[NE-21194400] Error

lol first world problems!

Absolutely! I wasn’t even expecting to get a PS4 or GT Sport for Christmas. Thankfully, I got my gift a few weeks early, but it makes me think about how lucky we are to have this game, when others may not be able to afford a PS4.

The servers will get fixed, and all will be good again. (It is still frustrating though.) :lol:
I don’t think that’s a server load problem.
Servers in GT Sport are region restricted, which means they are probably not going to be overloaded at the same. This looks like an issue in the communication between PD’s server and Sony’s. Maybe an authentication problem. Or maybe Sony wasn’t expecting that many requests from the same game and started throttling GT Sport.
Absolutely! I wasn’t even expecting to get a PS4 or GT Sport for Christmas. Thankfully, I got my gift a few weeks early, but it makes me think about how lucky we are to have this game, when others may not be able to afford a PS4.

The servers will get fixed, and all will be good again. (It is still frustrating though.) :lol:
yes....you are right....
Could not connect last evening. Can't connect today. All day. No other game has this problem and I can access The Playstation Store. Other players in my friend list are playing it. I can't. This is like the beta again. 👎
I Wouldn't mind if you could actually play off line without the game trying to reconnect every two minutes, do they not understand this is annoying ??

and no I wont be patient whilst you fix it, it shouldn't be broken in the first place. I didn't pay £100 for a game that clearly doesn't work, are you giving me a refund ? no ? then I wont be patient, hurry up before I load up Forza 7 and get addicted to that instead because I swear that time is fast approaching...................
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I hope it will run again until the Manufacturer Race. Today is my favorit Track Interlagos and if i miss that 1 i already have bad Start into the new Saison. Yes ist is only a Game, but why do most Players play a Game? Everyone needs a Goal to be motivated and mine is a good Result in the Manufacaturer Series ;)
I managed to get connected a few hours ago. Then my house decided shut down the electricity in the wall outlet my router is connected.
Spamming reconnect again now....
I am connected after pushing the reconnect button a few times. Sport mode is also working so i guess it is more a PSN problem?
Just spoke to a friend who works in one of the big GAME stores, he says they’ve had more than 150+ people asking for refunds on GT Sport because of this since 9am GMT.

Also don’t use any cars that have liveries on them, you’ll lose the livery.
This is horlics, get up early, do all your jobs, wrap the pressies, sit down for a few hours uninterrupted gt sport fun and I get this connection rubbish. PD not impressed, I hope you’re sorting this for all the kiddies tomorrow getting this game as a gift!!

Edit: F40 offline time trial no assists is pretty good way to spend the time wisely tho!
I havent tried GT sport since last night. This, is just, and maybe the final nail in the games coffin for me. PC is so much better for career mode. GT Sport, is stunning games, as its become. But, after the career modes in PC1 PC2, i thought, had high hopes GT Sport would come out with something like it and 10 times better.
While I'm waiting, I'm playing about with the picture settings for HDR on the LG OLED

In between fiddling with tv I'm trying to reconnect to the game. I'm now deciding to get a really really strong coffee!
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Thanks Drew - no worry, I'm just so darn frustrated ... 17 hrs now - and I still don't get the "picture" on how the various servers working "together", to let us play online..... I would like to understand how it can happen and as you said .. "why can't we connect?"
At least they should let us be able to save on our local playstation from the GT League. That way we can save up some more money/milage and experience. Merry Christmas! :)
Drew, one more question if possible . :) - I have been playing GT League a few times - and been winning a half mill credits. I see they are adding to my total on top of the page. When able to log back on - will those credits still be there?
For the time being, we have found that in some cases it is still possible to bypass the issue and connect to the server by ignoring the correction error messages and going to the top screen, then trying to manually “Reconnect to the Network” a few times.

For the time being, we have found that in some cases it is still possible to bypass the issue and connect to the server by ignoring the correction error messages and going to the top screen, then trying to manually “Reconnect to the Network” a few times.


Lol. A possible "typo" in that message? message makes no sense.

Also saying "Discorrection error messages" makes just as much sense. Baldershash!
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Drew, one more question if possible . :) - I have been playing GT League a few times - and been winning a half mill credits. I see they are adding to my total on top of the page. When able to log back on - will those credits still be there?

Well, uh, I guess yeah, as long as you don't suspend the application and keep it running until the servers are back online but don't quote me on that one. I don't want to spread false info.
Got a few days holiday here in the UK but have not been able to log on since early this morning,no point playing offline as nothing is saved.Not the end of the world but very annoying for gamers.
Online only saves are obviously the way forward.lol
You can like the online save, no problem with that.

The problem is, they should add a hard save on the local HDD too.

I'm 101% sure no one gives a damn to hack your local save that lies into your consoles HDD.

That way you can play offline, as much as you want.

That save can be uploaded then automatically (if the servers are up again).

That's the whole idea. ;)
I thought about this too. Then you have to deal with two game saves. To many issues I think. The solution is to keep the servers running and perhaps have a secondary back up servers located at a different location like big companies do.
Restarted the application and managed to get back on after hitting Reconnect several times.
While I'm waiting, I'm playing about with the picture settings for HDR for my LG B7 OLED tv. Anyone know best settings for this tv for GT Sport?

In between fiddling with tv I'm trying to reconnect to the game. I'm now deciding to get a really really strong coffee!
Now coffee sounds good right about now. Dark Brazilian Roast :)
This is madness!





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