NASCAR Driver Rage-Quits Esports Event, Loses Real World Sponsor

I believe people who are so far up their own ass like this actually just have a negative effect on the people they are trying to stand up for.

Got proof of that?

So when you reply with something stupid like "Are you white?" then go to preach to me how bad it is and how bad I am I can't help but think you are one of these people.

Because a simple question like that has relevance in a topic that deals directly with race.

How the **** would you know anyway? you were a kid if the age on your profile is correct.


You do realize that I was more or less a child that grew up on the internet? One of the first to have the internet present in their lives in a major capacity. I'm also old enough to remember that the world was different, sure, but that's what happens. The internet has allowed minorities, who were told countless times by white people to sit down, shut up, and smile when it came to acknowledging and fighting back against racist, transphobic, or sexist acts and words, to actually push back. Times change. This is no different. Though the same debates would have happened in 1994, 2004, or 2014. The n word, with the hard R, is a no go no matter what era it is being juxtaposed into. Especially so when you consider that the person in question saying it, is half white. As a result, the word has a much different, and even harsher, context when taking that into account.

exactly my point. 10 years ago no one was getting offended by others “assuming” things.

That's because of people like you who, either indirectly, or directly, made it clear through actions and words that these sorts of things aren't to be spoken about. In the same way that you are doing it now, instead couching it in frankly pithy and moronic insistence on calling it 'PC culture' instead of having real world consequences for saying words, and voicing thoughts, that are 100% racist in intent.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is: what was the loss on Blue Emu's end at the end of the day? Bubba's team let them know they wouldn't be invoiced for that race, so in the end it's a bunch of free press.

I feel like if Lando Norris crashed and rage quitted an esports race, it would get laughs and overall would be treated like a light-hearted moment.
Didn't Lando Norris just rage quit a charity event yesterday hosted by Jimmy Broadbent? From the youtube comments, people are pretty vocal with their disappointment about it.
Didn't Lando Norris just rage quit a charity event yesterday hosted by Jimmy Broadbent? From the youtube comments, people are pretty vocal with their disappointment about it.

The difference here is actions vs. circumstances;. In Lando's case, the game seemed to be glitchy and crash. However, from Bubba's POV, iRacing is orders of magnitude more stable than the rampant mess of buggy **** that is F1 2019. His quitting stemmed from actions in the game - namely the collision with Bowyer - which prompted him to quit. Whether or not he was justified in quitting isn't my hill to die on, but the fault was with actions in-game, not the inherent flaws of the circumstances like Lando's.

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