
You also might want to watch out for those super soft tires,and other hacks some people run.Solo lap times mean absolutely didly squat as does qualifying times.Lets just say some peolple who raced in that Nascar Series were not "playing by the rules" so to speak.I could post the names of the hackers,but I can't so send me a private message and I will gladly expose who the cheaters are.It's actually pretty sad when you have to cheat in a Nascar room.

Right on. That is one of the reasons I don't go back to racing NASCAR cars online. There are just too many ways to hybrid your car in order to get faster solo lap times. I could name a dozen ways to hybrid your car, some that are easily missed by room regulations and are barely noticeable but will net you a good amount of lap time, including steering angle. I'm just not believing anything I see nowadays unless I break down the replay, then I can tell if anything funny has been done to the car.
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Right on. That is one of the reasons I don't go back to racing NASCAR cars online. There are just too many ways to hybrid your car in order to get faster solo lap times. I could name a dozen ways to hybrid your car, some that are easily missed by room regulations and are barely noticeable but will net you a good amount of lap time, including steering angle. I'm just believing anything I see nowadays unless I break down the replay, then I can tell if anything funny has been done to the car.

Never thought of that. Supersoft tires would make a difference. I suppose you could juice up the motor and then use the engine limiter to flatten out the top of the power curve, that would certainly help. Isn't there also a racing flywheel and a couple of other drivetrain parts hidden that you can't see?
Never thought of that. Supersoft tires would make a difference. I suppose you could juice up the motor and then use the engine limiter to flatten out the top of the power curve, that would certainly help. Isn't there also a racing flywheel and a couple of other drivetrain parts hidden that you can't see?

Yes after watching the series I raced in I noticed peoples tires never changing going dark blue light blue and RPM ranges that are not attainable.
Never thought of that. Supersoft tires would make a difference. I suppose you could juice up the motor and then use the engine limiter to flatten out the top of the power curve, that would certainly help. Isn't there also a racing flywheel and a couple of other drivetrain parts hidden that you can't see?

Not too sure about those but I know of many different ways to hybrid to make it not so noticeable. I do know how to break down the replay of any certain car though and then I can tell if a cars been messed with or not. Its the same procedure that the WRS uses but was taught to me from someone else outside of the WRS. Just too many ways to cheat for me to take interest in racing NASCAR cars again. Nothing like the good old days, uh Johnny and killer? 👍 So much fun back then without having to worry about any of this stuff. Maybe we all can do it again in GT6. 👍
Never thought of that. Supersoft tires would make a difference. I suppose you could juice up the motor and then use the engine limiter to flatten out the top of the power curve, that would certainly help. Isn't there also a racing flywheel and a couple of other drivetrain parts hidden that you can't see?

Technically these cars already have the the Triple Plate Clutch and Racing Flywheel.

Hints the reason why these cars do not have anything listed far as drive train parts.

The Option Stream Z and the HPA Stage II R32 both have the Stage 5 Turbo installed. Reason they do is to replicate the Turbo Lag they have in real life.
Agreed that hacking has taken the fun out online. The testing I did was with 100% legit cars. The last few updates have definitely sped the times up for sure.
They are all slightly different, at Daytona the 2010 Fords have the fastest lap times.

Two years ago, when we were first driving these NASCAR's, they all seemed to be essentially the same.

However, by the looks of your testing, they now seem to have some variation.

This is intruiging, so last night I decided to try some basic testing myself.

So I purchased four brand new NASCARs, changed the oil, gave them identicle tunes, and took them to Daytona, and ran 8 laps in the Practice mode.

The cars all started with 865HP and their weight was 1565kg. The Ford Fusion shows a 632PP, while the other three cars show 633PP.:odd:

Car used ............. Best Practice Lap

2010 # 99 Fusion .... 42.569
2010 # 14 Impala .... 42.581
2010 # 42 Impala .... 42.774
2010 # 11 Camry .... 42.780

My laps were quite consistent, so any lap time that varies by more than a tenth, I would consider significant.

So, I found that there was essentially a two-tenths of a second difference between the laps times for these cars.:odd:

I will try to run the rest of the NASCAR's tonite and see where they fall into my lap time grid.

Very interesting!
Two years ago, when we were first driving these NASCAR's, they all seemed to be essentially the same.

However, by the looks of your testing, they now seem to have some variation.

This is intruiging, so last night I decided to try some basic testing myself.

