My soon to be here computer

hey everyone, i'm getting a new computer soon: here are the specs

MoBo - Asus A7V8X KT400 w/ Audio/Lan
Vid card - ATI (SAPPHIRE) Radeon 9100 64 mb DDR VGA+DVI-D+TV out OEM
HDD - Maxtor Diamond Max Plus 9 80G 7200RPM ATA 133 OEM
CDburner/reader/DVD reader - LG 16XDVD / 48X24X48 CDRW Combo Drive
CPU - AMD Athlon XP 2100 (1.73 g) Retail
RAM - Samsung DDR333 (PC2700) 256 RAM
Case - ACT 1230KL Tower case w/ p4 300W, front USB ports
Cooling - Vantec AeroFlow heat Sink

(all figures in Canadian Dollars)
MoBo - $115
Vid - $99.95
HDD - $127
CDburner/reader/DVD - $95.95
CPU - $119
RAM - $52
Case - $29.95
Cooling - $49
Floppy Drive - $20(1.44)

Total sum comes to around 720 bucks
Can someone list the "goods" and the "bads" of this custom system? I know that my MoBo will not be able to support anything above XP2400

edit: i just checked it out... it supports up to 2.4 GhZ
"Socket A for AMD® Athlon XP/ Athlon/ Duron up to 2.4GHz+"
The A7V8X doesn't "officially" support DDR 400 memory, but it does, so don't worry. The Radeon 9100 looks a little soft to me. I would get a GeForce 4 Ti4200 or even a GeForce FX 5200, both are under $100 USD. Your 300W power supply also looks soft. I would go up to a 400W at least, because you have some high power consumption devices like the DVD burner.

Everything else looks good. I can't believe you got all that stuff under $1000. :eek: Good job 👍
It's not a dvd BURNER... =p it's a cdrw and a dvd reader combo.. hhe
and.... i do not wanna go up to a geforce4ti... 64 mb is enough for the stuff i do nowadays..besides.. my dad doesn't approve of a card that costs 250+canadian.. =p
I don't really see why floppy drives are that important now, unless you plan on transferring a few documents from your home computer to school or something. Otherwise even my 200mhz computer can boot off of the CD-ROM....
Originally posted by halfracedrift
Boot disk rjensen..boot disk...

edit: i didnt' know you can boot off cd-roms.. :blush:
I didn't know my computer could, until I doublechecked its BIOS before I was going to upgrade it, then I realized that my upgrade was the same version as my current BIOS because I already had the option to boot off of the CD-ROM!
Originally posted by Viper Zero
The A7V8X doesn't "officially" support DDR 400 memory, but it does, so don't worry. The Radeon 9100 looks a little soft to me. I would get a GeForce 4 Ti4200 or even a GeForce FX 5200, both are under $100 USD. Your 300W power supply also looks soft. I would go up to a 400W at least, because you have some high power consumption devices like the DVD burner.

Everything else looks good. I can't believe you got all that stuff under $1000. :eek: Good job 👍
I wouldn't get a GeForce FX after all I've heard about them. My GeForce 4 Ti4200 128mb DDR holds frame rates good enough.
The 5200 doesn't have the Pratt & Whitney fans that the 5800 does. :lol: It has all of the DirectX 9 stuff, AGP 8X, and double the transfer bandwidth as the GeForce 4, all at a cheap price.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
The 5200 doesn't have the Pratt & Whitney fans that the 5800 does. :lol: It has all of the DirectX 9 stuff, AGP 8X, and double the transfer bandwidth as the GeForce 4, all at a cheap price.
I heard that a Radeon 9700 holds framerates better than a GeForce FX.
Well, my dad got the computer today =D It's coming on tuesday.. w00t!
Anywho. there were a few changes
CPU - AMD XP 2200+
MoBo - A7V8X(on board Sound and Lan)
RAM - PC2700 512 mb
HDD - 80 G Maxtor 7200RPM
Video - ATI 9100 64m, OEM
CD/DVD - LG 48/24/48 + 16x dvd reader
Case - 17' 300W
OS - Win XP home edition
Floppy - 1.44

Totaled - 932.08 taxes and installation included
Wow, that's a nice price for a computer! When I find out what computer is mine after all of my brother's college stuff is figured out, I'll probably have a dual-boot system, one for Linux, one for WinXP. If I could find 3dsm, Photoshop, WarCraft3, America's Army, and Half Life for Linux I'd make a full conversion.
Originally posted by halfracedrift
Well i set it up.. i like it.. hehe
however... my speakers are not working... i checked the wiring and it's all fine... any help?
No offense, but did you plug them in? If you think you have faulty speakers, try using them on something like a diskman, and if they work, make sure that your volume isn't muted in Windows, and make sure that your CD Player and .WAV files aren't muted either(and same goes for your microphone if you have one and want to use it)
rjensen, 2 mins ago i decided to RECHECK the wiriing... (it was too late last night), i plugged the green one into a "light blue" "hole" ... :doh: