Need a Good 500PP Tune for the Camaro SS '10!

  • Thread starter Kwicko
I don't know why, but I'm having hell on the Cape Ring TT this week. I've tried many, many cars on it, but the closest I've gotten to gold is with the '10 Camaro SS, and I'm still off by .9xx seconds.

Anyone want to share their complete setup to help out? Weight/HP/transmission/suspension/etc. settings would be awesome.

Thanks in advance!
Yes, and this is a forum dedicated to tuning. I thought a question about tuning was a good fit for what is billed as a "Tuning Forum".
Yes, and this is a forum dedicated to tuning. I thought a question about tuning was a good fit for what is billed as a "Tuning Forum".

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, lol. (If you have ever seen the Wizard of Oz, then you will get that attempt at humor) You'll have to forgive Adrenalin, he doesn't play well with others. Just joking Adrenalin, no need to come back at me.👍
Forgive me not.
Pull your head out of... 'the sand' click on the link I've given you. Click on the thread titled with the Time Trial in question and take a wild guess what you'll find. Anyone care to guess? I'll give you a hint: It starts with Chevrolet, Ends with SS '10, rhymes with Camaro, and comes complete with a suspension setup that runs 2:55's. (7 seconds faster than the Gold Requirement)
I'm surprised you didn't give him the link to your page also Adrenaline as those tunes could be adapted as well.
All I did to my car was set my gears as below and set the diff to 8/16/8.

Set Default
Set FD to max (slider right)
Set Speed to min (slider left)
1st 0% (slider left)
2nd 20%
3rd 40%
4th 60%
5th 80%
6th 100% (slider right)
Set FD so Top Speed is around 155mph.

2nd fastest on my Friends List, althought there are some fast individuals that haven't taken part in the event yet.

With some suspension tuning, I'm sure I can find a small handful of time...

Forgive me not.
Pull your head out of... 'the sand' click on the link I've given you. Click on the thread titled with the Time Trial in question and take a wild guess what you'll find. Anyone care to guess? I'll give you a hint: It starts with Chevrolet, Ends with SS '10, rhymes with Camaro, and comes complete with a suspension setup that runs 2:55's. (7 seconds faster than the Gold Requirement)

Yes, and at the time you posted the link to that thread, there was no tune posted in it, and no tune was posted in that thread until about an hour after my response.

The Tuning Forum seemed like the better place to ask for a particular tune for a particular car. Clearly I was wrong in thinking that. My apologies.

Anyway, I already found a tune that works.
Yes, and at the time you posted the link to that thread, there was no tune posted in it, and no tune was posted in that thread until about an hour after my response.

The Tuning Forum seemed like the better place to ask for a particular tune for a particular car. Clearly I was wrong in thinking that. My apologies.

Anyway, I already found a tune that works.

Its always better to do a search first to avoid any situations like this. Realize that alot of people post questions when the answers are right under their nose. I can understand where Adrenaline is coming from with his response. Maybe put a bit harsh by him, but true. Glad you found a tune.
Just because it didn't exist at the time, doesn't negate the fact, that it was the best location to find what you were looking for. No more, no less. My intent was not to spoon feed you exactly what you need, but to direct you to the most logical, and far more likely place for what you need, to actually show up; which it did. So while the timeline holds true, it doesn't hold relevance. My initial reply held no insult, no sarcasm, nothing more than helpful information, to direct you to the place best suited to help you find what you needed. My attitude made no appearance until you replied with your snide remark.

So, yes, this is the tuning forum, but that doesn't automatically make it the best option to find certain tunes. Certain, by which I mean, specific. So while I won't insult someone for asking for a drift 'tune' in the tuning forum, I'll still direct them to the Drifting Forum, just as succinctly as I did you, to the Seasonal Events forum. Whatever connotation you mistakenly included from simple reply, containing no more than a single link, and an explanation of said link, is of no consequence, nor concern, to me.