So I purchased four brand new NASCARs, changed the oil, gave them identicle tunes, and took them to Daytona, and ran 8 laps in the Practice mode.

The cars all started with 865HP and their weight was 1565kg. The Ford Fusion shows a 632PP, while the other three cars show 633PP.:odd:

Car used ............. Best Practice Lap

2010 # 99 Fusion .... 42.569
2010 # 14 Impala .... 42.581
2010 # 42 Impala .... 42.774
2010 # 11 Camry .... 42.780

My laps were quite consistent, so any lap time that varies by more than a tenth, I would consider significant.

So, I found that there was essentially a two-tenths of a second difference between the laps times for these cars.:odd:

I will try to run the rest of the NASCAR's tonite and see where they fall into my lap time grid.

Very interesting!

That's the same thing I said earlier. For like the first 8-10 months of the game, that's all I did was race and test the NASCAR cars. They were all the same back then. Somewhere along the line though, it seems that they have become slightly different in performance.

BTW, the OP should really change the title of the thread as it should read NASCAR cars and not NASCARs. That's been bugging me ever since the thread was created. :lol:
Not too sure about those but I know of many different ways to hybrid to make it not so noticeable. I do know how to break down the replay of any certain car though and then I can tell if a cars been messed with or not. Its the same procedure that the WRS uses but was taught to me from someone else outside of the WRS. Just too many ways to cheat for me to take interest in racing NASCAR cars again. Nothing like the good old days, uh Johnny and killer? 👍 So much fun back then without having to worry about any of this stuff. Maybe we all can do it again in GT6. 👍

Look for boost as these cars are not turbo'd. Differences in the RPM redline. Extra gears. Tires obviously. Higher top speed, without draft, at the end of the back straight...sound...stuff like that.

Technically these cars already have the the Triple Plate Clutch and Racing Flywheel.

Hints the reason why these cars do not have anything listed far as drive train parts.

The Option Stream Z and the HPA Stage II R32 both have the Stage 5 Turbo installed. Reason they do is to replicate the Turbo Lag they have in real life.

You would think they would have the racing flywheel, but you never know what PD did behind the scenes with those cars. The racing flywheel may provide a boost to any car if added later on through hex editing, regardless of whether the car had it already or not, depends on how it's programmed.
Higher top speed, without draft, at the end of the back straight...sound...stuff like that.

Don't anyone get all defensive when I ask this, perfectly legit question and comment to follow.

So Cargo, killer and you all thought nothing had changed and it seems it has since back years ago, what is the new acceptable speed that someone can run before being called a hack?

This is another case were hacking has screwed over people who have tuned legit fast cars.

If 41.5's were fast back then I think that's about 222/223 entry and 207/208 exit. 224/209 is the norm now and a few others can just touch 225.

Online running fast or very fast tire wear weeds out the hacks for the most part, still some very good competitve nascar room out there.
Don't anyone get all defensive when I ask this, perfectly legit question and comment to follow.

So Cargo, killer and you all thought nothing had changed and it seems it has since back years ago, what is the new acceptable speed that someone can run before being called a hack?

This is another case were hacking has screwed over people who have tuned legit fast cars.

If 41.5's were fast back then I think that's about 222/223 entry and 207/208 exit. 224/209 is the norm now and a few others can just touch 225.

Online running fast or very fast tire wear weeds out the hacks for the most part, still some very good competitve nascar room out there.

I can't really give you an answer to that until I do some testing of my own. Like I said before, I held one of the fastest solo lap times at Daytona back in the day, so I will have to put all that knowledge (car setup) and skill back into play and see what I come up with. I pretty much knew back then when someone was bs-ing about their times and after my tests now, I will know the same. These cars can only legitimately go around Daytona so fast, so if someone came up to me and said that they were .500 quicker than me, I would have to call bs. .100-.150 would be a bit more believable and even that would be stretching it alittle. Not trying to come off as an elitist here, but I know Daytona and the proper line like the back of my hand, and that's only because I ran it so much back in the day. So, in answer to your question, I would have to do some testing before I believe anything.
The last few night I have been getting messages that I should go read GTPlanet because I was mentioned in a thread about Daytona lap times and Grinols Nascar series and cheating and whatever.

I have never posted here before and sorry but I'm not sure on how to qoute but I will answer a few things.

