No, he's here on a two-year minimum contract. Then he'll hit unrestricted free agency under the new CBA when the TV deal goes into effect. All he has to do is stay healthy and hope that LeBron doesn't come back to Miami, and he will be looking at a maximum contract by then. Someone will offer him a max contract, anyway. I would think he would stick with those who were loyal to him, though. Pat Riley is hard to turn down.
Seriously did not expect Moore to be the hero. Which begs the question...Why hasn't Thibs been using him more?
This is why you can't judge a player's impact in less than a month's worth of basketball. He's too interested into getting into altercations rather than playing.Hassan Whiteside got 25 rebounds on the Lakers. Damn. It's like everything I was saying in this thread came true. All they needed was a guy like Hassan, and they got him. Now even 10-day contract guys are ballin out with him on the floor.
Max contract, here you come.
I have always wondered, @Paulie, is there one or more certain specific Australian player(s) in the NBA you are most impressed with than others? If so, who?
Re: Ben Simmons. Stunning athleticism for 6'9". But he's a man playing against boys here. Also, his footwork in the post needs work. Most offense isn't in transition.