My idea for GT5 that would replace liscence tests

  • Thread starter Peter


lol not happening
You have the same arrangement like in previous GT's except that unlike in GT5 where you must finish all events with bronze+, you must finish at least 70% of the events to move on to the next class(we would need alot of events to make this work out perfectly). So, there's no need for those frustrating liscence tests and no ps3's will be harmed in the completion of GT5. What do you guys think?
Yes, but how many 'classes' would there be exactly? And how many races? I wouldn't really expect PD to take up a plan like this, doesn't feel realistic enough to me. Besides, the license's WEREN'T that frustrating anyway. Well, maybe except for some S-License tests. ;)
Missions will stay, but i really don't want the liscence tests anymore. They were a waste of time. Besides, no liscence test means the game will succeed in other categories. Like more races.
driving missions and licenses should be combined to improve the general driving skill.:sly:

Absolutely, and any missions that don't cut it as a license test should be special/bonus events of some sort. I mentioned elsewhere a concept where the player engages in TV style Top Gear and Best Motoring competitions.

License tests are a bit time consuming, but hell look at the rest of the game. It's a black hole of time. Use the tests as an oppertunity to improve yourself and the rest of the game will be more fun.
Licenses for the win! Frustrating? Hardly.

Even if you are not fond of them, you only had to get bronze on them to pass, which was easy.
yea but up to a point they get so frustrating and hard that you just can't bother. GT4's physics made it impossible to complete S license.And i only made it to S in GT3 as well. Most of GT's population find it hell to do those tests, and that's why GT5 will not have them.(don't remember where i heard this but i know i heard this from Kaz)
This is also gonna affect PD's sales in the future. License tests mean that "you must be good enough to play GT5". If PD doesn't put them in GT5 then i'm sure it would sell better.
. GT4's physics made it impossible to complete S license.

I found getting all golds in S licese easier than all golds in A license.. Getting bronze shouldn't have been a problem. Many people stick to arcade when GT mode is difficult.

Most of GT's population find it hell to do those tests, and that's why GT5 will not have them

The poll which was made here at GTP states otherwise, you are just making this up.

and that's why GT5 will not have them.(don't remember where i heard this but i know i heard this from Kaz)

This is false, KY only said GT5P will not have them unlike GT4P, if you thnk otherwise provide proof.

This is also gonna affect PD's sales in the future.

I highly doubt that....
People don't want to be forced to learn how to drive to be able to do anything in a game. They want to learn themselves, and that's why GT5 should not have license tests.
Missions will stay, but i really don't want the liscence tests anymore. They were a waste of time. Besides, no liscence test means the game will succeed in other categories. Like more races.

First day I got GT4 i went to the shop, picked it up. took it home took of the wrapper, inserted it in the ps2, and did evey liscence test befor I did anything else. didnt bother going for all gold on the first run through just to get any trophy for them.

They are anything but a waste of time. Not only do they hone skills that you WILL use, but they also give you an advanced introduction to the phisics engine. Meaning that when you leave the liscence centre with all 5 liscences, and you buy your very first car. you are totaly ready for the game.

Took me about half a day, and 5 cups of Tea, and a few ciggy's to do the lisence tests, and every one was great fun. especialy the S class lisence coffe break where you have to run the maze and knock over the cones.

I will be extreamly disapointed if GT5 is released without the classic Lisence tests. The biggest waste of time was waiting for over a miniut for cars to leave first on the driving missions, if they are included in GT5 then I hope they just make the cars start from different parts of the track rather than having to sit there waiting for ever.

And what people dont want to be forced, if you fined the lisence tests hard then play it in arcade mode. We arnt Forced we are blesed. I would love to see the information you are using. please provide proof of what you are saying.
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Maybe you guys are right. Maybe GT5's physics will make aceing those tests a piece of cake. But i still am and will always be against license tests.
I never got the idea of driving missions, but I like license tests, however I think there should be less tests in GT5 than in previous GT games, and they should be more basic. It's enough to learn the basic physics and some racing lines I think. Learning tracks and set quick lap times you can do in time trail.

I also think there should be less career racing events, since if they make a good online mode the career mode become less important IMO, and you'll most likely be able to win money (perhaps even cars?) while racing online.

