my prediction

  • Thread starter tyzone_gt1
Personaly, I have nothing against livey editor, but after some time I wass totaly pissed-off because I was the only one racing normal-colored car while being surrounded by naked chiks with spreaded legs and similar childlish painnts in FM2 online.
Having driven a decent amount of Forza 2 online in random servers, I've never seen a porn car in a race. Maybe in your European servers it's a problem, but while I've seen some hentai cars in the Auction House, not one in a race.

but honestly how many of you would be completely excited if gt5 was just a prettier gt4 with a livery editor?
You obviously don't have Prologue. The sounds are basic but improving, and the A.I. is fine. Everything is only going to get better before GT5 comes out.

Once again, I want a livery editor so I can have my own race car. As Dave and others have said, creating and buying superb race car creations is a game in itself in Forza 2. Putting that in GT5 will make it the best game ever. It'll be a sad day if we don't have a paintshop, and I can't race some of my favorite cars online because the field is full of the same ones. Meh on you guys afraid of a paint shop. :P works pretty well at this point, only thing it needs is the option to make private races. And if we do not get it with Prologue, we'll get it with GT5 99,9%.
Porn problem solved. ;)
bloody hell.. calm down people.. make it or not.. i rather have better racing simulation then better paint simulation..
So would most people, that doesn't mean you can't have both. There's no tradeoff between the idea of adding a paint shop and better car physics or sounds etc. Besides that I'm calm and I'm pretty sure Amar was and still is clam. Your the only one who doesn't seem so.
You obviously don't have Prologue. The sounds are basic but improving, and the A.I. is fine. Everything is only going to get better before GT5 comes out.

youre right, i do not have prologue, but i have seen videos where someone hits the AI in the rear quarter panel and nothing happens. maybe the intelligence is improved, but it still looks like the cars handle on rails. maybe you can shed some light on this; can AI cars get bumped around and spun out via user contact?

i digress, i should hold off on comment until i HAVE played as at least gt5p, which i plan on doing in april.
Not really sure why people think having car damage and realistic crashes means the game would be better/more fun/make them want to play the game more. Adding realistic crashes and damage means you would be out of a car and out the race after one crash in many cases. Want realism? try Formula 1 championship edition. How fun is it to run into another vehicle/wall, lose a wheel and be out of the race on the first turn? Just imagine how fun it would be on a 10+ lap race to have a collision close to the end and be out of the race and have to start over?

How fun would it be for the average game to break too late for a corner, plowing into a barrier or a car ahead of you, taking you out of the race and have to do it over again? It may be fun and look cool the first couple times, but it gets old pretty quick if you are trying to win a race for the 7th or 8th time and any collision over 30mph has the possibility of making your car undriveable. It would make every race feel like the ingame license tests, with car damage and cool looking crashes. This is in essence what you are asking polyphany to do... make the game realistically punishing for being a poor driver, which doesn't automatically make the game more enjoyable and fun for everyone who plays the game.
Adding realistic crashes and damage means you would be out of a car and out the race after one crash in many cases. Want realism? try Formula 1 championship edition. How fun is it to run into another vehicle/wall, lose a wheel and be out of the race on the first turn? Just imagine how fun it would be on a 10+ lap race to have a collision close to the end and be out of the race and have to start over?
Shiwen is spot on, it is incredibly frustrating when you are taken out by AI or you make a mistake and can't get out of it towards the end of a race. It simply makes me want to throw the controller down when it happens, and trust me, half the time it's not my fault there was a collision, I've done my best to avoid it.

How fun would it be for the average game to break too late for a corner, plowing into a barrier or a car ahead of you, taking you out of the race and have to do it over again? It may be fun and look cool the first couple times, but it gets old pretty quick if you are trying to win a race for the 7th or 8th time and any collision over 30mph has the possibility of making your car undriveable. It would make every race feel like the ingame license tests, with car damage and cool looking crashes. This is in essence what you are asking polyphany to do... make the game realistically punishing for being a poor driver, which doesn't automatically make the game more enjoyable and fun for everyone who plays the game.