The tuning forum, tends to focus on set ups that won't become obsolete within a week. Whereas the Seasonal Events Forum, is entirely catered to one-time-use setups, that are currently trending and in demand. I'm glad you found what you were looking for, but I'm sorry that you feel I owed you more than was given in my initial response, because I disagree.
If either of you had actually read the thread you directed me to, you'd have seen that I had already read it and posted in it, and you'd have realized that there was no tune in that thread when I posted THIS thread (and which was the reason I posted this thread in the first place). Yes, I do know how to search. I read every post in every thread about the Cape Ring TT before I posted this one; in fact, the entire reason I posted this one was because I couldn't find any tuning info for this car and this track.

If my reply seemed snarky, I apologize; it was in response to what *I* felt was a snarky and unhelpful reply, along the lines of "here's a link to a thread with no information in it that will help with what you asked about."

And yes, somebody DID eventually post a tune in that thread, after I asked for some help there, in response to me asking there, and long after I came looking here.

And I don't feel you "owed" me anything at all. Nobody "owes" me anything, not even a reply. ;)
Forget trying to reason with him Adrenaline. He seems to think we were rude to him, as he went crying to another forum about us. I did not show him attitude at all. Matter of fact, I even tried to keep it light-hearted by making a joke about you to him.. And yet, I somehow showed him attitude. Go figure.
I agree with you but I think the reason Adrenaline pointed him in that direction was because he was looking for a tune specifically for the tt's. I just used Adrenaline's site to find a base tune and adapted it. Either way, the guy got what he was looking for and in my opinion, nobody is really right or wrong here.
Really does seem like the tuning forum would be the place to go for setups. I couldn't care less if someone thinks that I'm wrong.

Even if that were the case, the tuning forum sticky contains 12 different tunes for the car in question. :)
Does anyone use the search function in the tuning forum. Or maybe look at some of the tuners anymore.
Apparently not killer. How's life in the Great White North. Good to see you are still hanging around, lol. Peace my friend.
Even if that were the case, the tuning forum sticky contains 12 different tunes for the car in question. :)

Regardless of that there was no reason to be a jerk about any of it. Maybe point him to that actual thread with the info he's asking for instead of one that at the time didn't have what was requested.
Most of the folks that come in here asking for tunes have not done any searching on the matter. Kwicko did not state that he had done so and responded rather poorly the effort, however brief it may have been.

The sticky has been made as obvious as it can be that it is the place to go to look for a tune. Adrenaline pointed him to another obvious place to look. He did not look to see what/if Kwicko had searched or posted on nor would I expect such. Most folks here will not hand feed you a tune but tell you "hey, look here" in an effort to keep you from coming back and doing the same thing all over.

If you are looking for some specific information, say so if you've looked already. If you found something, why did it work or not? "I'm looking for this, thanks" is not enough. Give as much information as you can so we don't tell you to do something you've already done or to go somewhere you've already been. If you can't put forth the effort to help your own situation nobody else will do it for you.
I'm pretty certain that there is not a tune for the Camaro SS at Cape Ring @500pp on Sports Hards, in the Tuning Forum.

I think there should be more tunes for the Time Trials in the tuning forum.

And the tuners should be competing to see how high in the leaderboards they can get there setup.
People should just stop being lazy and have a look around. Also, the tunes in Adrenalines site can be adapted, with little effort, to whatever you need them for. I do it all the time. I guess its just easier tho to come on here with an I need thread and expect someone to spoon feed them a setup.
I honestly dont see the problem with someone asking for a setup, weather they have looked or havent it doesnt matter. The reason we have these forums is so people can ask questions and get help off others.

I find it alot easier, and helpful, if I ask a question and somebody gives me an answer to the question I asked. Rather than looking through pages of text that dont help me at all.
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I guess Jack, either way works. I have no problem finding what I'm looking for so I guess I just expect others to do the same. But like you said, we're here to help I guess. The few times I did ask for something in the past, I got that damn search button thrown in my face so I don't even bother asking anymore, I just search.