Need For Speed Heat - General Discussion

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I genuinely feel bad for anyone that will buy a Ghost NFS game at full price. I've spent 11$ on 2015 and Payback combined through two different sales (5$ for 15, 6$ for Payback), and they're both so terrible I still feel like I've been ripped off.

I think it's safe to assume it'll be the exact same miserable experience as the other two Ghost titles, this time with an a e s t h e t i c coat of paint.
I recently bought Payback for $10 and I still felt ripped off. An absolute stinker of a game. Boring as hell. I couldn't be bothered to get past chapter 4 or do all those challenges scattared around the map.

I did however pay $30 for the Deluxe Edition on the PS Store a month after it's release for NFS 2015. No regrets there as I've put more than 100 hours into the game and genuinely enjoyed my time with it. If HEAT is anything like NFS 2015 but vastly improved, I'm in.

Problem is this reveal trailer won't even show any gameplay anyway. If it's anything like "the run" i'll give it another very wide birth. Looks like it's using frostbite engine again from those two screen images as well, i can just feel that the physics will be terrible. Even if that cover arts, if it even is such, does look great.
Cinematic reveal trailer today and gameplay being shown at Gamescom. I'm not expecting anything else.
As much as I want to say I won't be drawn in to the hype around this the whole neon aesthetic has really piqued my interest as I love that look. I hope they have managed to make the game visuals match the logo somewhat because that would be great!
Need For Speed defined my childhood. I lost count of the hours I spent playing Hot Pursuit 2 on the PS2, MW2005, and ProStreet, Shift, Shift 2, Hot Pursuit, The Run. My favorite... was a huge minority as I loved Shift, followed by Hot Pursuit, Carbon, MW2012 and the Run rounds out my top 5.

The game I played the most was probably MW2012 on the PSVita which was probably the last NFS game I actually played for a decent length of time. Rivals was OK but a bit bland, the few minutes I played of 2015 were ****awful. Payback sounds good but I never played it.

Hopefully for Heat they remove the RNG customisation and readd freeroam cops. That's all I ask, shouldn't be too hard should it?
Shift were superb games... if you managed to get by the physics and weird camera motion (I did by playing with wheel and cockpit view). No wonder why SMS feels so confident to get back that kind of game with Project Cars 3.
One final Hot Take (are these warmth-based puns funny yet?) I want to get out there before the trailer drops:

Because I've played the games I have, part of me wants to say the art style could be a nod towards this NFS being one of the rare times the franchise doesn't take itself too seriously and just has fun with the whole thing - maybe to the point of going a bit too over board. If that's the case, I have just two requirements for the trailer:
  1. It needs to embrace the cheese. I want to be able to watch this trailer and think "this makes Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon look clinically clean". That sort of cheese. Which yes, means having a voiceover done by the sort of actor that starts every morning with the words "in a world.."
  2. Make that voiceover either Jim Conrad or Al Murdock (or is it David Kaye who does that? Idunno and it doesn't really matter, it's unlikely to happen and only a handful of people will know what I'm on about and why those VAs are appropriate considering it's the 25th anniversary of the franchise anyway)
In other speculations, people elsewhere have already started thinking about the location. Current consensus (especially considering they've actually gone and named the game "Heat") seems to be that Palm City (..get it? Because Miami = palm trees and being a city?) is a reasonable guess for the name. If that name sounds familiar to you and not in the sort of oh-my-this-****post-of-a-YouTube-video-just-gets-more-and-more-on-point-every-year way, then congratulations, you've either read that one comment or you're an OG (I'm pretty sure people still say "OG").
So basically it's Payback with the factions with new updated graphic and title?
Still doesn't sound like we can play as cops either.
So that's kinda eh.
Maybe try the demo if there is one but I will be preoccupied by BL3
Looks like it might take place in the same city. Atleast that's what the trailer looked like.
the wide body kits looks way more ridiculous this time, good to see cars available from previous games are getting new kits too. Don't remember the Porsche 911 could be that wide in Payback.

The community manager mention on reddit there will be no loot box and microtransactions, they plan to do paid car packs DLC and time saver packs for collectables.
Pro Street vibes definitely kicked in. Not gonna say that I'm super excited for this one, but I have to keep an eye on this.

Oh wait, was this the first time when there was a true swearing in an NFS (or its trailer)? I only remember those 'damn' or 'you're bad' "swearings" from previous games. :lol:

Eh, don't you just feel like Payback was revealed just a few months ago? Time flies so quick... :guilty:
Was expecting an Hot Pursuit game with proper story, not this Urban, Fast and Furious Ripped off, Rap music Rubbish!
Given the styling of the Heat logo, I truly hoped they were going to be really brave and set it in the 80s, with the cocaine chic modifying scene. Imagine the bodykits for the Mercedes SLs and 930 Turbos. I was both too optimistic and naive that they would spend that much effort on a franchise that gets phoned in yearly for the last decade.
Looks nice, but definitely not pre-ordering this one out of caution.

I don't like the idea of cops in freeroam, unless they can be disabled in the options, because cops in NFS, as of late, are brutal and will never, ever, leave you alone. I like occasionally to just enjoy the sights or attack a stretch of open road without being in constant fear of triggering cops.

Return of Ferrari is a plus for me and it's looking very good, both in the day and in the night.
Looks nice, but definitely not pre-ordering this one out of caution.

I don't like the idea of cops in freeroam, unless they can be disabled in the options, because cops in NFS, as of late, are brutal and will never, ever, leave you alone. I like occasionally to just enjoy the sights or attack a stretch of open road without being in constant fear of triggering cops.

Return of Ferrari is a plus for me and it's looking very good, both in the day and in the night.

