Nato's Photo Gallery - update 16/11 RL Grass Karting shots

  • Thread starter Nato_777
Thanks ShadowPeter, FishyJuice, slzk & ShaolinMasta :)
Now to help me celebrate my first ever Tournament Round win, Rarity and Applejack came out to play. ;)

My Round One Tourney entry "Brony vs Brony"

Now Rarity and Applejack can get in on the act too.

Thanks for watching and for the votes in Round One. :)

I still can't believe I just posted a My Little Pony set.
Gtuned what have you done? :boggled:
Gtuned is gonna flip. :lol:

Really great editing Nato, the ponies (I can't believe I just said that in a car forum) don't look out of place. 👍
Gtuned is gonna flip. :lol:
+1 :lol:

As also a brony, you made me flip as well! Try making the Trans-Cammer have larger rim spokes to emphasize on Rarity's mane color. Oh, and the second Applejack picture is so cute for some reason!

Great set and great win, Nato! 👍

Should I put this on Equestria Daily? :mischievous::lol:
Haha, these are epic! :D I love the one where that horse (or how do you call them?) sits on the Trans-Cammer.
Well you definitely got the point of the muscle cars being Ponies. :P 👍
Great set.
Gtuned is gonna flip. :lol:

Really great editing Nato, the ponies (I can't believe I just said that in a car forum) don't look out of place. 👍

Amazing shots btw :drool::drool::drool: :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Very imaginative shots!
Thanks guys, glad they brought a smile to your faces. :)
+1 :lol:

As also a brony, you made me flip as well! Try making the Trans-Cammer have larger rim spokes to emphasize on Rarity's mane color. Oh, and the second Applejack picture is so cute for some reason!

Great set and great win, Nato! 👍

Should I put this on Equestria Daily? :mischievous::lol:
Thanks, good to approval from a brony. 👍
Haha, these are epic! :D I love the one where that horse (or how do you call them?) sits on the Trans-Cammer.
:) When I found that picture of Rarity I knew I just had to do that.
Oh man they got you too :crazy:
Great set other than the ponies :P
:lol: Just this once. ;)
Well you definitely got the point of the muscle cars being Ponies. :P 👍
Great set.

In before Gtuned gets here!

Great set, Nato! I really liked Rarity's mustang!

So cute little Ponies :lol:
And damn good pictures!
Thanks BkS, slzk & 20832. :)
:D I'm seriously laughing, great job on the editing and shots, I approve. :lol: Also feels wierd to be mentioned twice within you're awesome gallery.
:lol: When I saw these cars in the tournament polls I had no idea you'd done this! Nice editing, you've matched the cars to the ponies really well!
~~ Thanks for the comments everyone ~~

Time for a quick update
F10 @ Fuji

EDIT: Here is a link to this set on my Flickr account for Flickr users.
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That last one is just flippin' unreal dude! :eek:

Excellent composition in this set. 👍
if i win tomorrow in the lottery i buy all the image share sites and close them , so everyone can use Flickr and i can add the pics i like to my fav :D
if i win tomorrow in the lottery i buy all the image share sites and close them , so everyone can use Flickr and i can add the pics i like to my fav :D
+1. Everyone must have Flickr!

Great work, Nato! 👍 Especially the last one! :drool:
Nato. This set is just unreal dude. I command you to stop taking photos. :D
Last shot is just pureeeeeeeeeeee EPIC.