GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
After an amazing week last week where I not only reached A+ status, but continued to win races in A+ lobbies, last night I was brought back down to earth with a bump.

I stuck with the G70 at Brands, but without the brilliant tune that I copied and used last week I didn't enjoy the car so much. My Qualifying was initially a long way off the pace, but I eventually got a semi decent time and joined a race.
I was miles off the pace, and quickly ended up nearly last with absolutely destroyed tyres and a total loss of confidence!

After a bit more Time Trial, I decided to give the Honda NSX a try. This felt much nicer to drive, and I ended up with a time which put me in the top 250 which was too bad compared to earlier.

I had one quick race in it before bed and it was a much more pleasant experience. The biggest improvement was the tyre wear which meant I wasn't sliding around all over the place in the last few laps.
I ended up P2 in the race with a late overtake as my pace wasn't dropping off like the G70 drivers.

Hopefully tonight will bring further improvements with some more Time Trial practice.
Well noted this! I also found the G70 less comfortable to drive without the adjustable LSD settings. Especially in the last turn I slide more (also with new tires). Maybe I'll also try another car when I go racing.
Well noted this! I also found the G70 less comfortable to drive without the adjustable LSD settings. Especially in the last turn I slide more (also with new tires). Maybe I'll also try another car when I go racing.
You have to drive it like we had to drive the Mazda 3 when that was op (although all the FF cars are the same).

The two tips I have is firstly do everything you can to minimise wheel spin as this loads the diff up and best case you'll notice the revs dropping as it feeds the power in, worst case is horrific understeer.

Tip 1. Prioritise keeping acceleration when you are as straight as possible and in a smooth consistent way to allow the diff to do its thing correctly.

Tip 2. Pre loading/coasting/short shifting really helps the car turn and exit corners. Coasting but carrying more speed really helps as well on a few of the corners with short shifting to 4th on the last corner really helping to maximise traction and thus acceleration.