You can switch to daytime at any point in the garage which make the cops far more lenient. If you leave them alone, they leave you alone (hopefully that also means they turn a blind eye when you blitz past them at 200+mph.)
You can switch to daytime at any point in the garage which make the cops far more lenient. If you leave them alone, they leave you alone (hopefully that also means they turn a blind eye when you blitz past them at 200+mph.)

Well, that scene in the trailer, with the cop going "Do you know how fast you were going?" was during the day so... not very confident.
I mean, it looks neat, and the fact that there's a customizable Countach tickles my fancy (hoping for a Testarossa to go full Miami Vice), but overall not overly excited for it. Then again, I'm one of the weird people that enjoyed the crap out of both Payback and NFS 2015, so it can't possibly be worse than those two games.

All I can say is, roll on Gamescom.

EDIT: so this just turned up on the NFS subreddit...


...which looks to confirm pursuit Heat Levels are back in some capacity. Also, is that I health bar I spot to the left of the tachometer?
..I'm going to take a cautious approach to this one. For starters, it will inevitably end up on sale for Christmas, by which point they might just have resolved some of the obligatory entry-level-QA issues. Score one for me.

More than that, however, what we've seen thus far ticks all the classic Ghost boxes of having some ideas that look good on paper. Unfortunately, none of these ideas have ever really worked, for a variety of reasons. I'll ride out this storm and live to see what people make of this one (because screw demos lol) another day. And yes, most of that is a reference to something.

Also, and I realise I'm a little late to this, but remember when they sort-of said that Ferrari wasn't returning because something something Pimp My Ride? Turns sure have tabled, huh?

Also also, Countach. It's appropriate that this appears to be (modified to resemble?) the 25th Anniversary model, not just because "ha ha it's NFS' 25th anniversary", but because it's been about 20 years since we last saw that model in NFS. I kinda want to applaud Ghost on this one. More nuggets like this, the fact that the location is indeed called Palm City (though, until we see a volcano around, I'm still guessing that's a happy coincidence) and that one thing in Payback, and less of whatever you want to call everything else.

Also also also even if there's none of the games-are-too-expensive-to-make BS in at launch, let's not forget that this is EA aka "that new FIFA 2020 thing won't have microtransactions at launch. So thanks ESRB for making a label to cover our behinds, we shall now thank you by stabbing you in the back because we love short-term money and consequences be damned" we're talking about.

Overall hype levels: about a 3/10. It's not been the catastrophic failure I expected it to be, but there are still some very important questions that demand some good answers before money is flung in their direction. More now than ever.
I for one fully accept the cheesy story, I think it's stupid in a fun kind of way. I also appreciated the payback story a little bit, I liked making fun of how the house always wins. I mainly hope the widebodies arent too over the top. Rocket bunny/liberty walk kits yeah sure, but when the kit adds like an extra 3 feet, that's a no. Also I feel no one really knows what they want for cops. To much between they want them there, but they want them to be basically useless once your car is tuned.
It's not been the catastrophic failure I expected it to be, but there are still some very important questions that demand some good answers
Heck, we need more than just answers (remember those "Game Changers" and some of F8RGE's posts from Payback?), we need solid evidence.
I need my Most Wanted fix back. I was playing Horizon and was thinking "what happened to serious street taco plots in the racing genre?"

I kind of miss the ugly body kits and goofy vinyls, as well as underglow. The over-serious cutscene acting was fun, too.

I kept my fixes (both NFS:MW versions) & have been dipping back into MW 2012. I'll gladly forgo the neon kits from Underground.

Need For Speed defined my childhood. I lost count of the hours I spent playing Hot Pursuit 2 on the PS2, MW2005, and ProStreet, Shift, Shift 2, Hot Pursuit, The Run. My favorite... was a huge minority as I loved Shift, followed by Hot Pursuit, Carbon, MW2012 and the Run rounds out my top 5.

The game I played the most was probably MW2012 on the PSVita which was probably the last NFS game I actually played for a decent length of time. Rivals was OK but a bit bland, the few minutes I played of 2015 were ****awful. Payback sounds good but I never played it.

Hopefully for Heat they remove the RNG customisation and readd freeroam cops. That's all I ask, shouldn't be too hard should it?

Top 10 (in no particular order): World (PC only), MW 2005, MW 2012, Hot Pursuit '98, High Stakes ('99), Hot Pursuit 2010, Shift, Underground 2, Carbon, HP 2 (2002). Those are the games that I put the most time into. The rest can just burn.

Make that voiceover either Jim Conrad or Al Murdock (or is it David Kaye who does that? Idunno and it doesn't really matter, it's unlikely to happen and only a handful of people will know what I'm on about and why those VAs are appropriate considering it's the 25th anniversary of the franchise anyway)

Safe to presume that one of those guys did the narration from NFS 3: Hot Pursuit as well as High Stakes? That dude telling us about the tracks in HP was good.

Maybe try the demo if there is one.

This will be the only way EA will convince me to buy the full game. Needless to say, it has to be good. If the cars handle like a Conestoga wagon, I'm out.

I don't like the idea of cops in freeroam, unless they can be disabled in the options, because cops in NFS, as of late, are brutal and will never, ever, leave you alone. I like occasionally to just enjoy the sights or attack a stretch of open road without being in constant fear of triggering cops.

Cops in free roam has been one of my favorite aspects. Just when you thought you'd get away with your skin, they spot you & here you go again. It's more realistic that way.

If you leave the cops alone, they leave you alone (hopefully that also means they turn a blind eye when you blitz past them at 200+mph.)

At that rate, they won't know what it was that passed them & they sure won't be able to catch you. :lol: