[NE-21194400] Error

Actually, this just makes it all worse. I have no confidence that Sony is competent enough to resolve this permanently. I feel like it must have been related to the update...it can't be a coincidence can it? Truly, they asked for this with an online only save "feature".

Exactly, this wouldn't be nearly as bad if it wasn't for the on line only save "feature".
Actually, this just makes it all worse. I have no confidence that Sony is competent enough to resolve this permanently. I feel like it must have been related to the update...it can't be a coincidence can it? Truly, they asked for this with an online only save "feature".

Same thoughts here.. it's a bit too much of coincidence this happens after the update. It's not the first time I feel a kind of stupid modesty they underestimate their community and numbers of logins, AGAIN. It's part of the Japanese culture I guess, a false humble attitude.. like Madonna is saying "I never will sell 2 milion singles in 1 month" and they're out of order in the first week..

I think the whole Polyphony Digital is rusted, yes they are online and are able to connect social media with PS4 game, but their mindset is still 90's. Online save, nice to have, but for my cats sake, why did they made this Online-Only. After GT6 I said it also and with this error I'm sure, GTsport is the last title in this awesome franchise, but it would never be the best title in this series !
When Diablo III came out everyone slamed it for this exact reason. Same story with EA’s 2013 disaster Sim City.

Game Makers: Always Online feature doesn’t work. Why are you keep insisting on doing that?
Could you imagine the horror when some kid gets GT sport for Christmas only to get bombarded with cringe inducing carols and a game that doesn't work?

tears would be shed

Seems strangely coincidental/oddly convenient that they give us a bunch of single player stuff just before multiplayer goes down.

I mean, you can play all of GTLeague and then save it when the servers come back.

How do you save it?
I hope they can fix it today i want to play because the game is fun. I managed to get my SR rating from a B back to an S yesterday doing the daily sport race in Kyoto with the vision subaru one make race.
I'm surprised Forza 7 or Project CARS 2 haven't launched a social media campaign basically saying "Gran Turismo not connecting? Why don't you just return it and enjoy something that actually works!" if I was in the marketing dept I'd do this straight away, I'd even offer a bonus for those who can proof they returned Gran Turismo in exchange for the other.
A lack of desired results is not indicative of a lack of effort. Obviously, this is not a case of needing to reboot the servers because, first off, a reboot would not take this long, and second any numpty could do it.

No one, no matter how indignant their community may be, sits back and says "screw you, I'm fixing this when I feel like it."
If it's not a server attack or some bs and indeed the servers are over-loaded then it's their fault. They should have seen that coming. They should have hosted the game at some bigger servers.

You can't make an always-online game and expect potato servers to handle the over-load especially during the holidays when the whole PSN runs at its highest gear possible.
I'm surprised Forza 7 or Project CARS 2 haven't launched a social media campaign basically saying "Gran Turismo not connecting? Why don't you just return it and enjoy something that actually works!" if I was in the marketing dept I'd do this straight away, I'd even offer a bonus for those who can proof they returned Gran Turismo in exchange for the other.

Sure you would (when you have done uninstalling for the 5th time and coming to tell us about it. Again.)

Of course the actual companies are professional and have a slightly longer-term vision than you, and an idea of how hubris tends to bite people in the ass. They have also had plenty of server and other issues themselves and will have sympathy for their counterparts.
Was the first tweet a typo or do you already have more info about a resolve date? First info was Christmas Eve and second tweet was Christmas?
First tweet was deleted because the feature image didn't work.

Second tweet didn't use the #ChristmasEve hashtag because I noticed Twitter's official #Christmas hashtag included a gingerbread man and I wanted to use that. :lol:
Gotta love how its the xmas break and most likely the staff are on holidays so goooooooooooodluck getting this fixed in time we probably wont see anything till week 2 of Jan at this rate. Cant believe they cant fix it still. Have they released a statement or a twitter rep to confirm anything? Its turning into a disaster. This is why we dont need always online consoles next gen, digital only or online saves only. surprised PD havent listened to the fans asking for offline saves for ages now

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