If you've seen how people play online, you know that you're going to be lucky to survive even the first corner if damage is going to be implemented realisitcly. don't get me wrong, I am all for damage, but for those of you who keep saying that GT5 is going to suck without it, chances are you're not going to enjoy the game any more even if it is implemented
And you're basing this predicition on what? Previous videos? You work at PD? ESP?

No its just what i think will happen ... just a hunch
I guess that cause GT5 hopefully (should) be coming out hopefully early next year and Kaz saying that damage will be in (for racing cars) so i have a feeling this (damage) will be shown at E3.
Not really sure why people think having car damage and realistic crashes means the game would be better/more fun/make them want to play the game more.

True but having damage ( if done right) will be a big jump in the series for the already outstanding simulation.
Plus GT5 will prob be my fav racing game with or without damage ... I just have a feeling damage will be shown in the game at E3 thats all.
not that it better or else
I do not want damage nor painting, I just want to drive. I just enjoy to change tyres, suspensions, gears...and testing cars and enjoy driving them. It would be nice to have somthing like in GT2 (the race kit), if the cars get damage the modelling of the cars would not be as nice as we are use to. If somebody want that, buy Need For Speed, Gentlemen THIS IS GRAN TURISMO.
You only need to see the amount of activity in the GT4 Photomode threads here on GTP to see how popular non-driving features are. They really do increase the lifespan of the games they are impliemented on. I'm convinced that one of the reasons the original Gran Turismo was such a hit with the fans is the fact it offered an element of individuality with it's customisable tuning and set-ups, something other driving games hadn't really offered up until then. Photomode and custom liveries are just an evolution of this individuality.

I want to be able to tune my cars the way i like but i would also greatly enjoy the ability to take this a step further and have the car look the way i want it to look to. GT4 (and GT3 too?) gave us the option to change the wheels on our cars and also the ability to change the look to an extent with the wing option. A livery editor just takes this to the next level.

Just because you have a livery editor, doesn't mean you have to use it. In the 3 or so years that i've owned GT4, i've spent approximately 15 minutes in Photomode. Some people probably spend more hours playing around in Photomode in a week than i play GT4 in 3 or 4 months, i personally think it's a waste of disk space, that's because i never use it - but i wouldn't like to see it disapear from GT5, i know how much other people enjoy it.

A livery editor may not be high on the list of things that fans think need to change for GT5, but the fact that rival games have a similar option, one that is obviously popular, mean that it's inclusion is an almost dead cert.

I know it's wishful thinking, but i'd quite like to see PD enforce some 'Taste Police' for liveries in online racing, just like the racing authorities do IRL. Knowing how considered PD are with Gran Turismo, and how respected the game is in the car industry, i suspect any livery editor they may add will offer only limited editing options, probably based around skins of pre-designed liveries that can be added to any car, with options to change the colour palettes and race numbers - rather than an almost totally freehand painting facility. IMO this would be more in fitting with the PD ethos as we know it.
Numbers on the doors or even ya PSN ID slapped across the rear window
with colour optiions .

OH and the ability to flip the middle finger to the rammers and cheats as you sail past em
into 1st place would be a damn fine addition
If you want to race mod your car, which many of us have been clamoring for, you need body kits and a paint shop.

I'd like to know how many of the naysayers
  1. Won't upgrade their cars
  2. Won't race any race cars because they have those garish paintjobs and bodykits on them
  3. Won't even change the tires
It'll be interesting if anyone responds. ;)

I can just imagine if Polyphony decided to just give us stock street cars, no race cars, what the outcry would be. Or if they did give us race cars, if they were black or primer painted with no professional paintjobs.

Just think if model race car makers sold their cars with no decals or paintjobs. "I can't believe they're selling a Tommy Makinen Lancer Evo with nothing on it!"

Face it people, the reason we car collectors like to collect those race cars in Gran Turismo is to get those cool paint jobs. And some of you have a harf because you're afraid someone might paint a car in a way you might like? Do you guys go outside and notice that the world is sometimes unpleasant, or do you bolt yourselves inside all your lives? ;)

I think some of you have a mortal fear of the Fast n Furious. Just take a breath and use some common sense, and this issue might seem like no big deal.