Yes there is a difference in the Nascars, I have no idea when they were changed as I only started playing GT5 about a year ago. When guys realized I really was a female I was sent about every Daytona setup imaginable. I tested by myself and with others trying to find better, faster setups, none of which suited me so I just started messing around with the numbers to see what changed what. After awhile I found that one tune may work on one car but no be so good on another, so I started testing them all. Some are faster solo, some draft better, some lead better and some push better.

2010 Fords can be tuned to be the fastest around Daytona, and fast solo laps did matter to me because I won the Adrenatune Nascar Series by 1 point over Grinols and that point came from winning the pole at the last race.

I'm not sure who Abetterplaya is accusing of cheating in that series and if they were that makes me even more proud that I won it.

About the Fords and lap times, yes they are faster but I don't use them other than for qualifying, I don't like how they handle and don't think they lead well.

I made a quick lap yesterday with the exact car I used during qualifying for the series, ran a 40.972 on the second lap and it is an older setup but is still faster than what some here say can be done so I saved it to my scandisk.

I have had my replay's check before so I have nothing to hide at all, send me a message with your email and I will send it out.

This is the video of the lap, yes I know it is awful, lol.
I've been able to run four more cars at Daytona. All were set up identically, as I mentioned in post # 37 above. The cars all started with 865HP and their weight was 1565kg. The 2010 Ford Fusion shows a 632PP, while the other seven cars show 633PP.:odd:

The results so far:

Car used ............ Best Practice Lap

2010 # 48 Impala .... 42.565
2010 # 99 Fusion .... 42.569
2010 # 14 Impala .... 42.581
2011 # 43 Fusion .... 42.581
2010 # 18 Camry .... 42.622
2010 # 42 Impala .... 42.774
2010 # 11 Camry .... 42.780
2011 # 14 Impala .... 42.892

As soupcan mentioned earlier, the 2011 Tony Stewart # 14 Impala is a dog!!:yuck:

I did note one other anomaly, some of the NASCARs have different "stock" spring settings. I didn't track which ones, but they don't all start out with the exact same spring settings.:odd:

I will try to run the rest of the NASCAR cars tonite.

Very interesting!
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I've been able to run four more cars at Daytona. All were set up identically, as I mentioned in post # 40 above. The cars all started with 865HP and their weight was 1565kg. The 2010 Ford Fusion shows a 632PP, while the other seven cars show 633PP.:odd:

The results so far:

Car used ............ Best Practice Lap

2010 # 48 Impala .... 42.565
2010 # 99 Fusion .... 42.569
2010 # 14 Impala .... 42.581
2011 # 43 Fusion .... 42.581
2010 # 18 Camry .... 42.622
2010 # 42 Impala .... 42.774
2010 # 11 Camry .... 42.780
2011 # 14 Impala .... 42.892

As soupcan mentioned earlier, the 2011 Tony Stewart # 14 Impala is a dog!!:yuck:

I did note one other anomaly, some of the NASCARs have different "stock" spring settings. I didn't track which ones, but they don't all start out with the exact same spring settings.:odd:

I will try to run the rest of the NASCAR cars tonite.

Very interesting!

That's funny that you mention the Tony Stewart car being a "dog" because that's the car I used the most back in the day, only because Stewart is my favorite driver, and won a good amount of races with it. But then again, racing and hot lapping are two different things. Its still hard to believe that they changed these cars somewhere down the line when they all used to be equal. As soon as I can pull myself away from the current Seasonal TT, I'm going to see what kind of a hot lap I can get with a fully setup car.
Congtats on first post Whoosier, Welcome. As Sail stated some have lower front spring rate settings.
I doubt that makes for the different pp numbers but anything is possible.
The last few night I have been getting messages that I should go read GTPlanet because I was mentioned in a thread about Daytona lap times and Grinols Nascar series and cheating and whatever.

I have never posted here before and sorry but I'm not sure on how to qoute but I will answer a few things.

Yes there is a difference in the Nascars, I have no idea when they were changed as I only started playing GT5 about a year ago. When guys realized I really was a female I was sent about every Daytona setup imaginable. I tested by myself and with others trying to find better, faster setups, none of which suited me so I just started messing around with the numbers to see what changed what. After awhile I found that one tune may work on one car but no be so good on another, so I started testing them all. Some are faster solo, some draft better, some lead better and some push better.

