Nascar 2011

Two options here. 1. You can do a search as there are alot of good tunes in these forums or 2. You can ask for my help and I will help you get pointed in the right direction. I'm not giving up my tune though and I doubt any of the fast guys will give up theirs either. I just went through this the other day with someone else. I am happy to help you out tho.
Seeing how I'm not a dick, Here's one for you to try, it works for me and well i use a controller.

sup, hieght 15f, 15r, ex 8f, 4r, comp 8f, 4r, stabilizer 4f, 4r, if a lil loose change to 6f, 6r.

align, camb 0.06f, 0.05r, toe 0.00 f & r, can try 0.05 in rear.

this is a chevy setup for daytona.

Good Luck.

geico racing team.
Seeing how I'm not a dick, Here's one for you to try, it works for me and well i use a controller.

sup, hieght 15f, 15r, ex 8f, 4r, comp 8f, 4r, stabilizer 4f, 4r, if a lil loose change to 6f, 6r.

align, camb 0.06f, 0.05r, toe 0.00 f & r, can try 0.05 in rear.

this is a chevy setup for daytona.

Good Luck.

geico racing team.

If I was allowed to like a comment...I would like this one haha.
Seeing how I'm not a dick, Here's one for you to try, it works for me and well i use a controller.

sup, hieght 15f, 15r, ex 8f, 4r, comp 8f, 4r, stabilizer 4f, 4r, if a lil loose change to 6f, 6r.

align, camb 0.06f, 0.05r, toe 0.00 f & r, can try 0.05 in rear.

this is a chevy setup for daytona.

Good Luck.

geico racing team.

Just out of curiosity were did you get that tune from? Looks just like mine that I posted in December of last year.
abetterplaya I have had that tune since i got the game, its the one i gave out to vabuccer and spred around. Did you come up with the same settings your self or did you post that tune after getting it from some one else? i spent three days in my lobby with vabuccer, vols-sc and dixie to come up with that one and have modified it alitlle more, R toe -.13. I heard of Gtplanet maybe a few weeks ago some one said something about GTP and he gave me the web site full name and thats when i posted my first thread.

@jomama2010 Thanks dx p
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No I also spent some time tuning it as I used some of my settings from Nascar 2003 from my PC game.I used to race so I have a vague idea about tuning.
lol I hated how slow the loading was on that game, well that and I had a crapy dell at the time. looks like we've actually have the same taste in games abetterplayer. I just wish they would bring back some of the things they had in gt1 & gt2 like the 1/4 drage strip and stuff, the actual drag cars and the setup display they had in GT1 & GT2 i think were better than Gt5. maybe they'll come out with that in a mod, i can only hope. Do you have the original need for speed for pc too?