Ncr racing league

  • Thread starter nochance09
Thanks very much for being allowed into your world of ncr Tim. I've really enjoyed the races I have managed to attend so far and even though there is the ocasional (HAMILTON) move/moves, I intend to join in for the last few races.
Please accept my entry for the new season as by then I should have slowed enough to be able to have a good race with you lot lol.
I would like to say a quick line regarding driving abilities. If you are not that confident that you can cleanly pass, then please don't try. wait for the next stretch of track where you are confident you can pass. Also, you will not win the race or praise if you take people out in the first corner. they are long races so enjoy, dont destroy.
Am looking forward to this weekend and will be awake for both races I hope.
Thanks again Tim and all the rest of you for some realy good fun.
ps, not impressed with the decistion regarding the second race at trail mountain, but am fully accepting of the decistion.
no worries Mr Sean I don't think the sprint idea has worked. 2 attempts 2 epic fails. as far as the stewards go and decisions. 2 have raced the real thing and have cams licence, the other sees it purely from online point of view and they rule me, not I rule them. this is the only way to ensure a fair system. I like you don't have to agree with their decisions, just accept them.
but on a lighter note. when pulled in to the inspection bay by the taskforce yesterday for a drug test, telling them you ain't going to lick anymore sticks until you get a free paddle pop ain't the right thing to do so I found out lol
lol you numpty.
As for the last race, np. just a little frustrated is all. I agree with there ability to judge and fully respect them. I think what did me , was the fact of doing an all nighter for it then being blown out on the first corner. I did watch it after incase it was my fault. But I deffinatly left enough room, so came to the conclusion, it was just his poor abillity. (makes me feel a little bit better about it)lol.
Do I get a place on the next serease mate ? I promise to be good ;-)
Put me down for next series Bogan, unless of course you're afraid of me and wish to prevent further defeats at my hands, (cue evil laugh) mwahahahahaaaa.
the reason I did not pm you back Mr hat is I am not a steward, I do not review replays and therefore cannot detail your incidents which is why I asked you to pm the stewards direct. for those who do not know I'm drive trucks interstate. so I leave home every Monday at 5am and return Saturday arvo a 2 so the only time I get to post is while I'm waiting to load or as last night, waiting for the truck to get serviced.if I send you a message in regards to a steward report please contact rager emu or Luke directly yourself as I don't always have time to do it sorry

Ah ok sorry about that. I have never been contacted by a steward in any race event before so I just assumed that the stewards would contact me. So my bad in assuming you were a steward.

Anyway whats done is done and its not like I am a championship challenger when it comes down to it.
@ mr hat I will respond to your message when I get home this afternoon as I am doing this on my phone and also I can go through the replay of said mention in message. Thank you
put me down captain......................may have to think about some restrictions to slow me down mate, you know, keep it interesting for the other guys....
Count me in mr chance.........but I think I'll need an extra 200hp to keep up with Auts, Frutti and the others. Thanks mate
but on a lighter note. when pulled in to the inspection bay by the taskforce yesterday for a drug test, telling them you ain't going to lick anymore sticks until you get a free paddle pop ain't the right thing to do so I found out lol

I think it was a fair request to have the paddle pop first should have told them you didn't want there germs :yuck: after they licked it chance.:):)
so as not to enrage our gtplanet moderators any more is shall use correct grammar to announced the weekend's race
hereye hereye hereye
lord bogan wishes to announced thou is required at bogan manor at 130 past meridan. lord bogan would also like to advise thee of turn 1 and problems that might arise from lack of foot or fingers pressure to pull up your chariot. to race or not to race, that is the question. there shall be no knifing thy enemies in thy back. the lord bogan would also like to advise of a move to a new manor. this one has four wheels instead of two. see you the thy neighbour
so as not to enrage our gtplanet moderators any more is shall use correct grammar to announced the weekend's race
hereye hereye hereye
lord bogan wishes to announced thou is required at bogan manor at 130 past meridan. lord bogan would also like to advise thee of turn 1 and problems that might arise from lack of foot or fingers pressure to pull up your chariot. to race or not to race, that is the question. there shall be no knifing thy enemies in thy back. the lord bogan would also like to advise of a move to a new manor. this one has four wheels instead of two. see you the thy neighbour

Shakespeare hath turnethed in his graveth
I would like to draw your attention to section 45 paragraphs a and b of your ncr rule book. it clearly states that as your self appointed leader, I am responsible for all oh@s and anything considered in poor taste or bad form. the following penalties will be issued.
1 Vh for driving a dark car with no headlights on 2laps
2 Sid and emu for driving red cars which makes their opponents angry 2laps
3 Luke has been seen doing fishy things this week 2laps
4 fast for his concrete slab that has 2mm lean 2laps
5 Sean and egoore for using same colour as me 2laps
6 Clint for knowing who Shakespeare is 2laps
7 rager don't like your rims 2laps
8 Mr hat for wearing a hat not a helmet 2laps
9 frutti his comedy is in poor taste and form 3laps
now to the big ones
10 during last race our kiwi mates let their girlfriends leave the pitbay and eat all the grass in turn 2 10 laps
11 fewzo blue and green should never be seen and neither should green and purple 200laps
hope you all understand this has nothing to do me winning and completely in the in the interest of safety lmfao
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If one does not mind, One usess ones own coulors colours (cant spell as i is fick). Therefore, one requires a 4 lap head start in compansation to ones accusation. (there's that fick bit in me again).
Thank you for your time in reading this.
Master Tatters
Yes mr chance I will run in next series but this maybe be done on a limited schedule. Thank you great one for the epic race series as with out your shear brilliance (cough) and my limited skills (if there is any) there would not be one. lol
now to the big ones
10 during last race our kiwi mates let their girlfriends leave the pitbay and eat all the grass in turn 2 10 laps

I'd like to draw your attention to rule 49 of the NCR rulebook, subsection X.
Any man who takes over another mans girlfriend by the cutting of the corner two snack bar, will incur a 200 Lap penalty.

Following the race 20 of my ladies were gone and 40 of Manoc's as he is more vigorous. Dive cable lost all 100 of his precious ladies.

Stewards have gone over the footage and seen all of the convict (aussie) field; all of them with Sheep rustling heritage, deliberately reaching out of their cars and filling their cars with sheep as they cut corner two.

We implore you to return out ladies, or suffer a 200 lap penalty.
master Sean. lord bogan wishes to advise that thee has listened to your rantings and would like to reply that as this is the winter of his discontent, and thy cup dose not runneth over with love and joy one should be more mindful with ones opinion or one may be force to grab ones frying pan and visit ones dwelling and hit one over ones head to ensure complete loyalty. kind regards lord bogan
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Mr auts I also will have to remind you of section 53 paragraph c which clearly states the any item left unattended outside your pitbay or trailer compound area is deemed as disregarded and open for anyone to use or keep. as in regards for the ladies that may or may not be missing, I would advise you to look in frutti direction as he was driving very baaaadly on Sunday. also subclause c clearly states any sheep found by an Aussie driver upon capture will be Shawn and the fleece used to knit wallabies jerseys, sorry mate but them the rules
ps have a new seatcover. will send you a photo to see if I choose wisely