NASCAR GTPlanet Modified Tour Signups

  • Thread starter Jahgee

What kind of tracks should we have more of

  • Total voters


United States
New York

If you are a fan of Nascar or Racing in General, then you will like this series.
The only car allowed is a Caterham Seven Fireblade.
All assists with the exception of Skid Recovery Force are fair game.
Aggressive Racing is allowed & encouraged.
Downright wrecking people is not allowed.
For incidents in the middle, myself and an elected Race Steward will judge the incident and decide on penalties.
Your Caterham must have all modifications placed on it as well as have 200 KGs of Ballast at a position of your choice.
The only tires permitted for use are Racing Hard.
The season will be 12 weeks long.
You can drop 2 weeks.
All races will be on custom tracks made in Kart environments
We will start the 11th of February
At least 4 races will be on ovals.
Most races will be on custom tracks.
Prizes will be announced at the beginning of the season.
Please fill out the following forum
My Signup
PSN: Jahgee1124
Color: GT Polarized 010

EDIT: I will hold 3 different races during the race weekend, you can only count points from one. The times will be Friday 4:30PM EST, Saturday Noon EST & Sunday 10AM EST. You can run in 2 of them


  • Jahgee1124: GT Polarized 010
    aceboy127: Reflex Blue
    SandReckoner: Diablo Red
    brettcee: Titanium Silver
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Sounds interesting, but do not know if I can make it every week.
PSN: aceboy127
Color: TBD
With work schedule allowing I should be able to make it every week, but since we can drop 2 races I think I should be good. I will let you know if things change.
PSN: aceboy127
Color: TBD
With work schedule allowing I should be able to make it every week, but since we can drop 2 races I think I should be good. I will let you know if things change.

OK, spread the word to anyone you think would be interested
Very interested, but time of the races will be a make-or-break for me. Anyways, sign me in:
PSN: SandReckoner
Color: Diablo Red
Very interested, but time of the races will be a make-or-break for me. Anyways, sign me in:
PSN: SandReckoner
Color: Diablo Red

That will be elected on when we get enough signups, if alot more than 16 occur, I could hold up to 2 races on Saturday & 1 on Sunday
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I'm game for this. I would only make the Sunday race.

PSN: brettcee
COLOR: Titanium Silver
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Added a poll to the OP, please vote on it if you plan on competing.
Color: Reflex Blue

Fixed your color in the OP

I will be making a seperate PSN for the series that I will post here. So stay tuned. Please put this in you signature if you sign up.

Also, if you have a track you want to use, please post it here (Prefer Mt. Aso & Kart Environments)
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Sorry for the double post, but if they approve, the NASCAR GTPlanet Modified Tour will become a part of the Low HP Racecar Championship family
I have decided to postpone the series, current start date is Feb. 11, but may move up based on interest shown in the next few weeks
The Low HP Racing League is happy to welcome the NASCAR GTP Modified Tour into the group.
The Low HP Racing League is happy to welcome the NASCAR GTP Modified Tour into the group.

Lets get some of your guys competing here so we can get a full field and we can start sooner
Sorry for the double post, but since this is a one make series using a standard car, this won't experience the doomlag discussed in the IZOD IndyCar Series. So Keep that in mind if you view this but don't sign up
Maybe we should do some preseason practice races while we are waiting for more interest.
Sorry, tomorrow will be a test session in an open room. Attendance is mandatory if you have signed up and planned on competing this season.
Be in in a few just got on to my PS3.
Thanks again for that racing last Friday, was fun to see whats coming.