Need a software to edit photoes,help!

I need some photo editing software to edit the photos taken before as a slideshow. Who knows such kind of software,

please do me a favor and I will appreciate you very much
Firstly, welcome to GTPlanet :). You really need to provide more information when asking for suggestions. The more information you provide us, the more information we can give to you.

* What operating system are you using?
* Are you looking for free software, or do you want commercial software?
* If commercial, then how much are you willing to spend?
* What kind of "editing?" Heavy editing as in Photoshop?
* Have you searched Google?

For photo editing, I personally use The GIMP. There are many people here that use this application so you can find plenty of help if you need it.
Adobe Creative Suite 2 Premium :P

Seriously, if your doing light touch ups, GIMP is free (Adobe Photoshop Elements is good, but you'll have to pay for it) but if you want to get into more complicated stuff, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and Corel are the programs I'd reccommend.
Firstly, welcome to GTPlanet :). You really need to provide more information when asking for suggestions. The more information you provide us, the more information we can give to you.

* What operating system are you using?
* Are you looking for free software, or do you want commercial software?
* If commercial, then how much are you willing to spend?
* What kind of "editing?" Heavy editing as in Photoshop?
* Have you searched Google?

For photo editing, I personally use The GIMP. There are many people here that use this application so you can find plenty of help if you need it.

now i use windows xp. i am looking for a free software firstly, if there is no the free software suit me, i will find a commercial software. i hope it has a low price. and i wannt edit my photos to a slideshow with some music.
I searched Google and found lots of free slideshow software. However, I haven't heard of many of the products in the search results so I don't know how credible they are.

I suggest taking a look at Google's Picasa. I use this software and it's the best photo organizer I have come across. The best part is it's free.

the Picasa website
With Picasa, you can turn a group of photos into a presentation with one click, then share your slide show on a CD

You can make a slideshow, but you'll have to find out if you can add music in the background. Perhaps another member can confirm if the add-music feature exists. Good luck with your slideshow.
If all you are trying to do is organise them into a slideshow with music, but not edit the photos, then Nero (which should have come with your burner - if you have one) has the facilities to create a Kodak Image CD, which will play in 90% of DVD players/CDROM drives.
I searched Google and found lots of free slideshow software. However, I haven't heard of many of the products in the search results so I don't know how credible they are.

I suggest taking a look at Google's Picasa. I use this software and it's the best photo organizer I have come across. The best part is it's free.

You can make a slideshow, but you'll have to find out if you can add music in the background. Perhaps another member can confirm if the add-music feature exists. Good luck with your slideshow.

thanx for your suggestion. i have used the 'google's picasa', but it just organize the image at my computer, it seems that the software cant edit the image. maybe i dont know all the feature about the software.
i saw a guy post his slideshow with music at a forum at one time. i ask him how to do this, but he didnt answer me. it seems a .rm format. but i dont know how to do it. do you know how to do it?
Check out the support section of the Picasa website. You'll find information about the features and get instructions on how to make a slideshow. Are you wanting to make a slideshow on a CD or just on your computer?

Sorry, I have limited knowledge of Real Media. I haven't used Real Player in a long time.
Check out the support section of the Picasa website. You'll find information about the features and get instructions on how to make a slideshow. Are you wanting to make a slideshow on a CD or just on your computer?

Sorry, I have limited knowledge of Real Media. I haven't used Real Player in a long time.

ok, i will do it with your suggestion. i wanna do the slideshow for my personal website, and post the site at my space. i do it just for fun. hoho~~ thank you very much.

do you know what site has a large space for web hosting? now i use the googlepage and googlepage give me some layouts to edit my site, but its disadvantage is that i cant write HTML directly, i think it is a limitation. so i use the serve of at the same time, i can upload my html file to my space at the site. it is easy and convenient.

different serve, different thought.
My knowledge on web design is very limited, but I'm sure if you ask in the Computers and Web Design forum, there are some members there that might be able to help.
My knowledge on web design is very limited, but I'm sure if you ask in the Computers and Web Design forum, there are some members there that might be able to help.

hehe, me too. i also have a limited knowledge on web design. now i am studying some knowledge about it. i think it is very interesting. i will search some forum about computers and web desigen. could you please introduce one or two nice forum about it me? thanx a lot.
If you need to create a slideshow, use MS Powerpoint (Which is included with Windows XP Pro and MS Office)
If you need to create a slideshow, use MS Powerpoint (Which is included with Windows XP Pro and MS Office)

i know the software. and i use it to make demo file.
i think Powerpoint is make some .pdf format pictures, and the result is not suit me. so i wanna find other software.