2010 Fords can be tuned to be the fastest around Daytona, and fast solo laps did matter to me because I won the Adrenatune Nascar Series by 1 point over Grinols and that point came from winning the pole at the last race.

I'm not sure who Abetterplaya is accusing of cheating in that series and if they were that makes me even more proud that I won it.

About the Fords and lap times, yes they are faster but I don't use them other than for qualifying, I don't like how they handle and don't think they lead well.

I made a quick lap yesterday with the exact car I used during qualifying for the series, ran a 40.972 on the second lap and it is an older setup but is still faster than what some here say can be done so I saved it to my scandisk.

I have had my replay's check before so I have nothing to hide at all, send me a message with your email and I will send it out.

This is the video of the lap, yes I know it is awful, lol.

Nice to meet you WhoosierGirl. While I won't go tripping over myself handing you out my tunes just because you are female like the boys seemingly have, :lol: I will give you a warm welcome to GTPlanet and the world of NASCAR. And congrats on your NASCAR series win over Adrenalin, he is one tough competitor. Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, :P lets talk lap times. I see from your video that you were running a 3 speed which is smart on your part, but what were exactly the settings that you used as far as were you in Practice Mode, online, ect. and also need to know things like was tire wear on and things of that nature. I don't want your car setup, just where this solo lap was ran as the speeds online and offline differ slightly. I'm asking because it seems that I need to come out of my NASCAR "retirement" and set some new lap times. :sly:

Again, nice meeting you and wish you continued success in your NASCAR endeavors and the rest that GT5 has to offer. :cheers:
Thank you for the welcome to GTPlanet CargoRatt. All the help I received when I first started on GT5 is and was greatly appreciated. I learned alot about car setups from everyone, enough that I was able to use my own settings in the Nascar series.

I only wish I had more road course experience at the time as the Indy event was my first road race. I was happy with my second place finish but I was good enough at the time to stay with Grinols. I have improved since and now enjoy road racing as much as oval racing.

For the lap on the video I just went to the Arcade mode and used the TT. Setting were with no tire wear, no aids on. Online times are slightly slower than offline and I found that they are also dependant on your or the weakest signal in the room. A Great internet connection can make for faster/cleaner laps.

Offline I have run lower 40.9's and online dependant on connection speed mid 40.9's. I don't race the Fords online but, with tire wear on I can run 41.190's to 42 flat. My Toyota and Chevy's setups are about .050 slower.

I do get asked alot why I don't race the Fords and it's for two reasons, 1. I don't like how the handle in traffic and 2. it is fun to win with a "slower" car, lol.

Normal no tire wear setting would be draft weak, real, all aids off even though abs does nothing at Daytona.
Thank you for the welcome to GTPlanet CargoRatt. All the help I received when I first started on GT5 is and was greatly appreciated. I learned alot about car setups from everyone, enough that I was able to use my own settings in the Nascar series.

I only wish I had more road course experience at the time as the Indy event was my first road race. I was happy with my second place finish but I was good enough at the time to stay with Grinols. I have improved since and now enjoy road racing as much as oval racing.

For the lap on the video I just went to the Arcade mode and used the TT. Setting were with no tire wear, no aids on. Online times are slightly slower than offline and I found that they are also dependant on your or the weakest signal in the room. A Great internet connection can make for faster/cleaner laps.

Offline I have run lower 40.9's and online dependant on connection speed mid 40.9's. I don't race the Fords online but, with tire wear on I can run 41.190's to 42 flat. My Toyota and Chevy's setups are about .050 slower.

I do get asked alot why I don't race the Fords and it's for two reasons, 1. I don't like how the handle in traffic and 2. it is fun to win with a "slower" car, lol.

Normal no tire wear setting would be draft weak, real, all aids off even though abs does nothing at Daytona.

Thanks for the details. I'm going to get back into hotlapping at Daytona and see what I can come up with as far as solo lap times. Circuit racing is a blast with NASCAR cars, I love it. As you can see from my sig, I had my best Seasonal TT finish in a NASCAR car....really enjoyed that one. Anyways, will see if I can work my NASCAR magic once again using your settings in Arcade Mode.
Not sure what is more impressive, the laptimes posted or the avatar. 4 laps within .009 Holy Crap thats probably only an inch or two.

