivers already endure up to five or six Gs on occasion. Of course, the X2010/X2011 would push G-forces even greater, but I haven't seen theoretical figures posted anywhere suggesting just how high they might be. We currently have G-suits that can add about 1 G of additional resistance to whatever threshold the pilot (or in this case a driver) can naturally withstand.

Wikipedia says that pilots can withstand 9 Gs vertically, and I could see F1 drivers doing similar with practice/training, except that in motorsports we're not facing vertical Gs but rather horizontal Gs, which the body handles much better. Untrained folks like us can tolerate 17 Gs horizontally sustained for several minutes. There are high-G roller coasters that surpass the 6-G mark for regular Joes.

So, even if the X2010/X2011 would push forces of like 7 or 8 Gs, it would appear that this wouldn't be implausible for an F1 driver at all. Realistically, if such a car was to hypothetically be built for real, it would be an F1 driver or something along those lines driving it, and not just some random bloke. They're not going to spend countless millions of dollars constructing it just to toss the keys to Jimmie Johnson.

I despise it with a passion, such a thing shouldn't be in a driving simulator.

Why not? It isn't science fiction. While not a real car, the technology exists to build it, and some of the features that the average Joe might see as unrealistic like the suction fans have been around for decades. A driving simulator simulates driving, no matter what we're driving. You can simulate driving a plausible car just as well as simulating driving a real car.
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The x2010 is simply a marketing stunt from red bull. The only positive aspect of it is, we probably save 5$ on the retail price just so we can see red bull all over the place. Video games is a very effective media.
Out of the current trend, I think that PD may develop the RedBull X2012 and make it even faster, I don't know how much more speed this car can have or handling. Would it be able to make a hairpin turn at 200MPH?
I like the fact that it's a shared concept between newey/RB/PD. I think it's kinda awesome that they did something like that. Now in term of gaming I dont really care, only my bob is using it, I dont like to drive it on pad.
It's a "what if" car.

A car that shows, what "we"(humans) could possibly make, if we had no restrictions in motorsport, the absolute extreme, basically a showcase of what would happen if F1 had no rules.

I'm glad that PD have done this, to show us, what a car like that would be, and we can drive it.
I'm glad they made it, and put it in the game.

I agree with this. But in my opinion, we only needed this to be done once in GT5. The addition of the similar X2011 somehow felt like it cheapened the "ultimate F1 car" thing to me.
This is the sort of car that will be competing in races once human drivers have been replaced by robots and computers.
I just feel like this car should be more deserved if you have gotten at least to level 45 or so.

Well, to be fair, you did buy the XL version of GT. With the original release of GT5 you did have to get up to level 35 to unlock the X2010. Either that or win it in the Vettel Challenge. The X2011 came later as DLC.

I personally have come around to liking the X2010s/11s. Initially they were nothing more than a high concept fantasy car to me - appreciable for their innovation and novelty but not something you'd want to race on a regular basis, if at all.

Route X changed that, though. It's the only track truly suitable for racing them flat out on, of course, and I have to say how surprisingly fun that is (with some like-minded clean competitors) - like a super speed hybrid of F1 & NASCAR.
Well, to be fair, you did buy the XL version of GT. With the original release of GT5 you did have to get up to level 35 to unlock the X2010. Either that or win it in the Vettel Challenge. The X2011 came later as DLC.

I personally have come around to liking the X2010s/11s. Initially they were nothing more than a high concept fantasy car to me - appreciable for their innovation and novelty but not something you'd want to race on a regular basis, if at all.

Route X changed that, though. It's the only track truly suitable for racing them flat out on, of course, and I have to say how surprisingly fun that is (with some like-minded clean competitors) - like a super speed hybrid of F1 & NASCAR.
Do note my first line of my opening post, I finally got my ps3 back in over a year, that being said, i would have had GT5 since launch if i still had my old one, not having a job forced me to sell it to feed myself. I finally could afford one again because i got a job. I would have started when GT5 came out and i would have bought the DLC instead.
I only like it if driven responsibly. Other than that it's too fake. If humans were to develop it, I think it would be considered HIGHLY dangerous for it to be around in real life, not only due to the sheer speed of it, but also because the G-Forces would be pretty darn nuts.
I only like it if driven responsibly. Other than that it's too fake. If humans were to develop it, I think it would be considered HIGHLY dangerous for it to be around in real life, not only due to the sheer speed of it, but also because the G-Forces would be pretty darn nuts.

In Can-Am they raced with 1000+ HP, less than a ton of weight, and (originarily, then the huge wings appeared) little to no downforce at 200 MPH (a lot for its time). That didn´t stop them for 20 years. Same story for the Groups B and C. They were all dangerous and "Pretty darn nuts".

I say X1´s as Formula racers in about 15 years are perfectly possible.
In Can-Am they raced with 1000+ HP, less than a ton of weight, and (originarily, then the huge wings appeared) little to no downforce at 200 MPH (a lot for its time). That didn´t stop them for 20 years. Same story for the Groups B and C. They were all dangerous and "Pretty darn nuts".

I say X1´s as Formula racers in about 15 years are perfectly possible.

What a risk if that true the future look very scary and dangerous