And there's one more thing. With race mod and a paint shop, you'll never have a limit on the number of race cars you can have. If you want a certain car from history, or something custom made just for you, you can either make it yourself or pay someone in game credits to create it for you. I spent as much time in Forza creating cars as I did racing them. As said before, it was practically a game within the game.
I'd love it if you were right, but I don't have a good feeling about damage in GT5. Either it won't be present period, or it'll be flat-out inconsistent.

I've heard a lot about how some cars will have damage and some won't. If that's true, that's absurd. Go into a race where that particular class of vehicles has damage, and then go into another and those vehicles don't? That'd be horrible.

But yeah, I have no doubt that if Polyphony includes damage in any form, it'll be very realistic. But unless all cars have damage, no thanks.
I think a lot of people have an unrealistically high expectation of what KY simply briefly mentioned on one of his interview as what his is refers to as "working on" to be something like the level of damage they will see in "Burnout Paradise".

IMO, I don't think we will see damage, if it ever will be in GT5, probably at near the end of the game; may be as a test for GT6. Having damage does not immediately turn this game into an instant and definitive sim, and there are much much much more that PD should be working on for this game to make it more "sim like", way before they should even touch on the issue of visual damage.
If you want to race mod your car, which many of us have been clamoring for, you need body kits and a paint shop.

I'd like to know how many of the naysayers
  1. Won't upgrade their cars
  2. Won't race any race cars because they have those garish paintjobs and bodykits on them
  3. Won't even change the tires
It'll be interesting if anyone responds. ;)

if theres a livery editor of course i would use it. im sure itll be fun to use.
KY has said since that they just showed how they can be put into the same game, iirc he said they have no plans to do so.

Also at that time that was a real rush job to get something viewable at the game show (PD being pushed by Sony), at the time they were not ready to show off any real PS3 GT footage so they mustered up a small demo in high res based of GT4 and TT.

So I highly doubt we will see bikes in GT5, maybe another TT at sometime but not in GT IMO.
Not sure i'd like to see bikes in GT5 myself.
Especially if they mixed the races car/bike type of thing .

Whilst it would be fun to weave through cars .
And i know it would look awesome (graphicaly) but I'd find myself thinking Motorstorm without the dirt,jumps etc .

More content Yes but keep it relevant .
After all it's supposed to be The Drive of your Life.
I agree, I'm thinking bikes should be a big no no in a Gran Turismo game. The whole essence of Gran Turismo is cars. Bikes take away from that, they also would mess with the balance of the game and they could become a license hell hole trying to implement them into a game of Gran Turisoms nature. The only satisfactory way really would be to stricktly keep bikes and cars from racing against each other, but then whats the point of them both being on the same disk in the same game. From PD's perspecspective there is none, less profit, from ours then we should have got more cars instead. If they wouldn't be replacing anything then sure, more = better if I use it or not, provided it doesn't affect the quality. But the bottom line is licenses and licensing fees will be used to create the bikes as well as the modelling time, man power and costs of such things. Things better spent on more relevant content ie cars.
i had a dream about GT5 having DAMAGE system as almost as in Burnout P.

I guess ive been playing both games yesterday lil toooo much
Hmm, I think I agree about not necessarily including bikes and cars in the same game. However, how cool would it be if a friend who happens to own a copy of the (theoretical) next Tourist Trophy game challenges you to a lap around the Nürburgring Nordschleife, mano à mano...

This would best be practised using the online mode, and since the games could well end up sharing the same base engine, this may not be too much of a technical challenge.
how cool would it be if a friend who happens to own a copy of the (theoretical) next Tourist Trophy game challenges you to a lap around the Nürburgring Nordschleife, mano à mano...

"As they enter the first left hand corner..... oh the car taps the bikes rear tyre, the rider high-sides...... CAR WINS!"

No its just what i think will happen ... just a hunch
I guess that cause GT5 hopefully (should) be coming out hopefully early next year and Kaz saying that damage will be in (for racing cars) so i have a feeling this (damage) will be shown at E3.
Right ... well, my days of not taking you seriously are fast coming to a middle.
Well in an ideal world we would have all these features rendered in depth and realistically, but to be honest there could be compromises that I'd be happy to see.

