Nato's Photo Gallery - update 16/11 RL Grass Karting shots

  • Thread starter Nato_777
Fantastic set. You have many similar angles, as SlipZ already pointed out, which may make the set look boring or the like, but I cannot agree with this. It just shows that you are able to take a very good picture at any angle. ;) On top of that, I rarely see such great lighting in GT5 pictures and we both know how important it is in regard to the realism of a picture. Additionally, the colours are easy on the eyes and nothing is overdone (sharpness, noise), which further underlines the realism.

Well done!
Definetly disagree with the "not a good set" - bit. It's awesome.
I didn't bored me at all looking through all the pictures, the angles and compositons are spot - on. The editing rounds up the overall very good update.

Stop being sooo pessimistic! :lol:
Very nice set. But yeah.. the GT isn't the best of the premiums around..
That is so damn good. And yep, the GT is one of worst premiums, especially the front and headlights. And I'll say, hands down, the best use of a lens flare in a picture in all of GTP. 👍
I agree with FishyJuice. I'm not really a fan of lensflare, as I think it normally too distracting. I actually had to go back and look! The way you've implemted it is great. Fantastic work Nato.
+1. I like that last shot very much. :sly:
Thanks guys! :D I hadn't really shot the Ford GT properly before now and was quite surprised at how 'blocky' it was for a premium, especially the wing-mirrors - they are really no better than most standards! I'm glad you like the lens flare, I'm also not a big fan of them either but there were two shots there that were begging for a little bit of flare so I added it but tried to keep it very subtle - guess that worked out well. :)
I really do love a good sunset shot. Or sunrise as the case may be. :drool:
Sunset it was. 👍
These are really really good, I love all of them
Just AWESOME :drool: :drool: :drool:
Great job ! :) 👍👍👍
Amazing pictures Nato.
Great set. Love the angles and lighting:)👍.
Nice editing! But I couldn't point out which photo I like most, simply because I like every single photo :D
:embarrassed: Thanks again for all your compliments, a much better response than I was expecting, you guys appreciating my work is what keeps me going. 👍
It's a very good set, Nato, absolutely nothing to be disappointed with! Perhaps you're not too happy with them because it's a lot of similar angles? I see no problem with that - you captured the best sides of the GT, why not put the best foot forward? :D

I always find it so hard to nail a convincing debris shot, but you've got it down flawlessly on that last shot. Nice capture 👍
Fantastic set. You have many similar angles, as SlipZ already pointed out, which may make the set look boring or the like, but I cannot agree with this. It just shows that you are able to take a very good picture at any angle. ;) On top of that, I rarely see such great lighting in GT5 pictures and we both know how important it is in regard to the realism of a picture. Additionally, the colours are easy on the eyes and nothing is overdone (sharpness, noise), which further underlines the realism.
Well done!
Definetly disagree with the "not a good set" - bit. It's awesome.
I didn't bored me at all looking through all the pictures, the angles and compositons are spot - on. The editing rounds up the overall very good update.
Stop being sooo pessimistic! :lol:
Thank you SlipZ, GT-R and 20832. :) I'm not 100% sure why I wasn't fully happy with the set, I think it was a combination of the lower than expected quality of the car, a little of the 'sameness' of the shots and I guess I struggled a bit with the editing. These shots took alot of editing to get them somewhere close to what I was envisaging for each shot and that now that I mention it is why I was a little down on the set - it was just frustrating trying to pull out of each shot that which I had in mind. So, thank you 20832 - I will stop being pessimistic. :lol:
I only just realised that I've past 500 posts in my gallery at little earlier, so I have given GT HP Nut a request since his was the 500th post and I will have that set coming in due course,
Many thanks to all who have visited here, in the meantime....



This is my first RE:MIX set, many thanks to Jaden for making his set available. 👍
I really enjoyed editing these as it was something different to my usual editing.
I hope you enjoy. :)

This is great! You really did my set justice. Especially that 6th one where there's the... people. :nervous: :scared:

Say, did you like my extra surprise? :sly:
OMG, Silent Hill tribute!!! Love it :D Great job overall, more of this type of stuff please 👍
Thanks, the concept is Jaden's (slzk), so the credit goes to him for that. ;)
That 6th picture :lol:
Hehe, glad you liked that. :)
So creepy, so beautiful, well done!

In emoticon, 👎:nervous::drool:👍
Creepy and beautiful! Yay, that's what I was aiming for. :D
This is great! You really did my set justice. Especially that 6th one where there's the... people. :nervous: :scared:

Say, did you like my extra surprise? :sly:
I'm so glad you like it - and my additions to no.6 (and also no.1). :)

Ah the extra... you mean this one;

Yeah, I liked it - super creepy! :scared:
~~~ Thanks again for the comments ~~~

Here's a bonus RE:MIX remix for DarkR

Pyramid Head Guy

Here's a few old shots that I edited. I was just trying out a process for editing these night city shots that were too dark and had very 'dull' contrast.

Another few old shots which I just got around to editing.

Tsukuba Drift

And finally my 2.0 Edit 76 Comp entry and reject.

All available in my Flickr Photostream

~~~ Thanks for viewing ~~~

Love the Challenger set, best set you've ever done probably. The Lucerne ones are great as well, and I like the Tsukuba set as well, but it wouldn't hurt if the jaggies were a bit more cleaned up. :lol:

Overall, a huge 👍 to ya.
Thanks Jacob :D I'll admit I never bothered to cleanup any jaggies this time round, figured they were pretty minimal and I couldn't be arsed really. :lol:
Fantastic update man, your 2.0 entry and reject are fantastic, and so is the Mercedes set. Lovely job! :drool:👍

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