The leader has the choice on the restart whether to start on the inside or outside. He has to make his decision and when he does, the rest of the grid will be formed.
For example, P1 inside - P2 outside
P3 behind P1 - P4 behind P2
So basically it will be odd numbers one side and the other side even numbers.
When making a pit stop make sure you brake down to 50 mph
This sounds fun and I have an interest in these type of races and could participate.
It would be nice to race people over AI though my first experience with GT5 online was rather poor. I'll get back to that.
I like the way you have the restart positions. Once the leader picks a spot the others follow suit.
Regularly the odd positions are inside. Either way is fine.
I think the steward can easily state odd positions inside or out.
It may be easier to police if people came into the pits at full speed.
I know it's not the correct way but a serious amount of time could be gained or lost coming into the pits.
We were hoping for legit pits stops but that is not happening.
I know we are going on trust here but things happen and going into the pits at speed may help even the playing field.
I'm curious how you plan to police this action.
It would be nice if PD implemented a penalty for arriving at pit lane too fast, but there is none.
Should those involved in a crash/accident do a mandatory drive-thru pit stop?
You could change tires and add gas if you want, but at least you will be at the back of the pack.
Of course I'm going with the knowledge from the Jeff Gordon and Expert NASCAR events in the game.
Online may have different rules/settings and I have not seen them.
Back to online play.
What settings for the internet are you using for these races and do we need to have the same settings?
My experience so far was too laggy/jumpy for me to race door to door, bumper to bumper at all online.
I have a good hookup but I may have had the incorrect settings.
I never got booted like the friend I was experimenting with (he was booted about every 5 - 10 minutes) but when we were near each other the experience was poor at best.
Cars and tuning.
No changes in settings or no adding parts (if you can?).
I have the Logano GT5 car, would that be acceptable or do we use the online cars?
The Montoya #42 is listed with less hp then the others.
The online cars make sense for using the same spec cars although the use of only 2 different liveries is kind of sad.
I would like to participate or at least help out for today, Saturday.
I'll be on all day in about 2 hours.
My time is 8:24 AM.