[NE-21194400] Error

Even with this settings didnt work for me. İ drove whole time (about 4 hours) circiut experience when i was offline, then i tried to reconnect by put into sleep mode (without quitting game).

Uselessly all progress was lost.

Ouch... rubbish servers. Merry Xmas!!! Totally unacceptable.

Made this video...

Anyone know how to contact pd? Surely they knew the servers would be overloaded at this time of year.
It looks like it's the PSN's fault? This is from the GTS site. Fingers crossed from a fellow Scot it'll be fixed soon. I played for 5 hours last nght without 1 save.

"Currently we are experiencing an unstable connection from the Gran Turismo Sport servers to the PlayStation Network servers.

Because of this, an error message is displayed notifying that the game cannot connect to the network."
Anyone know how to contact pd? Surely they knew the servers would be overloaded at this time of year.
Feels like the PSN outage of 2011? 2012? 2010? Somewhere in there.
You won't believe me but I know one of the hackers in real life lol... He was also hacking into the FBI and the National Crime Agency the FBI kicked his door in and took him to the US for questioning, He ended up making videos for the NCA talking about life in prison and the time wasted in there
Just got online now, i tried to connect 4 times and the 4th time did the trick, but it's clear that the connection is very unstable.
I did the trick about 20 times and still nothing.....
Well, I put my PS4 on sleeping mode, with the disc inside....
That was a ironic christmas gift by PD.....
I think everyone needs to chill. I'm with you, online only saving is pathetic. But to PD's defense, this is the first time the servers have had an issue. I don't recall seeing many issues had by multiple people (and there has never been an issue of this scale before)

Fair point, although I'd also say there was no reason for GT Sport to do this in the first place - if the possibility of it tanking the entire game if the servers went wrong existed, why not do it like pretty much every other game and have offline save states? It's no good working 99% of the time if just one server error can break the entire game - this has ruined the experience for 100% of players, even those who don't want to go online. Hell, all I want to do right now is transfer some photos to my USB drive but I can't even access the photos. :banghead:
Even with this settings didnt work for me. İ drove whole time (about 4 hours) circiut experience when i was offline, then i tried to reconnect by put into sleep mode (without quitting game).

Uselessly all progress was lost.

So sorry to hear that :guilty:
I put GT in sleep mode for about an hour, and turned it on now and got back where I left off.

Are you sure that you had ticked of the correct boxes?


I still can’t connect to the servers though!
I'm starting to get a terrible feeling this is some sort of ddos attack against Sony/P.D and that would suck ass.I really hope that's not the case though.
More errors and bugs as time goes by. Usually is the other way around.

I'm starting to get a terrible feeling this is some sort of ddos attack against Sony/P.D and that would suck ass.I really hope that's not the case though.

But people can play other games.
In the afternoon I tried booting the game up and the game just straight up said it failed to connect to the servers.
I think I got affected as well.
So I came back to BF4 Metro only to be greeted by cheater that went 255-8 staying under the floor what a day before Christmas,the lunatics came out to ruin it all.
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