The consistency isn't really all that impressive to me as all she is doing is flat-footing it in 3rd gear and just hitting her marks, which isn't all that hard to do. What's got me intrigued is the lap times as they are a hell of a lot faster than they used to be. I think that in one of the updates they increased grip levels or something because you could not even get close to those times when I used to run all the time, which was the first 8 months of the game. And I also ran a 3 speed trans. I will see what I can come up with tomorrow.
I've been able to run twelve more cars at Daytona (each for 8 practice laps, as before). All were set up identically, as I mentioned in post # 37 above. The cars all started with 865HP and their weight was 1565kg. The 2010 # 99 Ford Fusion shows a 632PP, while the other nineteen cars show 633PP.:odd:

The results so far:

Car used ............ Best Practice Lap

2010 # 43 Fusion .... 42.538
2011 # 99 Fusion .... 42.540
2011 # 88 Impala .... 42.541
2011 # 48 Impala .... 42.557
2011 # 83 Camry .... 42.560
2010 # 48 Impala .... 42.565
2011 # 24 Impala .... 42.565
2010 # 99 Fusion .... 42.569
2010 # 88 Impala .... 42.579
2010 # 14 Impala .... 42.581
2011 # 43 Fusion .... 42.581
2011 # 18 Camry .... 42.599
2010 # 18 Camry .... 42.622
2010 # 24 Impala .... 42.624
2010 # 83 Camry .... 42.654
2010 # 20 Camry .... 42.707
2011 # 42 Impala .... 42.769
2010 # 42 Impala .... 42.774
2010 # 11 Camry .... 42.780
2011 # 14 Impala .... 42.892

The 2010 # 43 Fusion driven by AJ has smoked the field!:)

Which is the same car that soupcan found to be fastest!

As soon as I can pull myself away from the current Seasonal TT, I'm going to see what kind of a hot lap I can get with a fully setup car.

Cargo - When you get a chance, try your setup on the 2010 # 43 Fusion and on the 2011 # 14 Impala, just to see what kind of difference you get with what seems to be the fastest and the slowest NASCAR cars.

Very interesting!
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Thanks for doing more testing Sail but, I cant take any credit for finding all this out. As I said earlier Whoosier is the first to tell us many months ago, props go to her.
I've tested all the NASCAR cars at stock power & standardized setup of:

min DF
no ballast , no oil change , no break in

gears F2.000 max speed slider 480 km/h (all the way to right) and all gears to right:


LSD 5/5/5


minimum spring values:
Toyota 2011 11.1/10.0
Toyota 2010 9.7/7.9
Ford 2011 11.1/10.0
Ford 2010 9.7/7.9
Chevrolet 2011 11.1/10.0
Chevrolet 2010 #88 #48 #24 11.1/10.0
Chevrolet 2010 #42 #14 9.7/7.9
All set to 11.1/10.0 for tests



brakes 0/0 all driving aids off

Racing Hard tyres

2011 #83 824 bhp 621pp 3.518 6.488 11.093 26.339 0.81g / 225.4 mph 9100m
2011 #20 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.489 11.094 26.359 0.81g / 224.4 mph 9100m
2011 #18 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.488 11.094 26.352 0.81g / 224.7 mph 9100m
2011 #11 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.489 11.095 26.363 0.81g / 224.2 mph 9950m
2010 #83 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.473 11.078 26.332 0.81g / 224.9 mph 8600m
2010 #20 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.473 11.078 26.343 0.81g / 224.4 mph 9100m
2010 #18 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.473 11.078 26.337 0.81g / 224.7 mph 9500m
2010 #11 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.473 11.078 26.351 0.81g / 223.9 mph 9600m

2011 #99 824 bhp 621pp 3.518 6.488 11.093 26.340 0.81g / 225.3 mph 9100m
2011 #43 824 bhp 621pp 3.518 6.488 11.093 26.339 0.81g / 225.4 mph 9350m
2010 #99 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.467 11.073 26.313 0.81g / 225.7 mph 9300m
2010 #43 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.467 11.073 26.313 0.81g / 225.7 mph 9050m

