My idea for GT5 that would replace liscence tests

  • Thread starter Peter
*Raises hand*

I don't see any problem with licence tests whatsoever. If people put the effort into licence tests then I'd argue that it does make them better drivers in the game.

I'm not one of these people who'd like the game even more difficult, but a level of difficulty is essential, especially that we now have an online mode.

If anything, completing licence tests at certain difficulties should be essential to being able to access certain classes in online racing. This would at least allow some parity between drivers in each class. I very much doubt that people who punt in races are the sort who get all gold licences, for example, so requiring say, 70% Gold licences should be the entry requirement for the professional events. Voila, you remove probably 90% of the punters at a stroke.

And the licences would have to be tied to individual users, to prevent people downloading saves from the internet immediately accessing all-gold licences. There'd be no point having any challenge to the game if everyone could just download a complete game save.

👍 I like this idea.
All Gold is a bit harsh. Just having the license seems enough, especially seeing as most punters aren't actually familiar with the concept of braking, let alone getting a license.
GT5 has to keep the license tests. Period. If people can't complete them, even in bronze, then they should not be bothered with GT5. Let them go play an arcade game.

Besides, frustrating? They would only be frustrating if you were doing the silver and gold licenses, which were not even a requirement to complete the game (GT4). If you wanted the silver and gold prize cars, then deal with it: learn to drive better. I would only be frustrated if it was necessary to get silver and gold to race on the harder races. But completing bronze, easy licenses doesn't have a pinch of frustration in my opinion.

GT4's physics made it impossible to complete S license.

Are you kidding me? Thousands of persons in the world, including me, have managed to gold the S License. Just because you can't do it (implying it's impossible = cannot be done = you couldn't do it yourself) doesn't mean nobody can. They are a fun part of the game, and GT5 be damned if they are not included in it.
I loved the way GT4P taught me how to drive correctly.

I can still remember how the voice of the lady explained how to pass the tests and that you had to overtake every car with a mclaren on the last test.

If the license tests are like gt4 prologue, it would be great.

However, I can understand that alot of "non hardcore race fans" just find the racing tests annoying and get frustrated by them.

Polyphony should try to find a way to make the license tests fun for everyone...
Are you kidding me? Thousands of persons in the world, including me, have managed to gold the S License. Just because you can't do it (implying it's impossible = cannot be done = you couldn't do it yourself) doesn't mean nobody can. They are a fun part of the game, and GT5 be damned if they are not included in it.

For me the S license was one of the easiest ones to pass.

Also, License tests are a must and have been part of the GT series forever. They are helpful at first to learn the game, as well as down the road when you may need a refresher on certain things.
What's wrong with license tests? Maybe seasoned veterans won't need to take them, but I've been letting my friend's 6 year old little brother take them with my G25 and he loves them and he's improving a lot as well. Contrary to popular belief, "casual" people actually love the tests, since they feel danger when they go off track unlike us who see no consequence in it, so they naturally keep the car on the track most of the time, my sister has also been using my G25 to practice for her daily driving and she's become a lot less jerky with her real driving I've noticed. She actually just does the license tests and isn't interested at all in actually racing in the game.

An alternative is for there to be just one test in each category that is significantly harder than the others, like a full lap in a supercar with all aids off for an ib license, and if you pass that, then you don't need the other licenses in the category to get the license.

I definitely think License tests should stay.
I really hope the staggered start tests can be looked at. I almost lost it having to wait for all those cars to take off. Each time I failed I had to concentrate on breathing just so I wouldn't put the controller through the wall.
I really hope the staggered start tests can be looked at. I almost lost it having to wait for all those cars to take off. Each time I failed I had to concentrate on breathing just so I wouldn't put the controller through the wall.
I hate those, I wish they'd just put certain cars a set distance ahead instead of making you wait like 3 minutes before you can start driving each time.
What's wrong with license tests? Maybe seasoned veterans won't need to take them

I think everyone needs to take them to get used to the physics. It doesn't matter if you're a veteran. How many people excelled on GT4 immediately after finishing with GT3? Licence tests should stay, they are an integral part of the GT franchise.
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I really hope the staggered start tests can be looked at. I almost lost it having to wait for all those cars to take off. Each time I failed I had to concentrate on breathing just so I wouldn't put the controller through the wall.

These are not license tests but driving missions.
what they should do is this: I assume that GT5 will finally get everything right, including the ABS.. so, I hope that they will have braking test where you have to stop from different speeds without locking the wheels on shortest possible distance. Also, pit stop maneuvers should be practiced in the licences, especially if there's an option for driving to the pits yourself. Also, they should teach what different flags mean if the flag system is implied on the game.
For me the S license was one of the easiest ones to pass.

Also, License tests are a must and have been part of the GT series forever. They are helpful at first to learn the game, as well as down the road when you may need a refresher on certain things.

you may have a point because the S were all 1 lap TT and you dont had to be as precise as in the ones that took 15 seconds
Driving tests are a good way to keep people playing for some hours without the need to make any more content. So i guess the will be in.
Most of the people spend a few hours on the license tests giving the idea of good value for money since you can play the game for a long time (even if you do hate them).

And well they are just fun. But as stated before, they should remove the rewarded cars for completing them all bronze.
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Can't believe how many people don't want these tests - they are useful, fun and plus you get to drive some awesome cars early. I thought that my RX7 was fast. Then I did IA-16...