I guess these are just my thoughts though... :rolleyes:
I have no idea why some people don't like the license tests. In my opinion a GT game was always by starting off getting the licenses and THEN getting out there and race for real. I personally would love license tests to come back, but this time instead of coffee breaks, they could add a special license to drift. Some people have a lot of trouble starting drifting, and having a special section of a course to drift with a required point to get bronze, silver or gold respectively would be cool for some. Also the licenses always introduced people to the physics of the new game, which is also important in my opinion. I personally love the licenses, and hope they get as much licenses as there was in GT4.
I also think there should be less career racing events, since if they make a good online mode the career mode become less important IMO, and you'll most likely be able to win money (perhaps even cars?) while racing online.

No way, IMO GT mode never had enough and a large portion of GT players will not play much online. Even if they do, I don't see why GT mode should be shrunk.
Career mode should have less events :embarrassed::embarrassed:?, licence cut out???:embarrassed:
Seriously folks some of you either started playing Gran turismo a week ago or are having serious issues with some things in the game.
My opinion on this matter; If KY walked up to me personally and asked would you like career mode to be stripped down for a nice online system or make career mode better then in Gt4 (I dont know how it can be) and have a poor online system (He would never ask me but still ;)) i would say career mode, for me online in GT is just a side thing and I NEVER EVER neither will any other passionate gt fan think that GT mode should be dubbed down in order for online, fact is it just wont happend.
Licence tests out?, I mean the licence tests is what all the people who played GT once and never again remember, you can only ask them to be cut if you hate them I personally find them the most enjoying part of the game I still feel nostalgic of playing GT4 in 2005 when i got it and driving the Nissan R92CP down the lemans straight on one of the I-A tests the tests are just amazingly crafted and fact again is they will NEVER EVER be cut down no matter what some of you want.
I think the GT licence tests were a good starting point into the game. It was always exciting for me to find out what I would find in the next set of tests. :D
I have an idea of the absolute best way of making the License test.

Lets say you have about 5 different licenses with different difficulty. Lets call them B, A, IC, IB, IA. Most races can require a license, but some beginner events can be driven without a license. You have to do the licenses in order. Start with B, then A e.t.c. You have 3 times to beat at each license. One for gold, one for silver and one for bronze. This won't effect the license at all as long as you clear the bronze time. The Silver and Gold can be bonus cars.

Doesn't that sound awesome? ;)

edit: On a more seriouse note, please remove the bonus cars from bronzing the license. Cars should be bought or won by racing, not given away because you've done minimum to get the license.
edit: On a more seriouse note, please remove the bonus cars from bronzing the license. Cars should be bought or won by racing, not given away because you've done minimum to get the license.

Silver too. I hate getting cars (mostly concepts) given to me at the start of the game, I don't mind much later when I go back and get all golds.

That's how it is now lol.

Thats what the smilie is used for. ;)
This idea would help the punters get to a higher level of competition before their skills actually improve leaving us to be forced to deal with them. Bronze was easy anyway.....
You have the same arrangement like in previous GT's except that unlike in GT5 where you must finish all events with bronze+, you must finish at least 70% of the events to move on to the next class(we would need alot of events to make this work out perfectly).
Capital idea! Of course, you're overlooking one small problem: if you need to finish 70% of the races to get into the next class, how do you develop the skills to get into the first class?

Licence tests are fine. The only ones I have ever found to be frustrating are GT4's Coffee Breaks (ironically, they're supposed to be a break from the action, but they don't meet any of the criteria to qualify as being 'fun'). If GT4 is anything to go by, PD may work in a feature where you can carry licence data across from GT4 or GT5:P to get experienced players started quickly. That said, I don't have a PS3, s don't know if it would take a memory card.
You learn the basics via a few tutorials that don't FORCE you to try then to race. Then after the first class, you move on.
The tutorial is the racing line and braking , neutral throttle, and accelerating areas. All that needs to happen with these, is it has to change depending on wich car you are in. These are still only guide lines though.

Licenses are important. They allow the experience of driving a new test, to challenge the driver, in a way that reflects a real life career. For instance, you need to show that you have the necessary skills to step forward. You can't start at the top, can you?

If you can't get the bronze at the last lisence group then you are not going to able to win, or come 3rd, at any of the races, especially if damage is applied.

So the licensing is giving you the chance to practice winning the races, at a level that won't make you want to stop playing the game, because it's too hard.
For me the tests have been a quick glance of whats in game, with the bonus of improving driving skills, or is it improving drivng skill with the bonus of a peek to whats new!! Ive always done all the licence tests first, then tried to go back later for gold, not always succsessfull though.

As for the drivng missions, good idea but in practice they were a bit frustrating, waiting at the line,the loading time.

Licence tests must stay and the driving missions, but with a little tweaking.

Ps, prize only for gold, hmm yeah ok i`d agree to that.