2011 #88 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.488 11.094 26.346 0.81g / 225.1 mph 9500m
2011 #48 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.488 11.094 26.345 0.81g / 225.1 mph 9350m
2011 #42 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.489 11.094 26.366 0.81g / 223.9 mph 9750m
2011 #24 824 bhp 621pp 3.517 6.488 11.094 26.345 0.81g / 225.1 mph 9350m
2011 #14 824 bhp 622pp 3.517 6.490 11.095 26.390 0.81g / 222.6 mph 8300m
2010 #88 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.472 11.077 26.327 0.81g / 225.1 mph 8600m
2010 #48 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.472 11.077 26.326 0.81g / 225.2 mph 9200m
2010 #42 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.473 11.078 26.351 0.81g / 223.9 mph 9400m
2010 #24 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.472 11.077 26.326 0.81g / 225.2 mph 9650m

2010 #14 824 bhp 621pp 3.502 6.467 11.074 26.319 0.81g / 225.4 mph 9300m
- with minimum spring rates : 3.504 6.468 11.075 26.314 0.80g / 226.0 mph 9150m
- (max front min rear ride height : 237.6 mph)
- Daytona Speedway lap offline was about 44 seconds flat

Based on the fact that all cars got exactly same gear ratios I can tell ,
that they have the same size (diameter) driven wheels.

And based on the acceleration and top speed tests ,
I'd say the differences come from different (coded) aerodynamics (body/chassis drag)

And then there are the minimum spring values which are quite an advatage when it comes to pure acceleration.

Hey guy's and girls, how are setting up your lap time tests. We run hot laps with very fast tire ware and no aids, no other cars on track and not in arcade mode. Most all from our group are posting mid to low 41's,42 second lap time's would not cut it. I would like to know how we compare. From what I have been reading, correct me if I am wrong, tire ware is turned off. Please post your times, but out line your driving settings first, lets compare apples to apples.
Offline I have run lower 40.9's and online dependant on connection speed mid 40.9's. I don't race the Fords online but, with tire wear on I can run 41.190's to 42 flat.

Most all from our group are posting mid to low 41's,42 second lap time's would not cut it.

I figured out how to qoute,:D

I mistakenly wrote "42 flat" should have been " 41.190 to 41.200 with tear wear on", I think I might be able to do better since the last update that seems to have made the lap times slightly faster. I'm not sure as I have not worried about lap times recently as the hacking has taken the fun out of competing to see who is fastest.

The 42 second times that GTSail290 has are with only 865hp and a basic setup, just testing to see which car was fastest.
Very good testing Soup, Sail, Madmax and everyone. I think if you find a car you like just tune it so it's comfortable and stay with it.

I would race the slowest car if it were pink!!:sly:
****Yes there is a difference in the Nascars, I have no idea when they were changed as I only started playing GT5 about a year ago. When guys realized I really was a female I was sent about every Daytona setup imaginable. I tested by myself and with others trying to find better, faster setups, none of which suited me so I just started messing around with the numbers to see what changed what. After awhile I found that one tune may work on one car but no be so good on another, so I started testing them all. Some are faster solo, some draft better, some lead better and some push better.****

Welcome to GTPlanet WhoosierGirl!:gtpflag::cheers:

I gather that you noticed the speed differences between the NASCAR cars over a year ago. Well done!👍

I don't drive the NASCAR cars very much (mostly I drive the 2J at Spa:dopey::D), and I had thought (mistakenly it seems) that they were essentially all the same, so I hadn't been really caring which car I would drive during the few times I would use my NASCARs.

Now, I know to stay away from the 2011 # 14 Impala!:yuck:

wow you guys are amazing... how long did it take to come up with all of this? maybe you could average out like 20 laps each car or something? i would do it but i kind of suck so...
Hey guy's and girls, how are setting up your lap time tests. We run hot laps with very fast tire ware and no aids, no other cars on track and not in arcade mode. Most all from our group are posting mid to low 41's,42 second lap time's would not cut it. I would like to know how we compare. From what I have been reading, correct me if I am wrong, tire ware is turned off. Please post your times, but out line your driving settings first, lets compare apples to apples.

I ran some Indy and Daytona rooms last night, after finishing I went to my lounge and ran a couple laps on VFTW. Ran a 41.146 on my third lap, with my normal tire wear setup. I'm sure with some tuning for the rapid tire loss a couple hundreths could be found but, I don't have much time for testing lately though.

Welcome to GTPlanet WhoosierGirl!:gtpflag::cheers:

I gather that you noticed the speed differences between the NASCAR cars over a year ago. Well done!👍
Now, I know to stay away from the 2011 # 14 Impala!:yuck:


Thank you GTsail290:)

The #14 does make for a pretty good road course car and does well at Indy and Motegi too.

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