Damage: Personally I like the Idea, but the 'physics' damage in GT2 wasn't too well thought out, and I can see that having to code deformable bodies, or render pre-damaged parts would place a much greater load either on PD's guys, and/or the PS3's abilities to render 16 cars in such good quality at the same time. I like the idea that you should have to fork out moolah after the race, even it just says "You car needs 7,800cr to bring it back up to spec" as that would make the game more challenging, and people might take more car to drive properly, although the feature could be disabled in Arcade/on-line mode..

Livery Editor: Even in NFSU games I was never that bothered about vinyls... IMO sticking tribal swirls all over an F430 would just look ridiculous. If PD offered pre-defined tastefully thought out stripes etc. and some game sponsor logo's that may work, but I doubt I would ever really use them --- JASE72 had a Good idea about having PSN ID in rear screen! but numbers may look okay also.. it worked in TT.

Dunno, I'd still be happy even if neither got into GT5, it's still going to be an excellent game, and to be honest I'd rather every single man-hour available was spent rendering more and more cars to be included into the game!
I agree with matski... if Polyphony could somehow squeeze realistic visible damage in, great. But it looks like they're already pushing the PS3 pretty hard. And honestly, all they need to add to make it a more realistic sim is an internal damage model where your car's peformance can greatly deteriorate the more you bang it up. And of course, this damage persists until you take your vehicle to the GT Repair Shop. Although I think that, in order to keep appeal to a less hardcore audience, you should be able to choose whether or not you wish to enable damage at the start of the GT mode. Or at least have a choice of "Arcade" and "Realistic" damage modes, where in arcade the damage has a significantly reduced effect on the cars performance and/or is cheaper to fix.

On the livery editor, I really don't care for the ability to slap dumb-looking decals all over my vehicles. But I'd still like (and expect) to see more visual customization for cars than merely paint. Additionally, add a paint shop, PD!!! Sometimes people change their mind on the color they want their car. And quite often, people win prize cars in a color that they don't particularly care for. Please let us get paint jobs. Please?

Oh, one last thing about damage. Scrapes and fender benders should be fixable, but in the "realistic" damage mode, certain actions should render your vehicle totaled. Like ramming a wall at 100+ mph. lol
Visual customization of some type would be a HUGE plus for me. For all those talking about not caring to "rice out" their rides, please take a look at the following screenshots from Forza 2 and tell me some level of personalization wouldn't be welcome.

These are all screenshots of cars that I drove in the game, all but one of which I did from scratch in the livery editor:

Tournament Audi S4 (designed by a tournament member)
Retro NASCAR Charger
Unimental Racing 355
Ferrari "G5"
Unimental Racing Ferrari Dino
Vintage 300SL @ The Ring
DC Racing Subaru Replica
Earnhardt Tribute Vette

There's a really cool connection that you develop with a car from being able to build it to a specific class, tune it for track, design it visually to your liking, and (most importantly) drive it to the limit. I'm still to this day extremely fond of that 300SL. :)

I don't expect that level of design options in GT5, but even a small amount of paint and decal options would make me giddy with delight. Seriously, I just used the word "giddy". ;)
Why are people and other species alike suddenly against the idea of damage. Was this not the problem in the first place. If you lost control of your car and plunged it into a wall at over 100mph, there would not be a scratch on your car. I mean, isn't this supposed to be "The real driving simulator". I mean, basiclly what Polyphony Digital are saying is that, you can jump of a cliff, and still live a full healthy life. You can have sex a million times without a condom and never get a sexually transmitted disease. You can act like a complete moron and try brushing your teeth with a chain saw without any consequenses. And you can crash you car into a wall at over 100mph without any damage being enflicted upon your car. Come on people, this is just stupid. And yes, I know it will most likely only be race cars that have damage, and if stock cars have damage in Gran Turismo 5 I will be very suprised, and I will get married to a Chinesse prostitute, because it just isn't going to happen. But come on, when you crash a race car in Gran Turismo 5, what would you preffer...



I hope that has convinced you. And I would like to say I agree with what Griffith500 was saying. Since Tourist Trophy an Gran Turismo run on a very similar game engine, it would be nice to be able to have car vs bike races online. It would be more challenging, and more entertaining. And there is another advantage in this. If you hate the bikers who get in your way every day while driving to work, this would be a perfect way to practise running them over!

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