[NE-21194400] Error

I hope. When it first failed I played because I thought it was temporary (like 10 minutes or so xD) so Ive done some GT League races... I dont want to lose the progress but Im really close to reboot my ps4...
Thanks to this error, Christmas Eve was first day without any km done.

Somehow I expected that with brutal price on Christmas deal #12.

On other way, I didn't have a lot time to play but yes, I would enoy in little Christmas songs and at least one Nordschleife run...

I only hope so that they ll fix it quick.

For yesterday, I forgive you PD and wish you happy Christmas!

GTP, happy Christmas :)
Even if it were always online and we weren't able to play at all this weekend, I would STILL take that over playing with a bunch of modded cheaters. That's my take.

Meh, there are ways around that and has already been used, successfully, by other games. Local saves which are replicated and updated online after a verification checksum is all it needs and there's absolutely no reason why PD can't implement it. Still paranoid about cheaters? then impose a ban on anyone found to have tampered with their local save file, end of story.
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A possible solution for someone still in game and unable to connect, before restarting the game and losing progress, is to re-setup your wi-fi connection.. this may flush the DNS cache and cause the game to properly attempt the connection again. If you are seeing in game where trying to reconnect brings up immediately to a 'you must be connected' message rather than a pause then a 'cannot find server' type of thing this may work.

Just an off-chance.
I anticipated the anti-DDOS systems put in plac after the laste large attack could create this issue. This must have been the worst advice Sony and PD could have given and there should be some meetings in the office after this very bad advice was give to the public.
Hmm not sure about that, the spamming only started after the denials had been happening, and if you can get someone connected they will stop talking to the login server which reduces calls so may more than offset the spamming.
Seems the block at PD serverers are more severe than just IP. In a last effort to try and save my data I connected my router to a VPN and then reset the internet connection on the PS4 to refresh its cache and use this tunnel.

I then got a short glimpse of "reconnecting" for about 1-3/10th of a second but same error all the time. I guess there is also some kind of session key/token used in this that only can be reset by closing the GTS application which makes you loose your save :/

I actually bought a PS4 Pro + accessories for racing just for GTS, this kinda sucks.

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