I loved the test format in GT4 and don't agree the one-lap time-trials for S liscence should go. Even the one lap guide runs were fun, though I could live without them. But I agree that either the bronze times for the tests should be made easier or more events soujld be liscence free, to make the game more accessible.

But to me, liscences are as important as online play, or damage.
I love the licenses, I don't need them at all but they're fun quick missions/challenges with a reward (I assume trophy rewards will be a part of it in GT5) that I like doing from time to time. I like all types too, full laps, draft, guide runs etc and I hope more for GT5.
I apparently, am in the minority that HATES the damn tests, but would rather see them stay. half of MY problem is this friggin learning disability, and that makes me wanna pitch the controller through the TV.
for you old hands that everything easy as possible, and for those people to whom all video games are easy, boring, and over with too quickly, I say have you forgotten there are old gamers out there, too?. WE are the ones who keep the cheat device makes, FAQ writers, and guide book publishers in business! making things TOO hard for older players that don't have a nack will drive them away! plus, upping the minimum to all gold will leave about 50% of Gran Turismo's fans out of online play. and not just the Punters.
the older cars are there for the older players who remember driving the big yaghts around.
I, for one, would like an actuall CHALLENGE with other RL players, and keeping me out because of a friggin "perfect" reqirement is 🤬 !!! I would also like to get opinions of onliners on where i need to improve, rather than hearing a bunch of you people go "neener-neener-neener" like some eight year old from MY generation.

here's a better Idea for you.
stagger it so that older players actually have a chance for some online competition. also, has anyone talked about a "points" score outside of the "NASCAR" section to put simmilar layers of experience together. this'll stick all the punters togerther untill the mend their ways (and so the rest of us don't have to put up with em!)

you can keep the licence tests, but if you/they make it so that only those people who grew up on high end machines who are used to thinking in 15 different directions at once, some moron is gonna pull out a lawyer and SUE!
Maybe you guys are right. Maybe GT5's physics will make aceing those tests a piece of cake. But i still am and will always be against license tests.

If PD improved GT5 physics from GT4 (undoubtedly) and if it's a further improvement of Prologue physics, it should be harder to gain the higher licenses, not easier. Better physics= more realistic= harder to pass no the other way around.
Just the concept alone of me getting a license in a video game in '96 was reason enough for me to trade in my N64 for a PS1 and GT1. It was the tipping point as to why I wanted to play it. I always look forward to them and think its great fun and you learn a lot about the physics. I for one, do all the license tests/missions first before starting sim mode so I know what to expect in the races 👍

If PD improved GT5 physics from GT4 (undoubtedly) and if it's a further improvement of Prologue physics, it should be harder to gain the higher licenses, not easier. Better physics= more realistic= harder to pass no the other way around.

Totally agree. In fact I always thought the liscenses were sloppy, there was no regiment, there was no apparent progression from test to test in terms of difficulty. I fall into a new fanatical area of the spectrum:D, for example I'd like to see

-the straight line braking tests gradually evolve into braking while turning like the Subaru B4 sedan test in GT2.
-U-turn tests gradually evolve into J-turn tests.
-S-turns into double U-turns
-S-turns into double J-turns
-Sharp U-turns into large U-turns into into two consecutive right angle turns (and so on...)
-Left 90 degree turn into right 90 degree turn, evolving into S-turn

And so on. Liscense tests MUST stay, if they seem pointless, they need to be revamped to look more important.
wtf??? this thread died months ago, and it's back now? why?

Not the worst thread-res I've ever seen, what's the problem? Its still a relevant topic.

I loved the license tests in hindsight. At the time I just wanted to get through them as quickly as possible, but looking back I did enjoy the challenge and they did indeed teach me the tracks (especially Nurburgring) very well. I remember the lap you had to do where you followed the safety car around the Nurburgring being an absolute pain until I learnt to properly judge my braking distances with other cars in front and learn the track and improve my consistencey. That test alone taught me the track. I think it also indirectly helped teach me not to focus on the car in front when driving, its such an easy distraction and many online fall off the track due to this (I still do it from time to time).

They also give you a taster of certain cars before you can actually use them elsewhere in the game and teach some valuable driving lessons (though after you've done them in one game, the rest are pretty much the same with a few additions.)
The one thing I do ask is for it to start teaching racing ettiquette, from discouraging weaving to observing your surroundings at all times. Even if its just some simple videos rather than tests, it would be great. GT should officially start promoting clean racing and get rid of its "bounce the barriers and opponents" image.
wtf??? this thread died months ago, and it's back now? why?
:mischievous:Hope my idea didn't irk you?

Not the worst thread-res I've ever seen, what's the problem? Its still a relevant topic.

The one thing I do ask is for it to start teaching racing ettiquette, from discouraging weaving to observing your surroundings at all times. Even if its just some simple videos rather than tests, it would be great. GT should officially start promoting clean racing and get rid of its "bounce the barriers and opponents" image.
Very good idea, I totally agree. They could even devote a whole liscense to that, instead of.."missions" :rolleyes:, they should give tests where you may be tempted to pass the opponent car in such a way which would break regulations. At such a point you'd fail the test immediately. Once done correctly you pass. The test would be either a simple pass or fail.

They should also do something similar with tuning, they should actually teach you something. Atleast in gt4 we get some kind of description of what certain things do in the tuning menus as opposed to Gt2 where it was a complete mytery. Does that cater to newcomers? Hell no, so they make races pathetically easy where cars don't even drive at a full potential? Shame shame
I would like to see traditional GT licenses and some tests with cones like in NFS: Porsche (i think you can check some of them on YouTube if you haven't played it).